Source code for rubin_scheduler.scheduler.detailers.dither_detailer

__all__ = (

import numpy as np

from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.detailers import BaseDetailer
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import ObservationArray, rotx, thetaphi2xyz, wrap_ra_dec, xyz2thetaphi
from rubin_scheduler.utils import (

[docs] class DitherDetailer(BaseDetailer): """ make a uniform dither pattern. Offset by a maximum radius in a random direction. Mostly intended for DDF pointings, the BaseMarkovDF_survey class includes dithering for large areas. Parameters ---------- max_dither : `float` (0.7) The maximum dither size to use (degrees). per_night : `bool` (True) If true, us the same dither offset for an entire night nnights : `int` (7305) The number of nights to pre-generate random dithers for """ def __init__(self, max_dither=0.7, seed=42, per_night=True, nnights=7305): self.survey_features = {} self.current_night = -1 self.max_dither = np.radians(max_dither) self.per_night = per_night self.rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self.angles = self.rng.random(nnights) * 2 * np.pi self.radii = self.max_dither * np.sqrt(self.rng.random(nnights)) self.offsets = (self.rng.random((nnights, 2)) - 0.5) * 2.0 * self.max_dither self.offset = None def _generate_offsets(self, n_offsets, night): if self.per_night: if night != self.current_night: self.current_night = night self.offset = self.offsets[night, :] angle = self.angles[night] radius = self.radii[night] self.offset = np.array([radius * np.cos(angle), radius * np.sin(angle)]) offsets = np.tile(self.offset, (n_offsets, 1)) else: angle = self.rng.random(n_offsets) * 2 * np.pi radius = self.max_dither * np.sqrt(self.rng.random(n_offsets)) offsets = np.array([radius * np.cos(angle), radius * np.sin(angle)]).T return offsets def __call__(self, obs_array, conditions): if len(obs_array) == 0: return obs_array # Generate offsets in RA and Dec offsets = self._generate_offsets(len(obs_array), conditions.night) new_ra, new_dec = gnomonic_project_tosky( offsets[:, 0], offsets[:, 1], obs_array["RA"], obs_array["dec"] ) new_ra, new_dec = wrap_ra_dec(new_ra, new_dec) obs_array["RA"] = new_ra obs_array["dec"] = new_dec return obs_array
[docs] class DeltaCoordDitherDetailer(BaseDetailer): """Dither pattern set by user. Each input observation is expanded to have an observation at each dither position. Parameters ---------- delta_ra : `np.array` Angular distances to move on sky in the RA-direction (degrees). delta_dec : `np.array` Angular distances to move on sky in the dec-direction (degree). delta_rotskypos : `np.array` Angular shifts to make in the rotskypos values (degrees). Default None applies no rotational shift """ def __init__(self, delta_ra, delta_dec, delta_rotskypos=None): if delta_rotskypos is not None: if np.size(delta_ra) != np.size(delta_rotskypos): raise ValueError( "size of delta_ra (%i) is not equal to size of delta_rotskypos (%i)" % (np.size(delta_ra), np.size(delta_rotskypos)) ) if np.size(delta_ra) != np.size(delta_dec): raise ValueError( "Sizes of delta_ra (%i) and delta_dec (%i) do not match." % (np.size(delta_ra), np.size(delta_dec)) ) self.survey_features = {} self.delta_ra = np.radians(delta_ra) self.delta_dec = np.radians(delta_dec) if delta_rotskypos is None: self.delta_rotskypos = delta_rotskypos else: self.delta_rotskypos = np.radians(delta_rotskypos) def __call__(self, obs_array, conditions): output_array_list = [] for obs in obs_array: dithered_observations = ObservationArray(self.delta_ra.size) for key in obs.dtype.names: dithered_observations[key] = obs[key] # Generate grid on the equator (so RA offsets are not small) new_decs = self.delta_dec.copy() # Adding 90 deg here for later rotation about x-axis new_ras = self.delta_ra + np.pi / 2 # Rotate ra and dec about the x-axis # pi/2 term to convert dec to phi x, y, z = thetaphi2xyz(new_ras, new_decs + np.pi / 2.0) # rotate so offsets are now centered on proper dec xp, yp, zp = rotx(obs["dec"], x, y, z) theta, phi = xyz2thetaphi(xp, yp, zp) new_decs = phi - np.pi / 2 # Remove 90 degree rot from earlier and center on proper RA new_ras = theta - np.pi / 2 + obs["RA"] # Make sure coords are in proper range new_ras, new_decs = wrap_ra_dec(new_ras, new_decs) dithered_observations["RA"] = new_ras dithered_observations["dec"] = new_decs if self.delta_rotskypos is not None: dithered_observations["rotSkyPos_desired"] += self.delta_rotskypos output_array_list.append(dithered_observations) result = np.concatenate(output_array_list) return result
[docs] class EuclidDitherDetailer(BaseDetailer): """Directional dithering for Euclid DDFs Parameters ---------- dither_bearing_dir : `list` A list with the dither amplitude in along the axis connecting the two positions. Default [-0.25, 1] in degrees. dither_bearing_perp : `list` A list with the dither amplitude perpendicular to the axis connecting the two positions. Default [-0.25, 1] in degrees. seed : `float` Random number seed to use (42). per_night : `bool` If dither shifts should be per night (default True), or if dithers should be every pointing (False). ra_a, dec_a, ra_b, dec_b : `float` Positions for the two field centers. Default None will load the positions from rubin_scheduler.utils.ddf_locations nnights : `int` Number of nights to generate dither positions for. Default 7305 (20 years). """ def __init__( self, dither_bearing_dir=[-0.25, 1], dither_bearing_perp=[-0.25, 0.25], seed=42, per_night=True, ra_a=None, dec_a=None, ra_b=None, dec_b=None, nnights=7305, ): self.survey_features = {} default_locations = ddf_locations() if ra_a is None: self.ra_a = np.radians(default_locations["EDFS_a"][0]) else: self.ra_a = np.radians(ra_a) if ra_b is None: self.ra_b = np.radians(default_locations["EDFS_b"][0]) else: self.ra_b = np.radians(ra_b) if dec_a is None: self.dec_a = np.radians(default_locations["EDFS_a"][1]) else: self.dec_a = np.radians(dec_a) if dec_b is None: self.dec_b = np.radians(default_locations["EDFS_b"][1]) else: self.dec_b = np.radians(dec_b) self.dither_bearing_dir = np.radians(dither_bearing_dir) self.dither_bearing_perp = np.radians(dither_bearing_perp) self.bearing_atob = bearing(self.ra_a, self.dec_a, self.ra_b, self.dec_b) self.bearing_btoa = bearing(self.ra_b, self.dec_b, self.ra_a, self.dec_a) self.current_night = -1 self.per_night = per_night self.shifted_ra_a = None self.shifted_dec_a = None self.shifted_ra_b = None self.shifted_dec_b = None rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self.bearings_mag_1 = rng.uniform( low=self.dither_bearing_dir.min(), high=self.dither_bearing_dir.max(), size=nnights, ) self.perp_mag_1 = rng.uniform( low=self.dither_bearing_perp.min(), high=self.dither_bearing_perp.max(), size=nnights, ) self.bearings_mag_2 = rng.uniform( low=self.dither_bearing_dir.min(), high=self.dither_bearing_dir.max(), size=nnights, ) self.perp_mag_2 = rng.uniform( low=self.dither_bearing_perp.min(), high=self.dither_bearing_perp.max(), size=nnights, ) def _generate_offsets(self, n_offsets, night): if self.per_night: if night != self.current_night: self.current_night = night bearing_mag = self.bearings_mag_1[night] perp_mag = self.perp_mag_1[night] # Move point a along the bearings self.shifted_dec_a, self.shifted_ra_a = dest_latlon( bearing_mag, self.bearing_atob, self.dec_a, self.ra_a ) self.shifted_dec_a, self.shifted_ra_a = dest_latlon( perp_mag, self.bearing_atob + np.pi / 2.0, self.shifted_dec_a, self.shifted_ra_a, ) # Shift the second position bearing_mag = self.bearings_mag_2[night] perp_mag = self.perp_mag_2[night] self.shifted_dec_b, self.shifted_ra_b = dest_latlon( bearing_mag, self.bearing_btoa, self.dec_b, self.ra_b ) self.shifted_dec_b, self.shifted_ra_b = dest_latlon( perp_mag, self.bearing_btoa + np.pi / 2.0, self.shifted_dec_b, self.shifted_ra_b, ) else: ValueError("not implamented") return ( self.shifted_ra_a, self.shifted_dec_a, self.shifted_ra_b, self.shifted_dec_b, ) def __call__(self, obs_array, conditions): # Generate offsets in RA and Dec ra_a, dec_a, ra_b, dec_b = self._generate_offsets(len(obs_array), conditions.night) for i, obs in enumerate(obs_array): if obs["scheduler_note"][-1] == "a": obs_array[i]["RA"] = ra_a obs_array[i]["dec"] = dec_a elif obs["scheduler_note"][-1] == "b": obs_array[i]["RA"] = ra_b obs_array[i]["dec"] = dec_b else: ValueError("observation note does not end in a or b.") return obs_array
[docs] class CameraRotDetailer(BaseDetailer): """ Randomly set the camera rotation, either for each exposure, or per night. Parameters ---------- max_rot : `float` (90.) The maximum amount to offset the camera (degrees) min_rot : `float` (90) The minimum to offset the camera (degrees) per_night : `bool` (True) If True, only set a new offset per night. If False, randomly rotates every observation. telescope : `str` Telescope name. Options of "rubin" or "auxtel". Default "rubin". """ def __init__(self, max_rot=90.0, min_rot=-90.0, per_night=True, seed=42, nnights=7305, telescope="rubin"): self.survey_features = {} self.current_night = -1 self.max_rot = np.radians(max_rot) self.min_rot = np.radians(min_rot) self.range = self.max_rot - self.min_rot self.per_night = per_night self.rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self.offsets = self.rng.random(nnights) self.offset = None self.rc = rotation_converter(telescope=telescope) def _generate_offsets(self, n_offsets, night): if self.per_night: if night != self.current_night: self.current_night = night self.offset = self.offsets[night] * self.range + self.min_rot offsets = np.ones(n_offsets) * self.offset else: self.rng = np.random.default_rng() offsets = self.rng.random(n_offsets) * self.range + self.min_rot return offsets def __call__(self, observation_array, conditions): # Generate offsets in camamera rotator offsets = self._generate_offsets(len(observation_array), conditions.night) alt, az = _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az( observation_array["RA"], observation_array["dec"],,, conditions.mjd, ) obs_pa = _approx_altaz2pa(alt, az, observation_array["rotSkyPos"] = self.rc._rottelpos2rotskypos(offsets, obs_pa) observation_array["rotTelPos"] = offsets return observation_array
[docs] class CameraSmallRotPerObservationListDetailer(BaseDetailer): """ Randomly set the camera rotation for each observation list. Generates a small sequential offset for sequential visits in the same band; adds a random offset for each band change. Parameters ---------- max_rot : `float`, optional The maximum amount to offset the camera (degrees). Default of 85 allows some padding for camera rotator. min_rot : `float`, optional The minimum to offset the camera (degrees) Default of -85 allows some padding for camera rotator. seed : `int`, optional Seed for random number generation (per night). per_visit_rot : `float`, optional Sequential rotation to add per visit. telescope : `str`, optional Telescope name. Options of "rubin" or "auxtel". Default "rubin". This is used to determine conversions between rotSkyPos and rotTelPos. """ def __init__(self, max_rot=85.0, min_rot=-85.0, seed=42, per_visit_rot=0.0, telescope="rubin"): self.survey_features = {} self.current_night = -1 self.max_rot = np.radians(max_rot) self.min_rot = np.radians(min_rot) self.rot_range = self.max_rot - self.min_rot self.seed = seed self.per_visit_rot = np.radians(per_visit_rot) self.offset = None self.rc = rotation_converter(telescope=telescope) def _generate_offsets_band_change(self, band_list, mjd, initial_offset): """Generate a random camera rotation for each band change or add a small offset for each sequential observation. """ mjd_hash = round(100 * (np.asarray(mjd).item() % 100)) rng = np.random.default_rng(mjd_hash * self.seed) offsets = np.zeros(len(band_list)) # Find the locations of the band changes band_changes = np.where(np.array(band_list[:-1]) != np.array(band_list[1:]))[0] band_changes = np.concatenate([np.array([-1]), band_changes]) # But add one because of counting and offsets above. band_changes += 1 # Count visits per band in the sequence. nvis_per_band = np.concatenate( [np.diff(band_changes), np.array([len(band_list) - 1 - band_changes[-1]])] ) # Set up the random rotator offsets for each band change # This includes first rotation .. maybe not needed? for fchange_idx, nvis_f in zip(band_changes, nvis_per_band): rot_range = self.rot_range - self.per_visit_rot * nvis_f # At the band change spot, update to random offset offsets[fchange_idx:] = rng.random() * rot_range + self.min_rot # After the band change point, add incremental rotation # (we'll wipe this when we get to next fchange_idx) offsets[fchange_idx:] += self.per_visit_rot * np.arange(len(band_list) - fchange_idx) offsets = np.where(offsets > self.max_rot, self.max_rot, offsets) return offsets def __call__(self, observation_list, conditions): # Generate offsets in camera rotator band_list = [np.asarray(obs["band"]).item() for obs in observation_list] offsets = self._generate_offsets_band_change(band_list, conditions.mjd, conditions.rot_tel_pos) for i, obs in enumerate(observation_list): alt, az = _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az( obs["RA"], obs["dec"],,, conditions.mjd, ) obs_pa = _approx_altaz2pa(alt, az, obs["rotSkyPos"] = self.rc._rottelpos2rotskypos(offsets[i], obs_pa) obs["rotTelPos"] = offsets[i] return observation_list
[docs] class ComCamGridDitherDetailer(BaseDetailer): """ Generate an offset pattern to synthesize a 2x2 grid of ComCam pointings. Parameters ---------- rotTelPosDesired : `float`, (0.) The physical rotation angle of the camera rotator (degrees) scale : `float` (0.355) Half of the offset between grid pointing centers. (degrees) dither : `float` (0.05) Dither offsets within grid to fill chip gaps. (degrees) telescope : `str`, ("comcam") Telescope name. Default "comcam". This is used to determine conversions between rotSkyPos and rotTelPos. """ def __init__(self, rotTelPosDesired=0.0, scale=0.355, dither=0.05, telescope="comcam"): self.survey_features = {} self.rotTelPosDesired = np.radians(rotTelPosDesired) self.scale = np.radians(scale) self.dither = np.radians(dither) self.rc = rotation_converter(telescope=telescope) def _rotate(self, x, y, angle): x_rot = x * np.cos(angle) - y * np.sin(angle) y_rot = x * np.sin(angle) + y * np.cos(angle) return x_rot, y_rot def _generate_offsets(self, n_offsets, band_list, rotSkyPos): # 2 x 2 pointing grid x_grid = np.array([-1.0 * self.scale, -1.0 * self.scale, self.scale, self.scale]) y_grid = np.array([-1.0 * self.scale, self.scale, self.scale, -1.0 * self.scale]) x_grid_rot, y_grid_rot = self._rotate(x_grid, y_grid, -1.0 * rotSkyPos) offsets_grid_rot = np.array([x_grid_rot, y_grid_rot]).T # Dither pattern within grid to fill chip gaps # Psuedo-random offsets x_dither = np.array( [ 0.0, -0.5 * self.dither, -1.25 * self.dither, 1.5 * self.dither, 0.75 * self.dither, ] ) y_dither = np.array( [ 0.0, -0.75 * self.dither, 1.5 * self.dither, 1.25 * self.dither, -0.5 * self.dither, ] ) x_dither_rot, y_dither_rot = self._rotate(x_dither, y_dither, -1.0 * rotSkyPos) offsets_dither_rot = np.array([x_dither_rot, y_dither_rot]).T # Find the indices of the band changes band_changes = np.where(np.array(band_list[:-1]) != np.array(band_list[1:]))[0] band_changes = np.concatenate([np.array([-1]), band_changes]) band_changes += 1 offsets = [] index_band = 0 for ii in range(0, n_offsets): if ii in band_changes: # Reset the count after each band change index_band = 0 index_grid = index_band % 4 index_dither = np.floor(index_band / 4).astype(int) % 5 offsets.append(offsets_grid_rot[index_grid] + offsets_dither_rot[index_dither]) index_band += 1 return np.vstack(offsets) def __call__(self, observation_list, conditions): if len(observation_list) == 0: return observation_list band_list = [np.asarray(obs["band"]).item() for obs in observation_list] # Initial estimate of rotSkyPos corresponding to desired rotTelPos alt, az, pa = _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az( observation_list[0]["RA"], observation_list[0]["dec"],,, conditions.mjd, return_pa=True, ) rotSkyPos = self.rc._rottelpos2rotskypos(self.rotTelPosDesired, pa) # Generate offsets in RA and Dec offsets = self._generate_offsets(len(observation_list), band_list, rotSkyPos) # Project offsets onto sky obs_array = np.concatenate(observation_list) new_ra, new_dec = gnomonic_project_tosky( offsets[:, 0], offsets[:, 1], obs_array["RA"], obs_array["dec"] ) new_ra, new_dec = wrap_ra_dec(new_ra, new_dec) # Update observations for ii in range(0, len(observation_list)): observation_list[ii]["RA"] = new_ra[ii] observation_list[ii]["dec"] = new_dec[ii] alt, az, pa = _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az( new_ra[ii], new_dec[ii],,, conditions.mjd, return_pa=True, ) observation_list[ii]["rotSkyPos"] = rotSkyPos observation_list[ii]["rotTelPos"] = self.rc._rotskypos2rottelpos(rotSkyPos, pa) return observation_list