__all__ = ("VaryExptDetailer", "calc_target_m5s")
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.detailers import BaseDetailer
from rubin_scheduler.skybrightness_pre import dark_sky
from rubin_scheduler.utils import DEFAULT_NSIDE, Site, hpid2_ra_dec, m5_flat_sed, ra_dec2_hpid
def calc_target_m5s(alt=65.0, fiducial_seeing=0.9, exptime=20.0):
"""Use the skybrightness model to find some good target m5s.
alt : `float`, opt
Altitude for the target, degrees. Default 65.
fiducial_seeing : `float`, opt
Fiducial FWHMeff seeing, arcseconds. Default 0.9.
exptime : `float`, opt
Exposure time for the comparison, seconds. Default 20.
goal_m5 : `dict` of `float`
dictionary of expected m5 values keyed by filtername
dark = dark_sky(nside=nside)
hpid = np.arange(dark.size, dtype=int)
ra, dec = hpid2_ra_dec(nside, hpid)
site = Site(name="LSST")
alts = site.latitude - dec + 90
alts[np.where(alts > 90)] -= 90
binsize = 5.0
alt_bins = np.arange(0, 90 + binsize, binsize)
alts_mid = (alt_bins[0:-1] + alt_bins[1:]) / 2
sky_mags = {}
high_alts = np.where(alts > 0)[0]
for filtername in dark.dtype.names:
sky_mags[filtername], _be, _binn = binned_statistic(
alts[high_alts], dark[filtername][high_alts], bins=alt_bins, statistic="mean"
sky_mags[filtername] = np.interp(alt, alts_mid, sky_mags[filtername])
airmass = 1.0 / np.cos(np.pi / 2.0 - np.radians(alt))
goal_m5 = {}
for filtername in sky_mags:
goal_m5[filtername] = m5_flat_sed(filtername, sky_mags[filtername], fiducial_seeing, exptime, airmass)
return goal_m5
class VaryExptDetailer(BaseDetailer):
"""Vary the exposure time on observations to try and keep each
observation at uniform depth.
min_expt : `float` (20.)
The minimum exposure time to use (seconds).
max_expt : `float` (100.)
The maximum exposure time to use
target_m5 : `dict` (None)
Dictionary with keys of filternames as str and target 5-sigma
depth values as floats. If none, the target_m5s are set to a
min_expt exposure at X=1.1 in dark time.
def __init__(self, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, min_expt=20.0, max_expt=100.0, target_m5=None):
# Dict to hold all the features we want to track
self.survey_features = {}
self.nside = nside
self.min_exp = min_expt
self.max_exp = max_expt
if target_m5 is None:
self.target_m5 = {
"g": 24.381615425253738,
"i": 23.41810142458083,
"r": 23.964359143049755,
"u": 22.978794343692783,
"y": 21.755612950787068,
"z": 22.80377793629767,
self.target_m5 = target_m5
def __call__(self, observation_list, conditions):
observation_list : `list` of observations
The observations to detail.
conditions : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.conditions` object
List of observations.
obs_array = np.concatenate(observation_list)
hpids = ra_dec2_hpid(self.nside, obs_array["RA"], obs_array["dec"])
new_expts = np.zeros(obs_array.size, dtype=float)
for filtername in np.unique(obs_array["filter"]):
in_filt = np.where(obs_array["filter"] == filtername)
delta_m5 = self.target_m5[filtername] - conditions.M5Depth[filtername][hpids[in_filt]]
# We can get NaNs because dithering pushes the center of the
# pointing into masked regions.
nan_indices = np.argwhere(np.isnan(delta_m5)).ravel()
for indx in nan_indices:
bad_hp = hpids[in_filt][indx]
# Note this might fail if we run at higher resolution,
# then we'd need to look farther for pixels to interpolate.
near_pix = hp.get_all_neighbours(conditions.nside, bad_hp)
vals = conditions.M5Depth[filtername][near_pix]
if True in np.isfinite(vals):
estimate_m5 = np.mean(vals[np.isfinite(vals)])
delta_m5[indx] = self.target_m5[filtername] - estimate_m5
raise ValueError("Failed to find a nearby unmasked sky value.")
new_expts[in_filt] = conditions.exptime * 10 ** (delta_m5 / 1.25)
new_expts = np.clip(new_expts, self.min_exp, self.max_exp)
# I'm not sure what level of precision we can expect, so let's
# just limit to seconds
new_expts = np.round(new_expts)
for i, observation in enumerate(observation_list):
observation["exptime"] = new_expts[i]
return observation_list