__all__ = (
import warnings
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.basis_functions import BaseBasisFunction
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import HpInLsstFov, IntRounded
from rubin_scheduler.utils import DEFAULT_NSIDE, _angular_separation, _hp_grow_mask
class SolarElongMaskBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction):
"""Mask regions larger than some solar elongation limit
elong_limit : float (45)
The limit beyond which to mask (degrees)
def __init__(self, elong_limit=45.0, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE):
msg = (
"SolarElongMaskBasisFunction is scheduled for"
" deprecation, swap to SolarElongationMaskBasisFunction."
warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)
super(SolarElongMaskBasisFunction, self).__init__(nside=nside)
self.elong_limit = IntRounded(np.radians(elong_limit))
self.result = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
def _calc_value(self, conditions, indx=None):
result = self.result.copy()
to_mask = np.where(IntRounded(conditions.solar_elongation) > self.elong_limit)[0]
result[to_mask] = np.nan
return result
class HaMaskBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction):
"""Limit the sky based on hour angle
ha_min : float (None)
The minimum hour angle to accept (hours)
ha_max : float (None)
The maximum hour angle to accept (hours)
def __init__(self, ha_min=None, ha_max=None, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE):
super(HaMaskBasisFunction, self).__init__(nside=nside)
self.ha_max = ha_max
self.ha_min = ha_min
self.result = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
def _calc_value(self, conditions, **kwargs):
result = self.result.copy()
if self.ha_min is not None:
good = np.where(conditions.HA < (self.ha_min / 12.0 * np.pi))[0]
result[good] = np.nan
if self.ha_max is not None:
good = np.where(conditions.HA > (self.ha_max / 12.0 * np.pi))[0]
result[good] = np.nan
return result
class AreaCheckMaskBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction):
"""Take a list of other mask basis functions, and do an additional
check for area available"""
def __init__(self, bf_list, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, min_area=1000.0):
super(AreaCheckMaskBasisFunction, self).__init__(nside=nside)
self.bf_list = bf_list
self.result = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
self.min_area = min_area
def check_feasibility(self, conditions):
result = True
for bf in self.bf_list:
if not bf.check_feasibility(conditions):
return False
area_map = self.result.copy()
for bf in self.bf_list:
area_map *= bf(conditions)
good_pix = np.where(area_map == 0)[0]
if hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True) * good_pix.size < self.min_area:
result = False
return result
def _calc_value(self, conditions, **kwargs):
result = self.result.copy()
for bf in self.bf_list:
result *= bf(conditions)
return result
class SolarElongationMaskBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction):
"""Mask things at various solar elongations
min_elong : float (0)
The minimum solar elongation to consider (degrees).
max_elong : float (60.)
The maximum solar elongation to consider (degrees).
def __init__(self, min_elong=0.0, max_elong=60.0, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, penalty=np.nan):
super(SolarElongationMaskBasisFunction, self).__init__(nside=nside)
self.min_elong = np.radians(min_elong)
self.max_elong = np.radians(max_elong)
self.penalty = penalty
self.result = np.empty(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
def _calc_value(self, conditions, indx=None):
result = self.result.copy()
in_range = np.where(
(IntRounded(conditions.solar_elongation) >= IntRounded(self.min_elong))
& (IntRounded(conditions.solar_elongation) <= IntRounded(self.max_elong))
result[in_range] = 1
return result
class PlanetMaskBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction):
"""Mask the bright planets.
mask_radius : float (3.5)
The radius to mask around a planet (degrees).
planets : list of str (None)
A list of planet names to mask. Defaults to ['venus', 'mars',
'jupiter']. Not including Saturn because it moves really slowly
and has average apparent mag of ~0.4, so fainter than Vega.
def __init__(self, mask_radius=3.5, planets=None, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, scale=1e5):
super(PlanetMaskBasisFunction, self).__init__(nside=nside)
if planets is None:
planets = ["venus", "mars", "jupiter"]
self.planets = planets
self.mask_radius = np.radians(mask_radius)
self.result = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside))
# set up a kdtree. Could maybe use healpy.query_disc instead.
self.in_fov = HpInLsstFov(nside=nside, fov_radius=mask_radius, scale=scale)
def _calc_value(self, conditions, indx=None):
result = self.result.copy()
for pn in self.planets:
indices = self.in_fov(
np.max(conditions.planet_positions[pn + "_RA"]),
np.max(conditions.planet_positions[pn + "_dec"]),
result[indices] = np.nan
return result
class AltAzShadowMaskBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction):
"""Mask out a range of altitudes and azimuths, including
regions which will enter the mask within `shadow_minutes`.
Masks any alt/az regions as specified by the conditions object in
`conditions.sky_az_limits` and `conditions.sky_alt_limits`,
as well as values as provided by `min_alt`, `max_alt`,
`min_az` and `max_az`.
nside : `int` or None
HEALpix nside. Default None will look up the package-wide default.
min_alt : `float`
Minimum altitude to apply to the mask. Default 20 (degrees).
max_alt : `float`
Maximum altitude to allow. Default 82 (degrees).
min_az : `float`
Minimum azimuth value to apply to the mask. Default 0 (degrees).
These azimuth values are absolute azimuth, not cumulative.
The absolute and cumulative azimuth only diverge if the azimuth
range is greater than 360 degrees.
max_az : `float`
Maximum azimuth value to apply to the mask. Default 360 (degrees).
shadow_minutes : `float`
How long to extend masked area in longitude. Default 40 (minutes).
Choose this value based on the time between when a field might
be chosen to be scheduled and when it might be observed.
For pairs, the minimum pair time + some buffer is good.
For sequences, try the length of the sequence + some buffer.
Note that this just sets up the shadow *at* the shadow_minutes time
(and not all times up to shadow_minutes).
pad : `float`
The value by which to pad the telescope limits, to avoid
healpix values mapping into pointings from the field tesselations
which are actually out of bounds. This should typically be
a bit more than the radius of the fov. (degrees).
def __init__(
self.min_alt = np.radians(min_alt)
self.max_alt = np.radians(max_alt)
self.min_az = np.radians(min_az)
self.max_az = np.radians(max_az)
self.shadow_time = shadow_minutes / 60.0 / 24.0 # To days
self.pad = np.radians(pad)
self.r_min_alt = IntRounded(self.min_alt)
self.r_max_alt = IntRounded(self.max_alt)
self.scale = scale
def _calc_value(self, conditions, indx=None):
# Basis function value will be 0 except where masked (then np.nan)
result = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
# Compute the alt,az values in the future. Use the conditions object
# so the results are cached and can be used by other surveys is
# needed. Technically this could fail if the masked region is
# very narrow or shadow time is very large.
future_alt, future_az = conditions.future_alt_az(float(np.max(conditions.mjd)) + self.shadow_time)
r_future_alt = IntRounded(future_alt)
r_current_alt = IntRounded(conditions.alt)
# Check the basis function altitude limits, now and future
result[np.where(r_current_alt < self.r_min_alt)] = np.nan
result[np.where(r_current_alt > self.r_max_alt)] = np.nan
result[np.where(r_future_alt < self.r_min_alt)] = np.nan
result[np.where(r_future_alt > self.r_max_alt)] = np.nan
# Check the conditions objects 'sky_alt_limit', now and future
if (conditions.sky_alt_limits is not None) and (len(conditions.sky_alt_limits) > 0):
combined = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
for limits in conditions.sky_alt_limits:
# For conditions-based limits, must add pad
# And remember that discontinuous areas can be allowed
in_bounds = np.ones(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
min_alt = IntRounded(limits[0])
max_alt = IntRounded(limits[1])
in_bounds[np.where(r_current_alt < min_alt)] = 0
in_bounds[np.where(r_current_alt > max_alt)] = 0
in_bounds[np.where(r_future_alt < min_alt)] = 0
in_bounds[np.where(r_future_alt > max_alt)] = 0
combined += in_bounds
result[np.where(combined == 0)] = np.nan
# And check against the telescope 'tel_alt_limits'.
# The tel_alt_limits could be combined with the sky_alt_limits,
# but it's a bit tricky because sky_alt_limits are (potentially)
# disjoint allowable areas, while the tel_alt_limits are a single
# wide set of allowable area which explicitly disallows anything
# outside that range. The az limits versions are similar.
if conditions.tel_alt_limits is not None:
min_alt = IntRounded(conditions.tel_alt_limits[0])
max_alt = IntRounded(conditions.tel_alt_limits[1])
result[np.where(r_current_alt < min_alt)] = np.nan
result[np.where(r_current_alt > max_alt)] = np.nan
result[np.where(r_future_alt < min_alt)] = np.nan
result[np.where(r_future_alt > max_alt)] = np.nan
# note that % (mod) is not supported for IntRounded
two_pi = 2 * np.pi
# Check the basis function azimuth limits, now and future
if np.abs(self.max_az - self.min_az) < two_pi:
az_range = (self.max_az - self.min_az) % (two_pi)
out_of_bounds = np.where((conditions.az - self.min_az) % (two_pi) > az_range)[0]
result[out_of_bounds] = np.nan
out_of_bounds = np.where((future_az - self.min_az) % (two_pi) > az_range)[0]
result[out_of_bounds] = np.nan
# Check the conditions objects azimuth limits, now and future
if (conditions.sky_az_limits is not None) and (len(conditions.sky_az_limits) > 0):
combined = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
for limits in conditions.sky_az_limits:
in_bounds = np.ones(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
min_az = limits[0]
max_az = limits[1]
if np.abs(max_az - min_az) < two_pi:
az_range = (max_az - min_az) % (two_pi)
out_of_bounds = np.where((conditions.az - min_az) % (two_pi) > az_range)[0]
in_bounds[out_of_bounds] = 0
out_of_bounds = np.where((future_az - min_az) % (two_pi) > az_range)[0]
in_bounds[out_of_bounds] = 0
combined += in_bounds
result[np.where(combined == 0)] = np.nan
# Check against the kinematic hard limits.
if conditions.tel_az_limits is not None:
if np.abs(conditions.tel_az_limits[1] - conditions.tel_az_limits[0]) < two_pi:
az_range = (conditions.tel_az_limits[1] - conditions.tel_az_limits[0]) % (two_pi)
out_of_bounds = np.where((conditions.az - conditions.tel_az_limits[0]) % (two_pi) > az_range)[
result[out_of_bounds] = np.nan
out_of_bounds = np.where((future_az - conditions.tel_az_limits[0]) % (two_pi) > az_range)[0]
result[out_of_bounds] = np.nan
# Grow the resulting mask by self.pad, to avoid field centers
# falling outside the boundaries of what is actually reachable.
if self.pad > 0:
mask_indx = np.where(np.isnan(result))[0]
to_mask_indx = _hp_grow_mask(self.nside, tuple(mask_indx), scale=self.scale, grow_size=self.pad)
result[to_mask_indx] = np.nan
return result
class MoonAvoidanceBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction):
"""Avoid observing within `moon_distance` of the moon.
moon_distance: float (30.)
Minimum allowed moon distance. (degrees)
As the current specified requirements for the observatory
are "observe more than 30 degrees from the moon", this basis
function simply does that at present. This includes
times the moon is below the horizon or if the moon close to new.
Most likely, this avoidance region should depend on lunar phase,
the band used for observations, and whether the moon is above
or below the horizon.
def __init__(self, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, moon_distance=30.0):
super(MoonAvoidanceBasisFunction, self).__init__(nside=nside)
self.update_on_newobs = False
self.moon_distance = IntRounded(np.radians(moon_distance))
self.result = np.ones(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
def _calc_value(self, conditions, indx=None):
result = self.result.copy()
angular_distance = _angular_separation(
conditions.az, conditions.alt, conditions.moon_az, conditions.moon_alt
result[IntRounded(angular_distance) < self.moon_distance] = np.nan
return result
class BulkCloudBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction):
"""Mark healpixels on a map if their cloud values are greater than
the same healpixels on a maximum cloud map.
nside: int (default_nside)
The healpix resolution.
max_cloud_map : numpy array (None)
A healpix map showing the maximum allowed cloud values for all
points on the sky
out_of_bounds_val : float (10.)
Point value to give regions where there are no observations
def __init__(self, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, max_cloud_map=None, max_val=0.7, out_of_bounds_val=np.nan):
super(BulkCloudBasisFunction, self).__init__(nside=nside)
self.update_on_newobs = False
if max_cloud_map is None:
self.max_cloud_map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float) + max_val
self.max_cloud_map = max_cloud_map
self.out_of_bounds_area = np.where(self.max_cloud_map > 1.0)[0]
self.out_of_bounds_val = out_of_bounds_val
self.result = np.ones(hp.nside2npix(self.nside))
def _calc_value(self, conditions, indx=None):
indx : list (None)
Index values to compute, if None, full map is computed
Healpix map where pixels with a cloud value greater than the
max_cloud_map value are marked as unseen.
result = self.result.copy()
clouded = np.where(self.max_cloud_map <= conditions.bulk_cloud)
result[clouded] = self.out_of_bounds_val
return result
class MapCloudBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction):
"""Mark healpixels on a map if their cloud values are greater than
the same healpixels on a maximum cloud map. Currently a placeholder for
when the telemetry stream can include a full sky cloud map.
nside: int (default_nside)
The healpix resolution.
max_cloud_map : numpy array (None)
A healpix map showing the maximum allowed cloud values for all
points on the sky
out_of_bounds_val : float (10.)
Point value to give regions where there are no observations
def __init__(self, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, max_cloud_map=None, max_val=0.7, out_of_bounds_val=np.nan):
self.update_on_newobs = False
if max_cloud_map is None:
self.max_cloud_map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float) + max_val
self.max_cloud_map = max_cloud_map
self.out_of_bounds_area = np.where(self.max_cloud_map > 1.0)[0]
self.out_of_bounds_val = out_of_bounds_val
self.result = np.ones(hp.nside2npix(self.nside))
def _calc_value(self, conditions, indx=None):
indx : list (None)
Index values to compute, if None, full map is computed
Healpix map where pixels with a cloud value greater than the
max_cloud_map value are marked as unseen.
result = self.result.copy()
clouded = np.where(self.max_cloud_map <= conditions.bulk_cloud)
result[clouded] = self.out_of_bounds_val
return result