
Quick Installation

Installation from PyPI:

pip install rubin-scheduler

or from conda-forge:

conda install -c conda-forge rubin-scheduler

Please note that following either installation, additional data must be downloaded to use the software, following the instructions at Data Download.

For Developer Use

First, clone the rubin_scheduler repository:

git clone
cd rubin_scheduler
conda create --channel conda-forge --name rubin_scheduler --file requirements.txt python=3.11
conda activate rubin_scheduler
conda install -c conda-forge --file=test-requirements.txt # Optional for running unit tests
pip install -e . --no-deps

Please note that following installation, additional data must be downloaded to use the software, following the instructions at Data Download.

Building Documentation

An online copy of the documentation is available at, however building a local copy can be done as follows:

pip install "documenteer[guide]"
cd docs
make html

The root of the local documentation will then be docs/_build/html/index.html.