Source code for rubin_scheduler.scheduler.basis_functions.rolling_funcs

__all__ = (

import warnings

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np

from rubin_scheduler.scheduler import features, utils
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.basis_functions import BaseBasisFunction
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import ConstantFootprint

def send_unused_deprecation_warning(name):
    message = (
        f"The basis function {name} is not in use by the current "
        "baseline scheduler and may be deprecated shortly. "
        "Please contact the rubin_scheduler maintainers if "
        "this is in use elsewhere."
    warnings.warn(message, FutureWarning)

[docs] class FootprintBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction): """Basis function that tries to maintain a uniformly covered footprint Parameters ---------- filtername : `str`, optional The filter for this footprint. Default r. nside : `int`, optional The nside for the basis function and features. Default None uses `~utils.set_default_nside()` footprint : `~rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.Footprint` object The desired footprint. The default will set this to None, but in general this is really not desirable. In order to make default a kwarg, a current baseline footprint is setup with a Constant footprint (not rolling, not even season aware). out_of_bounds_val : `float`, optional The value to set the basis function for regions that are not in the footprint. Default -10, np.nan is another good value to use. """ def __init__( self, filtername="r", nside=None, footprint=None, out_of_bounds_val=-10.0, ): super().__init__(nside=nside, filtername=filtername) if footprint is None: # This is useful as a backup, but really footprint SHOULD # be specified when basis function is set up. # This just uses whole survey, but doesn't set up rolling. warnings.warn("No Footprint set, using a constant default.") target_maps, labels = utils.get_current_footprint(self.nside) fp = ConstantFootprint(nside=self.nside) for f in "ugrizy": fp.set_footprint(f, target_maps[f]) self.footprint = footprint self.survey_features = {} # All the observations in all filters self.survey_features["N_obs_all"] = features.NObservations(nside=self.nside, filtername=None) self.survey_features["N_obs"] = features.NObservations(nside=self.nside, filtername=filtername) # should probably actually loop over all the target maps? self.out_of_bounds_area = np.where(footprint.get_footprint(self.filtername) <= 0)[0] self.out_of_bounds_val = out_of_bounds_val def _calc_value(self, conditions, indx=None): # Find out what the footprint object thinks we should have been # observed desired_footprint_normed = self.footprint(conditions.mjd)[self.filtername] # Compute how many observations we should have on the sky desired = desired_footprint_normed * np.sum(self.survey_features["N_obs_all"].feature) result = desired - self.survey_features["N_obs"].feature result[self.out_of_bounds_area] = self.out_of_bounds_val return result
[docs] class TargetMapModuloBasisFunction(BaseBasisFunction): """Basis function that tracks number of observations and tries to match a specified spatial distribution can enter multiple maps that will be used at different times in the survey Parameters ---------- day_offset : np.array Healpix map that has the offset to be applied to each pixel when computing what season it is on. filtername : (string 'r') The name of the filter for this target map. nside: int (default_nside) The healpix resolution. target_maps : list of numpy array (None) healpix maps showing the ratio of observations desired for all points on the sky. Last map will be used for season -1. Probably shouldn't support going to season less than -1. norm_factor : float (0.00010519) for converting target map to number of observations. Should be the area of the camera divided by the area of a healpixel divided by the sum of all your goal maps. Default value assumes LSST foV has 1.75 degree radius and the standard goal maps. If using mulitple filters, see rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.calc_norm_factor for a utility that computes norm_factor. out_of_bounds_val : float (-10.) Reward value to give regions where there are no observations requested (unitless). season_modulo : int (2) The value to modulate the season by (years). max_season : int (None) For seasons higher than this value (pre-modulo), the final target map is used. """ def __init__( self, day_offset=None, filtername="r", nside=None, target_maps=None, norm_factor=None, out_of_bounds_val=-10.0, season_modulo=2, max_season=None, season_length=365.25, ): super(TargetMapModuloBasisFunction, self).__init__(nside=nside, filtername=filtername) if norm_factor is None: warnings.warn("No norm_factor set, use utils.calc_norm_factor if using multiple filters.") self.norm_factor = 0.00010519 else: self.norm_factor = norm_factor self.survey_features = {} # Map of the number of observations in filter for i, temp in enumerate(target_maps[0:-1]): self.survey_features["N_obs_%i" % i] = features.N_observations_season( i, filtername=filtername, nside=self.nside, modulo=season_modulo, offset=day_offset, max_season=max_season, season_length=season_length, ) # Count of all the observations taken in a season self.survey_features["N_obs_count_all_%i" % i] = features.N_obs_count_season( i, filtername=None, season_modulo=season_modulo, offset=day_offset, nside=self.nside, max_season=max_season, season_length=season_length, ) # Set the final one to be -1 self.survey_features["N_obs_%i" % -1] = features.N_observations_season( -1, filtername=filtername, nside=self.nside, modulo=season_modulo, offset=day_offset, max_season=max_season, season_length=season_length, ) self.survey_features["N_obs_count_all_%i" % -1] = features.N_obs_count_season( -1, filtername=None, season_modulo=season_modulo, offset=day_offset, nside=self.nside, max_season=max_season, season_length=season_length, ) if target_maps is None: target_maps, labels = utils.get_current_footprint(nside) self.target_map = target_maps[filtername] else: self.target_maps = target_maps # should probably actually loop over all the target maps? self.out_of_bounds_area = np.where(self.target_maps[0] == 0)[0] self.out_of_bounds_val = out_of_bounds_val self.result = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float) self.all_indx = np.arange(self.result.size) # For computing what day each healpix is on if day_offset is None: self.day_offset = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float) else: self.day_offset = day_offset self.season_modulo = season_modulo self.max_season = max_season self.season_length = season_length send_unused_deprecation_warning(self.__class__.__name__) def _calc_value(self, conditions, indx=None): """ Parameters ---------- indx : list (None) Index values to compute, if None, full map is computed Returns ------- Healpix reward map """ result = self.result.copy() if indx is None: indx = self.all_indx # Compute what season it is at each pixel seasons = utils.season_calc( conditions.night, offset=self.day_offset, modulo=self.season_modulo, max_season=self.max_season, season_length=self.season_length, ) composite_target = self.result.copy()[indx] composite_nobs = self.result.copy()[indx] composite_goal_n = self.result.copy()[indx] for season in np.unique(seasons): season_indx = np.where(seasons == season)[0] composite_target[season_indx] = self.target_maps[season][season_indx] composite_nobs[season_indx] = self.survey_features["N_obs_%i" % season].feature[season_indx] composite_goal_n[season_indx] = ( composite_target[season_indx] * self.survey_features["N_obs_count_all_%i" % season].feature * self.norm_factor ) result[indx] = composite_goal_n - composite_nobs[indx] result[self.out_of_bounds_area] = self.out_of_bounds_val return result