__all__ = ("Conditions",)
import functools
import warnings
from inspect import signature
from io import StringIO
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import match_hp_resolution, smallest_signed_angle
from rubin_scheduler.utils import (
class Conditions:
"""Holds telemetry information, keeping calculated values in sync
for `self.mjd` (such as ra/dec mappings to alt/az).
Incoming values have setters to keep values in sync. Healpix maps
are set to the expected (`self.nside`) resolution.
Unless otherwise noted, all values are assumed to be valid at the time
given by `self.mjd`.
nside : `int`, optional
The healpixel nside to set the resolution of attributes.
Default of None will use
site : str ('LSST')
A site name used to create a sims.utils.Site object. For
looking up observatory parameters like latitude and longitude.
exptime : `float`, optional
The exposure time (seconds) to assume when computing the 5-sigma
limiting depth maps stored in Conditions. These maps are used
by basis functions, but are not used to calculate expected
observation m5 values (such as when exposure time varies).
Default 30 seconds.
mjd : `float`, optional
The current MJD.
Default of None is fine on init - will be updated by telemetry
global_maps = set(["ra", "dec", "slewtime", "airmass", "zeros_map", "nan_map"])
by_band_maps = set(["skybrightness", "fwhm_eff", "m5_depth"])
def __init__(
Attributes (Set on init)
nside : `int`
Healpix resolution. All maps are set to this reslution.
site : rubin_scheduler.Site object ('LSST')
Contains static site-specific data (lat, lon, altitude, etc).
Defaults to 'LSST'.
ra : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
A healpix array with the RA of each healpixel center (radians).
Automatically generated.
dec : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
A healpix array with the Dec of each healpixel center (radians).
Automatically generated.
Attributes (to be set by user/telemetry stream/scheduler)
mjd : `float`
Modified Julian Date (days).
bulk_cloud : `float`
The fraction of sky covered by clouds. Generally only
set in simulations. Not currently being used, so probably
due for deprecation.
cloud_maps : `CloudMap`
rubin_scheduler.site_models.CloudMap object.
slewtime : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Healpix showing the slewtime to each healpixel center (seconds)
current_band : `str`
The name of the current band. (expect one of u, g, r, i, z, y).
current_filter : `str`
Deprecated version of current_band.
mounted_bands : `list` [`str`]
The bands that are currently mounted and thus available
(expect 5 of u, g, r, i, z, y for LSSTCam).
mounted_filters : `list` [`str`]
Deprecated version of mounted_bands.
night : `int`
The current night number (days). Probably starts at 1.
skybrightness : `dict` {`str: `np.ndarray`, (N,)}
Dictionary keyed by band name.
Values are healpix arrays with the sky brightness at each
healpix center (mag/acsec^2)
fwhm_eff : `dict` {`str: `np.ndarray`, (N,)}
Dictionary keyed by bandname.
Values are the effective seeing FWHM at each healpix
center (arcseconds)
moon_alt : `float`
The altitude of the Moon (radians)
moon_az : `float`
The Azimuth of the moon (radians)
moon_ra : `float`
RA of the moon (radians)
moon_dec : `float`
Declination of the moon (radians)
moon_phase : `float`
The Phase of the moon. (percent, 0=new moon, 100=full moon)
sun_alt : `float`
The altitude of the sun (radians).
sun_az : `float`
The Azimuth of the sun (radians).
sun_ra : `float`
The RA of the sun (radians).
sun_dec : `float`
The Dec of the sun (radians).
tel_ra : `float`
The current telescope RA pointing (radians).
tel_dec : `float`
The current telescope Declination (radians).
tel_alt : `float`
The current telescope altitude (radians).
tel_az : `float`
The current telescope azimuth (radians).
cumulative_azimuth_rad : `float`
The cumulative telescope azimuth (radians).
Used for tracking cable wrap.
wind_speed : `float`
Wind speed (m/s).
wind_direction : `float`
Direction from which the wind originates. A direction of
0.0 degrees means the wind originates from the north and 90.0
degrees from the east (radians).
sunset : `float`
The MJD of sunset that starts the current night. Note MJDs of
sunset, moonset, twilight times, etc are from interpolations.
This means the sun may actually be slightly above/below the
horizon at the given sunset time.
sun_n12_setting : `float`
The MJD of when the sun is at -12 degrees altitude and
setting during the current night. From interpolation.
sun_n18_setting : `float`
The MJD when the sun is at -18 degrees altitude and setting
during the current night. From interpolation.
sun_n18_rising : `float`
The MJD when the sun is at -18 degrees altitude and rising
during the current night. From interpolation.
sun_n12_rising : `float`
The MJD when the sun is at -12 degrees altitude and rising
during the current night. From interpolation.
sunrise : `float`
The MJD of sunrise during the current night. From interpolation
moonrise : `float`
The MJD of moonrise during the current night. From interpolation.
moonset : `float`
The MJD of moon set during the current night. From interpolation.
moon_phase_sunset : `float`
The phase of the moon (0-100 illuminated) at sunset.
Useful for setting which bands should be loaded.
targets_of_opportunity : `list` [`rubin_scheduler.scheduler.targetoO`]
targetoO objects.
planet_positions : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of planet name and coordinate e.g., 'venus_RA',
scheduled_observations : `np.ndarray`, (M,)
A list of MJD times when there are scheduled observations.
Defaults to empty array.
sky_az_limits : `list` [[`float`, `float`]]
A list of lists giving valid azimuth ranges. e.g.,
[0, 2*np.pi] would mean all azimuth values are valid, while
[[0, np.pi/2], [3*np.pi/2, 2*np.pi]] would mean anywhere in
the south is invalid. Radians.
sky_alt_limits : `list` [[`float`, `float`]]
A list of lists giving valid altitude ranges. Radians.
tel_az_limits : `list` [`float`, `float`]
A simple two-element list giving the valid azimuth ranges
for the telescope movement. Radians.
tel_alt_limits : `list` [`float`, `float`]
A simple two-element list giving the valid altitude ranges
for the telescope movement. Radians
Attributes (calculated on demand and cached)
alt : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Altitude of each healpixel (radians). Recalculated if mjd is
updated. Uses fast approximate equation for converting
RA,Dec to alt,az.
az : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Azimuth of each healpixel (radians). Recalculated if mjd is
updated. Uses fast approximate equation for converting RA,Dec
to alt,az.
airmass : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
A healpix map with the airmass value of each healpixel. (unitless)
pa : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
The parallactic angle of each healpixel (radians). Recalculated
if mjd is updated. Based on the fast approximate alt,az values.
lmst : `float`
The local mean sidereal time (hours). Updates is mjd is changed.
m5_depth : `dict` {`str: `np.ndarray`, (N,)}
the 5-sigma limiting depth healpix maps, keyed by bandname
(mags). Will be recalculated if the skybrightness, seeing,
or airmass are updated.
HA : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Healpix map of the hour angle of each healpixel (radians).
Runs from 0 to 2pi.
az_to_sun : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Healpix map of the azimuthal distance to the sun for each
healpixel (radians)
az_to_anitsun : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Healpix map of the azimuthal distance to the anit-sun for each
healpixel (radians)
solar_elongation : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Healpix map of the solar elongation (angular distance to the sun)
for each healpixel (radians)
Attributes (set by the scheduler)
queue : `list` [`observation` objects]
The current queue of observations core_scheduler is waiting to
self.nside = nside
# The RA, Dec grid we are using
hpids = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(self.nside))
self.ra, self.dec = _hpid2_ra_dec(self.nside, hpids)
self.site = Site(site)
self.exptime = exptime
# Generate an empty map so we can copy when we need a new map
self.zeros_map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
self.nan_map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)
# Set other attributes to Nones
self.mjd = mjd
def _init_attributes(self):
"""Initialize or clear all the attributes"""
# Modified Julian Date (day)
self._mjd = None
# Altitude and azimuth. Dict with degrees and radians
self._alt = None
self._az = None
self._pa = None
# The cloud level. Fraction, but could upgrade to transparency map
self.clouds = None
self._slewtime = None
self.current_band = None
self._current_filter = None
self.mounted_bands = None
self._mounted_filters = None
self.night = None
self._lmst = None
# Should be a dict with bandname keys
self._skybrightness = {}
self._fwhm_eff = {}
self._m5_depth = None
self._airmass = None
self.wind_speed = None
self.wind_direction = None
# Upcoming scheduled observations
self.scheduled_observations = np.array([], dtype=float)
# Attribute to hold the current observing queue
self.queue = None
# Moon
self.moon_alt = None
self.moon_az = None
self.moon_ra = None
self.moon_dec = None
self.moon_phase = None
# Sun
self.sun_alt = None
self.sun_az = None
self.sun_ra = None
self.sun_dec = None
# Almanac information
self.sunset = None
self.sun_n12_setting = None
self.sun_n18_setting = None
self.sun_n18_rising = None
self.sun_n12_rising = None
self.sunrise = None
self.moonrise = None
self.moonset = None
self.moon_phase_sunset = None
self.planet_positions = None
# Current telescope pointing
self.tel_ra = None
self.tel_dec = None
self.tel_alt = None
self.tel_az = None
self.cumulative_azimuth_rad = None
# Sky coverage limits.
# These should be in radians.
self.sky_az_limits = None
self.sky_alt_limits = None
# Kinematic model (real slew) limits.
self.tel_alt_limits = None
self.tel_az_limits = None
# Full sky cloud map object
self.cloud_maps = None
self._HA = None
# XXX--document
self.bulk_cloud = None
self.rot_tel_pos = None
self.targets_of_opportunity = None
# Potential attributes that get computed
self._solar_elongation = None
self._az_to_sun = None
self._az_to_antisun = None
# We can get away with only using current_filter and mounted_filter
# with getter/setter because we don't have to shim back to these
# values *from* band, only from filter toward band.
# Also use of Conditions within FBS should use *band* not filter.
def current_filter(self):
return self._current_filter
def current_filter(self, value):
self._current_filter = value
self.current_band = value.split("_")[0]
def mounted_filters(self):
return self._mounted_filters
def mounted_filters(self, value):
self._mounted_filters = value
self.mounted_bands = [v.split("_")[0] for v in value]
def lmst(self):
if self._lmst is None:
self._lmst = calc_lmst(self.mjd, self.site.longitude_rad)
return self._lmst
def lmst(self, value):
self._lmst = value
self._HA = None
def HA(self):
if self._HA is None:
return self._HA
def calc_ha(self):
self._HA = np.radians(self.lmst * 360.0 / 24.0) - self.ra
self._HA[np.where(self._HA < 0)] += 2.0 * np.pi
def slewtime(self):
return self._slewtime
def slewtime(self, value):
# Using 0 for start of night
if np.size(value) == 1:
self._slewtime = value
self._slewtime = match_hp_resolution(value, nside_out=self.nside)
def airmass(self):
if self._airmass is None:
return self._airmass
def calc_airmass(self):
self._airmass = np.zeros(self._alt.size, dtype=float)
alt_limit = self.tel_alt_limits
if alt_limit is None:
alt_limit = 0
alt_limit = np.min(alt_limit)
good = np.where(self._alt > alt_limit)
self._airmass[good] = 1.0 / np.cos(np.pi / 2.0 - self._alt[good])
def pa(self):
if self._pa is None:
return self._pa
def calc_pa(self):
self._pa = _approx_altaz2pa(self.alt, self.az, self.site.latitude_rad)
def alt(self):
if self._alt is None:
return self._alt
def az(self):
if self._az is None:
return self._az
def calc_alt_az(self):
self._alt, self._az = _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az(
def future_alt_az(self, mjd):
"""Compute the altitude and azimuth for a future time.
altitude : `np.array`
The altutude of each healpix at MJD (radians)
azimuth : : `np.array`
The azimuth of each healpix at MJD (radians)
alt, az = _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az(
return alt, az
def mjd(self):
return self._mjd
def mjd(self, value):
# If MJD is changed, everything else is no longer valid, so re-init
if self.mjd is not None:
warnings.warn("Changing MJD and resetting all attributes.")
self._mjd = value
def skybrightness(self):
return self._skybrightness
def skybrightness(self, indict):
for key in indict:
self._skybrightness[key] = match_hp_resolution(indict[key], nside_out=self.nside)
# If sky brightness changes, need to recalc M5 depth.
self._m5_depth = None
def fwhm_eff(self):
return self._fwhm_eff
def fwhm_eff(self, indict):
for key in indict:
self._fwhm_eff[key] = match_hp_resolution(indict[key], nside_out=self.nside)
self._m5_depth = None
def m5_depth(self):
if self._m5_depth is None:
return self._m5_depth
def calc_m5_depth(self):
self._m5_depth = {}
for bandname in self._skybrightness:
good = ~np.isnan(self._skybrightness[bandname])
self._m5_depth[bandname] = self.nan_map.copy()
self._m5_depth[bandname][good] = m5_flat_sed(
def calc_solar_elongation(self):
self._solar_elongation = _angular_separation(self.ra, self.dec, self.sun_ra, self.sun_dec)
def solar_elongation(self):
if self._solar_elongation is None:
return self._solar_elongation
def calc_az_to_sun(self):
self._az_to_sun = smallest_signed_angle(self.ra, self.sun_ra)
def calc_az_to_antisun(self):
self._az_to_antisun = smallest_signed_angle(self.ra + np.pi, self.sun_ra)
def az_to_sun(self):
if self._az_to_sun is None:
return self._az_to_sun
def az_to_antisun(self):
if self._az_to_antisun is None:
return self._az_to_antisun
def set_auxtel_info(
"""Method to set all the information we expect will be required by
a standard auxtel scheduler. Extra attributes can be set via **kwargs.
mjd : `float`
Modified Julian Date (days).
slewtime : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Healpix showing the slewtime to each healpixel center (seconds)
moon_alt : `float`
The altitude of the Moon (radians)
moon_az : `float`
The Azimuth of the moon (radians)
wind_speed : `float`
Wind speed (m/s).
wind_direction : `float`
Direction from which the wind originates. A direction of
0.0 degrees means the wind originates from the north and 90.0
degrees from the east (radians).
sun_n18_setting : `float`
The MJD when the sun is at -18 degrees altitude and setting
during the current night. From interpolation.
sun_n18_rising : `float`
The MJD when the sun is at -18 degrees altitude and rising
during the current night. From interpolation.
sky_az_limits : `list` [[`float`, `float`]]
A list of lists giving valid azimuth ranges. e.g.,
[0, 2*np.pi] would mean all azimuth values are valid, while
[[0, np.pi/2], [3*np.pi/2, 2*np.pi]] would mean anywhere in
the south is invalid. Radians.
sky_alt_limits : `list` [[`float`, `float`]]
A list of lists giving valid altitude ranges. Radians.
tel_az_limits : `list` [`float`, `float`]
A simple two-element list giving the valid azimuth ranges
for the telescope movement. Radians.
tel_alt_limits : `list` [`float`, `float`]
A simple two-element list giving the valid altitude ranges
for the telescope movement. Radians
auxtel_args = signature(self.set_auxtel_info)
loc = locals()
for key in auxtel_args.parameters.keys():
setattr(self, key, loc[key])
potential_attrs = dir(self)
for key in kwargs:
if key not in potential_attrs:
warnings.warn("Setting unexpected Conditions attribute %s" % key)
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
def set_maintel_info(
current_filter, # to become current_band
mounted_filters, # to become mounted_bands
"""Method to set all the information we expect will be required by
a standard maintel scheduler. Extra attributes can be set via **kwargs.
mjd : `float`
Modified Julian Date (days).
slewtime : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Healpix showing the slewtime to each healpixel center (seconds)
current_filter : `str`
The name of the current band. (expect one of u, g, r, i, z, y).
mounted_filters : `list` [`str`]
The bands that are currently mounted and thus available
(expect 5 of u, g, r, i, z, y for LSSTCam).
night : `int`
The current night number (days). Probably starts at 1.
skybrightness : `dict` {`str: `np.ndarray`, (N,)}
Dictionary keyed by band name.
Values are healpix arrays with the sky brightness at each
healpix center (mag/acsec^2)
fwhm_eff : `dict` {`str: `np.ndarray`, (N,)}
Dictionary keyed by bandname.
Values are the effective seeing FWHM at each healpix
center (arcseconds)
moon_alt : `float`
The altitude of the Moon (radians)
moon_az : `float`
The Azimuth of the moon (radians)
moon_ra : `float`
RA of the moon (radians)
moon_dec : `float`
Declination of the moon (radians)
moon_phase : `float`
The Phase of the moon. (percent, 0=new moon, 100=full moon)
sun_alt : `float`
The altitude of the sun (radians).
sun_az : `float`
The Azimuth of the sun (radians).
sun_ra : `float`
The RA of the sun (radians).
sun_dec : `float`
The Dec of the sun (radians).
tel_ra : `float`
The current telescope RA pointing (radians).
tel_dec : `float`
The current telescope Declination (radians).
tel_alt : `float`
The current telescope altitude (radians).
tel_az : `float`
The current telescope azimuth (radians).
wind_speed : `float`
Wind speed (m/s).
wind_direction : `float`
Direction from which the wind originates. A direction of
0.0 degrees means the wind originates from the north and 90.0
degrees from the east (radians).
sun_n12_setting : `float`
The MJD of when the sun is at -12 degrees altitude and
setting during the current night. From interpolation.
sun_n18_setting : `float`
The MJD when the sun is at -18 degrees altitude and setting
during the current night. From interpolation.
sun_n18_rising : `float`
The MJD when the sun is at -18 degrees altitude and rising
during the current night. From interpolation.
sun_n12_rising : `float`
The MJD when the sun is at -12 degrees altitude and rising
during the current night. From interpolation.
moonrise : `float`
The MJD of moonrise during the current night. From interpolation.
moonset : `float`
The MJD of moon set during the current night. From interpolation.
moon_phase_sunset : `float`
The phase of the moon (0-100 illuminated) at sunset.
Useful for setting which bands should be loaded.
targets_of_opportunity : `list` [`rubin_scheduler.scheduler.targetoO`]
targetoO objects.
planet_positions : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of planet name and coordinate e.g., 'venus_RA',
sky_az_limits : `list` [[`float`, `float`]]
A list of lists giving valid azimuth ranges. e.g.,
[0, 2*np.pi] would mean all azimuth values are valid, while
[[0, np.pi/2], [3*np.pi/2, 2*np.pi]] would mean anywhere in
the south is invalid. Radians.
sky_alt_limits : `list` [[`float`, `float`]]
A list of lists giving valid altitude ranges. Radians.
tel_az_limits : `list` [`float`, `float`]
A simple two-element list giving the valid azimuth ranges
for the telescope movement. Radians.
tel_alt_limits : `list` [`float`, `float`]
A simple two-element list giving the valid altitude ranges
for the telescope movement. Radians
maintel_args = signature(self.set_maintel_info)
loc = locals()
for key in maintel_args.parameters.keys():
setattr(self, key, loc[key])
potential_attrs = dir(self)
for key in kwargs:
if key not in potential_attrs:
warnings.warn("Setting unexpected Conditions attribute %s" % key)
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
def set_attrs(self, **kwargs):
"""Convenience function for setting lots of attributes at once.
See __init__ docstring for full list of potential attributes."""
potential_attrs = dir(self)
for key in kwargs:
if key not in potential_attrs:
warnings.warn("Setting unexpected Conditions attribute %s" % key)
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} mjd='{self.mjd}' at {hex(id(self))}>"
def __str__(self):
# If dependencies of to_markdown are not installed, fall back on repr
except ImportError:
return repr(self)
if self.mjd is None:
# Many elements of the pretty str representation rely on
# the time beging set. If it is not, just return the ugly form.
return repr(self)
output = StringIO()
print(f"{self.__class__.__qualname__} at {hex(id(self))}", file=output)
print("============================", file=output)
print("nside: ", self.nside, " ", file=output)
print("site: ", self.site.name, " ", file=output)
print("exptime: ", self.exptime, " ", file=output)
print("lmst: ", self.lmst, " ", file=output)
print("clouds: ", self.clouds, " ", file=output)
print("current_band: ", self.current_band, " ", file=output)
print("mounted_bands: ", self.mounted_bands, " ", file=output)
print("night: ", self.night, " ", file=output)
print("wind_speed: ", self.wind_speed, " ", file=output)
print("wind_direction: ", self.wind_direction, " ", file=output)
"len(scheduled_observations): ",
" ",
"len(queue): ",
None if self.queue is None else len(self.queue),
" ",
print("moonPhase: ", self.moon_phase, " ", file=output)
print("bulk_cloud: ", self.bulk_cloud, " ", file=output)
print("targets_of_opportunity: ", self.targets_of_opportunity, " ", file=output)
print("cumulative_azimuth_rad: ", self.cumulative_azimuth_rad, " ", file=output)
positions = [
"name": "sun",
"alt": self.sun_alt,
"az": self.sun_az,
"RA": self.sun_ra,
"decl": self.sun_dec,
"name": "moon",
"alt": self.moon_alt,
"az": self.moon_az,
"RA": self.moon_ra,
"decl": self.moon_dec,
for planet_name in ("venus", "mars", "jupiter", "saturn"):
"name": planet_name,
"RA": float(np.max(self.planet_positions[planet_name + "_RA"])),
"decl": float(np.max(self.planet_positions[planet_name + "_dec"])),
"name": "telescope",
"alt": np.max(self.tel_alt),
"az": np.max(self.tel_az),
"RA": np.max(self.tel_ra),
"decl": np.max(self.tel_dec),
"rot": np.max(self.rot_tel_pos),
positions = pd.DataFrame(positions).set_index("name")
print("Positions (radians)", file=output)
print("-------------------", file=output)
print(positions.to_markdown(), file=output)
positions_deg = np.degrees(positions)
print("Positions (degrees)", file=output)
print("-------------------", file=output)
print(positions_deg.to_markdown(), file=output)
events = (
event_rows = []
for event in events:
mjd = getattr(self, event)
time = pd.to_datetime(float(mjd) + 2400000.5, unit="D", origin="julian")
event_rows.append({"event": event, "MJD": mjd, "date": time})
except AttributeError:
event_df = pd.DataFrame(event_rows).set_index("event").sort_values(by="MJD")
print("", file=output)
print("Events", file=output)
print("------", file=output)
print(event_df.to_markdown(), file=output)
map_stats = []
for map_name in self.global_maps - set(["zeros_map", "nan_map"]):
values = getattr(self, map_name)
"map": map_name,
"nside": hp.npix2nside(len(values)),
"min": np.nanmin(values),
"max": np.nanmax(values),
"median": np.nanmedian(values),
except AttributeError:
for base_map_name in self.by_band_maps:
for band in "ugrizy":
values = getattr(self, base_map_name)[band]
map_name = f"{base_map_name}_{band}"
"map": map_name,
"nside": hp.npix2nside(len(values)),
"min": np.nanmin(values),
"max": np.nanmax(values),
"median": np.nanmedian(values),
except AttributeError:
maps_df = pd.DataFrame(map_stats).set_index("map")
print("", file=output)
print("Maps", file=output)
print("----", file=output)
print(maps_df.to_markdown(), file=output)
result = output.getvalue()
return result
def _repr_markdown_(self):
return str(self)