Source code for rubin_scheduler.scheduler.features.features

__all__ = (

import warnings

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic

from rubin_scheduler.scheduler import utils
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import IntRounded
from rubin_scheduler.skybrightness_pre import dark_sky
from rubin_scheduler.utils import _hpid2_ra_dec, calc_season, m5_flat_sed, survey_start_mjd

def send_unused_deprecation_warning(name):
    message = (
        f"The feature {name} is not in use by the current "
        "baseline scheduler and may be deprecated shortly. "
        "Please contact the rubin_scheduler maintainers if "
        "this is in use elsewhere."
    warnings.warn(message, FutureWarning)

[docs] class BaseFeature: """The base class for features. This defines the standard API: a Feature should include a `self.feature` attribute, which could be a float, bool, or healpix size numpy array, or numpy masked array, and a __call__ method which returns `self.feature`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # self.feature should be a float, bool, or healpix size numpy # array, or numpy masked array self.feature = None def __call__(self): return self.feature
[docs] class BaseSurveyFeature(BaseFeature): """Track information relevant to the progress of a survey, using `self.feature` to hold this information. Features can track a single piece of information, or keep a map across the sky, or any other piece of information. Information in `self.feature` is updated via `add_observation` or `add_observation_array`. """
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array, observations_hpid): """Update self.feature based on information in `observations_array` and `observations_hpid`. This is a method to more rapidly restore the feature to its expected state, by using an array of all previous observations (`observations_array`) instead looping over the individual observations, as in `self.add_observation`. The observations array allows rapid calculation of acceptable observations, without considering factors such as which healpix is relevant. The `observations_hpid` is a reorganized version of the `observations_array`, where the array representing each observation is extended to include `hpid` and recorded multiple times (for each healpixel). The `observations_hpid` allows rapid calculation of feature values which depend on hpid. Links between `observations_array` and `observations_hpid` can be made using `ID`. """ print(self) raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None, **kwargs): """Update self.feature based on information in `observation`. Observations should be ordered in monotonically increasing time. Parameters ---------- observation : `np.array`, (1,N) Array of observation information, containing `mjd` for the time. See `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.ObservationArray`. indx : `list`-like of [`int`] The healpixel indices that the observation overlaps. See `rubin_scheduler.utils.HpInLsstFov`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class SurveyInNight(BaseSurveyFeature): """Count appearances of `survey_str` within observation `note` in the current night; `survey_str` must be contained in `note`. Useful to keep track of how many times a survey has executed in a night. Parameters ---------- survey_str : `str`, optional String to search for in observation `scheduler_note`. Default of "" means any observation will match. """ def __init__(self, survey_str=""): self.feature = 0 self.survey_str = survey_str self.night = -100 send_unused_deprecation_warning(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if observation["night"] != self.night: self.night = observation["night"] self.feature = 0 if self.survey_str in observation["scheduler_note"][0]: self.feature += 1
[docs] class NoteInNight(BaseSurveyFeature): """Count appearances of any of `scheduler_notes` in observation `scheduler_note` in the current night; `note` must match one of `scheduler_notes` exactly. Useful for keeping track of how many times a survey or other subset of visits has executed in a given night. Parameters ---------- notes : `list` [`str`], optional List of strings to match against observation `scheduler_note` values. The `scheduler_note` must match one of the items in notes exactly. Default of [None] will match any note. """ def __init__(self, notes=[None]): self.feature = 0 self.notes = notes self.current_night = -100
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array, observations_hpid): # Identify the most recent night. if self.current_night != observations_array["night"][-1]: self.current_night = observations_array["night"][-1].copy() self.feature = 0 # Identify observations within this night. indx = np.where(observations_array["night"] == observations_array["night"][-1])[0] # Count observations that match notes. for ind in indx: if (observations_array["scheduler_note"][ind] in self.notes) | (self.notes == [None]): self.feature += 1
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if self.current_night != observation["night"]: self.current_night = observation["night"].copy() self.feature = 0 if (observation["scheduler_note"][0] in self.notes) | (self.notes == [None]): self.feature += 1
[docs] class NObsCount(BaseSurveyFeature): """Count the number of observations. Total number, not tracked over sky Parameters ---------- filtername : `str` or None The filter to count. Default None, all filters counted. """ def __init__(self, filtername=None, tag=None): self.feature = 0 self.filtername = filtername # 'tag' is used in GoalStrictFilterBasisFunction self.tag = tag if self.tag is not None: warnings.warn( "Tag is not a supported element" "of the `observation` and this aspect of " "the feature will be " "deprecated in 2 minor releases.", DeprecationWarning, stack_level=2, )
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array, observations_hpid): if self.filtername is None: self.feature += np.size(observations_array) else: in_filt = np.where(observations_array["filter"] == self.filtername)[0] self.feature += np.size(in_filt)
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if (self.filtername is None) and (self.tag is None): # Track all observations self.feature += 1 elif ( (self.filtername is not None) and (self.tag is None) and (observation["filter"][0] in self.filtername) ): # Track all observations on a specified filter self.feature += 1 elif (self.filtername is None) and (self.tag is not None) and (observation["tag"][0] in self.tag): # Track all observations on a specified tag self.feature += 1 elif ( (self.filtername is None) and (self.tag is not None) and # Track all observations on a specified filter on a specified tag (observation["filter"][0] in self.filtername) and (observation["tag"][0] in self.tag) ): self.feature += 1
[docs] class NObsCountSeason(BaseSurveyFeature): """Count the number of observations in a season. Parameters ---------- filtername : `str` (None) The filter to count (if None, all filters counted) Notes ----- Uses `season_calc` to calculate season value. Seems unused - added deprecation warning. """ def __init__( self, season, nside=None, filtername=None, tag=None, season_modulo=2, offset=None, max_season=None, season_length=365.25, ): self.feature = 0 self.filtername = filtername self.tag = tag self.season = season self.season_modulo = season_modulo if offset is None: self.offset = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=int) else: self.offset = offset self.max_season = max_season self.season_length = season_length send_unused_deprecation_warning(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): season = utils.season_calc( observation["night"], modulo=self.season_modulo, offset=self.offset[indx], max_season=self.max_season, season_length=self.season_length, ) if self.season in season: if (self.filtername is None) and (self.tag is None): # Track all observations self.feature += 1 elif ( (self.filtername is not None) and (self.tag is None) and (observation["filter"][0] in self.filtername) ): # Track all observations on a specified filter self.feature += 1 elif (self.filtername is None) and (self.tag is not None) and (observation["tag"][0] in self.tag): # Track all observations on a specified tag self.feature += 1 elif ( (self.filtername is None) and (self.tag is not None) and # Track all observations on a specified filter on a # specified tag (observation["filter"][0] in self.filtername) and (observation["tag"][0] in self.tag) ): self.feature += 1
[docs] class NObsSurvey(BaseSurveyFeature): """Count the number of observations, whole sky (not per pixel). Because this feature will belong to a survey, it would count all observations that are counted for that survey. Parameters ---------- note : `str` or None Count observations that match `str` in their scheduler_note field. Note can be a substring of scheduler_note, and will still match. """ def __init__(self, note=None): self.feature = 0 self.note = note if self.note == "": self.note = None
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array, observations_hpid): if self.note is None: self.feature += observations_array.size else: count = [self.note in note for note in observations_array["scheduler_note"]] self.feature += np.sum(count)
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): # Track all observations if self.note is None: self.feature += 1 else: if self.note in observation["scheduler_note"][0]: self.feature += 1
[docs] class LastObservation(BaseSurveyFeature): """Track the last observation. Useful if you want to see when the last time a survey took an observation. Parameters ---------- scheduler_note : `str` or None, optional Value of the scheduler_note to match, if not None. survey_name : `str` or None, optional Backwards compatible version of scheduler_note. Deprecated. """ def __init__(self, scheduler_note=None, survey_name=None): if scheduler_note is None and survey_name is not None: self.scheduler_note = survey_name else: self.scheduler_note = scheduler_note # Start out with an empty observation self.feature = utils.ObservationArray()
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array, observations_hpid): if self.scheduler_note is not None: valid_indx = np.ones(observations_array.size, dtype=bool) tmp = [self.scheduler_note in name for name in observations_array["scheduler_note"]] valid_indx = valid_indx * np.array(tmp) if len(tmp) > 0: self.feature = observations_array[valid_indx][-1] else: if len(observations_array) > 0: self.feature = observations_array[-1]
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if self.scheduler_note is not None: if self.scheduler_note in observation["scheduler_note"][0]: self.feature = observation else: self.feature = observation
[docs] class LastsequenceObservation(BaseSurveyFeature): """When was the last observation""" def __init__(self, sequence_ids=""): self.sequence_ids = sequence_ids # The ids of all sequence # observations... # Start out with an empty observation self.feature = utils.ObservationArray() send_unused_deprecation_warning(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if observation["survey_id"] in self.sequence_ids: self.feature = observation
[docs] class LastFilterChange(BaseSurveyFeature): """Record when the filter last changed.""" def __init__(self): self.feature = {"mjd": 0.0, "previous_filter": None, "current_filter": None} send_unused_deprecation_warning(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if self.feature["current_filter"] is None: self.feature["mjd"] = observation["mjd"][0] self.feature["previous_filter"] = None self.feature["current_filter"] = observation["filter"][0] elif observation["filter"][0] != self.feature["current_filter"]: self.feature["mjd"] = observation["mjd"][0] self.feature["previous_filter"] = self.feature["current_filter"] self.feature["current_filter"] = observation["filter"][0]
[docs] class NObservations(BaseSurveyFeature): """ Track the number of observations that have been made across the sky. Parameters ---------- filtername : `str` or `list` [`str`] or None String or list that has all the filters that can count. Default None counts all filters. nside : `int` The nside of the healpixel map to use. Default None uses scheduler default. scheduler_note : `str` or None, optional The scheduler_note to match. Scheduler_note values which match this OR which contain this value as a subset of their string will match. survey_name : `str` or None The scheduler_note value to match. Deprecated in favor of scheduler_note, but provided for backward compatibility. Will be removed in the future. """ def __init__(self, filtername=None, nside=None, scheduler_note=None, survey_name=None): if nside is None: nside = utils.set_default_nside() self.feature = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float) self.filtername = filtername if scheduler_note is None and survey_name is not None: self.scheduler_note = survey_name else: self.scheduler_note = scheduler_note # This feature is not used with "scheduler_note" in the baseline # survey. Should it really match scheduler_notes which contain # self.scheduler_note or should it be vice versa? # (i.e. this works as: self.scheduler_note = "survey" matches only # scheduler_note == "survey", but self.scheduler_note = "survey a" # will match both "survey" and "survey a". self.bins = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside) + 1) - 0.5
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array, observations_hpid): valid_indx = np.ones(observations_hpid.size, dtype=bool) if self.filtername is not None: valid_indx[np.where(observations_hpid["filter"] != self.filtername)[0]] = False if self.scheduler_note is not None: tmp = [name in self.scheduler_note for name in observations_hpid["scheduler_note"]] valid_indx = valid_indx * np.array(tmp) data = observations_hpid[valid_indx] if np.size(data) > 0: result, _be, _bn = binned_statistic( data["hpid"], np.ones(data.size), statistic=np.sum, bins=self.bins ) self.feature += result
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if self.filtername is None or observation["filter"][0] in self.filtername: if self.scheduler_note is None or observation["scheduler_note"][0] in self.scheduler_note: self.feature[indx] += 1
[docs] class NObservationsSeason(BaseSurveyFeature): """ Track the number of observations that have been made across sky Parameters ---------- season : `int` Only count observations in this season (year). filtername : `str` ('r') String or list that has all the filters that can count. nside : `int` (32) The nside of the healpixel map to use offset : `int` (0) The offset to use when computing the season (days) modulo : `int` (None) How to mod the years when computing season Notes ----- Uses `season_calc` to calculate season value. """ def __init__( self, season, filtername=None, nside=None, offset=0, modulo=None, max_season=None, season_length=365.25, ): if offset is None: offset = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=int) if nside is None: nside = utils.set_default_nside() self.feature = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float) self.filtername = filtername ## How does this work if the default is 0 -- in add_observation # an index is referenced for offset, so the default should fail self.offset = offset self.modulo = modulo self.season = season self.max_season = max_season self.season_length = season_length send_unused_deprecation_warning(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): # How does this work if indx is None -- self.offset[indx] should fail observation_season = utils.season_calc( observation["night"], offset=self.offset[indx], modulo=self.modulo, max_season=self.max_season, season_length=self.season_length, ) if self.season in observation_season: if self.filtername is None or observation["filter"][0] in self.filtername: self.feature[indx] += 1
class LargestN: def __init__(self, n): self.n = n def __call__(self, in_arr): if np.size(in_arr) < self.n: return -1 result = in_arr[-self.n] return result
[docs] class LastNObsTimes(BaseSurveyFeature): """Record the last three observations for each healpixel""" def __init__(self, filtername=None, n_obs=3, nside=None): self.filtername = filtername self.n_obs = n_obs if nside is None: nside = utils.set_default_nside() self.feature = np.zeros((n_obs, hp.nside2npix(nside)), dtype=float) self.bins = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside) + 1) - 0.5
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array, observations_hpid): # Assumes we're already sorted on mjd valid_indx = np.ones(observations_hpid.size, dtype=bool) if self.filtername is not None: valid_indx[np.where(observations_hpid["filter"] != self.filtername)[0]] = False data = observations_hpid[valid_indx] if np.size(data) > 0: for i in range(1, self.n_obs + 1): func = LargestN(i) result, _be, _bn = binned_statistic(data["hpid"], data["mjd"], statistic=func, bins=self.bins) # some_vals = np.where(np.sum(result, axis=1) > 0)[0] self.feature[-i, :] = result
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if self.filtername is None or observation["filter"][0] in self.filtername: self.feature[0:-1, indx] = self.feature[1:, indx] self.feature[-1, indx] = observation["mjd"]
[docs] class NObservationsCurrentSeason(BaseSurveyFeature): """Count the observations at each healpix, taken in the most recent season, that meet filter, seeing and m5 criteria. Useful for ensuring that "good quality" observations are acquired in each season at each point in the survey footprint. Parameters ---------- filtername : `str`, optional If None (default) count observations in any filter. Otherwise, only count observations in the specified filter. nside : `int`, optional If None (default), use default nside for scheduler. Otherwise, set nside for the map to nside. seeing_fwhm_max : `float`, optional If None (default), count observations up to any seeing value. Otherwise, only count observations with better seeing (`FWHMeff`) than `seeing_fwhm_max`. In arcseconds. m5_penalty_max : `float`, optional If None (default), count observations with any m5 value. Otherwise, only count observations within this value of the dark sky map at this pixel. Only relevant if filtername is not None. mjd_start : `float`, optional If None, uses default survey_start_mjd for the start of the survey. This defines the starting year for counting seasons, so should be the start of the survey. """ def __init__( self, filtername=None, nside=None, seeing_fwhm_max=None, m5_penalty_max=None, mjd_start=None, ): if nside is None: nside = utils.set_default_nside() self.nside = nside self.seeing_fwhm_max = seeing_fwhm_max self.filtername = filtername self.m5_penalty_max = m5_penalty_max # If filtername not set, then we can't set m5_penalty_max. if self.filtername is None and self.m5_penalty_max is not None: warnings.warn("To use m5_penalty_max, filtername must be set. Disregarding m5_penalty_max.") self.m5_penalty_max = None # Get the dark sky map if self.filtername is not None: self.dark_map = dark_sky(nside)[filtername] self.ones = np.ones(hp.nside2npix(self.nside)) if mjd_start is None: mjd_start = survey_start_mjd() self.mjd_start = mjd_start # Set up feature values - this includes the count in a given season # Find the healpixels for each point on the sky self.ra, self.dec = _hpid2_ra_dec(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside))) self.ra_deg = np.degrees(self.ra) self.mjd = mjd_start # Set up season_map. This should be the same as conditions.season_map # but the important thing is that mjd_start matches. self.season_map = calc_season(self.ra_deg, [self.mjd], self.mjd_start).flatten() self.season = np.floor(self.season_map) self.feature = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float) # Set bins for add_observations_array self.bins = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside) + 1) - 0.5
[docs] def season_update(self, observation=None, conditions=None): """Update the season_map to the current time. This assumes time increases monotonically in the conditions or observations objects passed as arguments. Using the 'mjd' from the conditions, where parts of the sky have changed season (increasing in the `self.season_map` + 1) the `self.feature` is cleared, in order to restart counting observations in the new season. Parameters ---------- observation : `np.array`, (1,N) Array of observation information, containing `mjd` for the time. See `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.ObservationArray`. conditions : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.Conditions`, optional A conditions object, containing `mjd`. Notes ----- One of observations or conditions must be passed, but either are options so this can be used with add_observation. Most of the time, the updates will come from `conditions`. """ mjd_now = None mjd_from = None if observation is not None: mjd_now = observation["mjd"] mjd_from = "observation" # Prefer to use Conditions for the time. if conditions is not None: mjd_now = conditions.mjd mjd_from = "conditions" if mjd_now is None: warnings.warn( "Expected either a conditions or observations object. Not updating season_map.", UserWarning, ) return if isinstance(mjd_now, np.ndarray) or isinstance(mjd_now, list): mjd_now = mjd_now[0] # Check that time doesn't go backwards. # But only bother to warn if it's coming from conditions. # Observations may look like they go backwards. if mjd_now < self.mjd: if mjd_from == "conditions": warnings.warn( f"Time must flow forwards to track the " f"feature in {self.__class__.__name__}." f"Not updating season_map.", UserWarning, ) # But just return without update in either case. return # Calculate updated season values. updated_season = np.floor(self.season_map + (mjd_now - self.mjd_start) / 365.25) # Clear feature where season increased by 1 (note 'floor' above). self.feature[np.where(updated_season > self.season)] = 0 # Update to new time and season. self.mjd = mjd_now self.season = updated_season
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array, observations_hpid): # Update self.season to the most recent observation time self.season_update(observation=observations_array[-1]) # Start assuming 'check' is all True, for all observations. check = np.ones(observations_array.size, dtype=bool) # Rule out the observations with seeing fwhmeff > limit if self.seeing_fwhm_max is not None: check[np.where(observations_array["FWHMeff"] > self.seeing_fwhm_max)] = False # Rule out observations which are not in the desired filter if self.filtername is not None: check[np.where(observations_array["filter"] != self.filtername)] = False # Convert the "check" array on observations_array into a # "check" array on the hpids so we can evaluate healpix-level items check_hpid_indxs = np.in1d(observations_hpid["ID"], observations_array["ID"][check]) # Set up a new valid/not valid flag, now on observations_hpid check_hp = np.zeros(len(observations_hpid), dtype=bool) # Set all observations which passed simpler tests above to True check_hp[check_hpid_indxs] = True hpids = observations_hpid["hpid"] # This could be done once per observation, but to make life # easier for index matching, let's just calculate season # based on the hpid array. # We only want to count observations that would fall within the # current season, so calculate the season for each obs. seasons = np.floor( calc_season( np.degrees(observations_hpid["RA"]), observations_hpid["mjd"], self.mjd_start, calc_diagonal=True, ) ) season_change = self.season[hpids] - seasons check_hp = np.where(season_change != 0, False, check_hp) # And check for m5_penalty_map if self.m5_penalty_max is not None: penalty = self.dark_map[hpids] - observations_hpid["fivesigmadepth"] check_hp = np.where(penalty > self.m5_penalty_max, False, check_hp) # Bin up the observations per hpid and add them to the feature. if np.sum(observations_hpid["hpid"][check_hp]) > 0: result, _be, _bn = binned_statistic( observations_hpid["hpid"][check_hp], observations_hpid["hpid"][check_hp], bins=self.bins, statistic=np.size, ) else: result = 0 # Add the resulting observations to feature. self.feature += result
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx): # Update the season map to the current time. self.season_update(observation=observation) # Check if *this* observation is in the current season # (This means we could add observations from the past, but # would count it against the current season). season_obs = np.floor(self.season_map[indx] + (observation["mjd"] - self.mjd_start) / 365.25) this_season_indx = np.array(indx)[np.where(season_obs == self.season[indx])] # Check if seeing is good enough. if self.seeing_fwhm_max is not None: check = observation["FWHMeff"] <= self.seeing_fwhm_max else: check = True # Check if observation is in the right filter if self.filtername is not None and check: if observation["filter"][0] != self.filtername: check = False else: # Check if observation in correct filter and deep enough. if self.m5_penalty_max is not None: penalty = self.dark_map[this_season_indx] - observation["fivesigmadepth"] this_season_indx = this_season_indx[np.where(penalty <= self.m5_penalty_max)] if check: self.feature[this_season_indx] += 1
[docs] class CoaddedDepth(BaseSurveyFeature): """Track the co-added depth that has been reached across the sky Parameters ---------- fwh_meff_limit : `float` (100) The effective FWHM of the seeing (arcsecond). Images will only be added to the coadded depth if the observation FWHM is less than or equal to the limit. Default 100. """ def __init__(self, filtername="r", nside=None, fwhm_eff_limit=100.0): if nside is None: nside = utils.set_default_nside() self.filtername = filtername self.fwhm_eff_limit = IntRounded(fwhm_eff_limit) # Starting at limiting mag of zero should be fine. self.feature = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float)
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if observation["filter"][0] == self.filtername: if IntRounded(observation["FWHMeff"]) <= self.fwhm_eff_limit: m5 = m5_flat_sed( observation["filter"], observation["skybrightness"], observation["FWHMeff"], observation["exptime"], observation["airmass"], ) self.feature[indx] = 1.25 * np.log10(10.0 ** (0.8 * self.feature[indx]) + 10.0 ** (0.8 * m5))
[docs] class LastObserved(BaseSurveyFeature): """ Track the MJD when a pixel was last observed. Assumes observations are added in chronological order. Parameters ---------- filtername : `str` or None Track visits in a particular filter or any filter (None). nside : `int` or None Nside for the healpix map, default of None uses the scheduler default. fill : `float` Fill value to use where no observations have been found. """ def __init__(self, filtername="r", nside=None, fill=np.nan): if nside is None: nside = utils.set_default_nside() self.filtername = filtername self.feature = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float) + fill self.bins = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside) + 1) - 0.5
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array, observations_hpid): # Assumes we're already sorted on mjd valid_indx = np.ones(observations_hpid.size, dtype=bool) if self.filtername is not None: valid_indx[np.where(observations_hpid["filter"] != self.filtername)[0]] = False data = observations_hpid[valid_indx] if np.size(data) > 0: result, _be, _bn = binned_statistic(data["hpid"], data["mjd"], statistic=np.max, bins=self.bins) good = np.where(result > 0) self.feature[good] = result[good]
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if self.filtername is None: self.feature[indx] = observation["mjd"] elif observation["filter"][0] in self.filtername: self.feature[indx] = observation["mjd"]
[docs] class NoteLastObserved(BaseSurveyFeature): """Track the last time an observation with a particular `note` field was made. Parameters ---------- note : `str` Substring to match an observation note field to keep track of. """ def __init__(self, note, filtername=None): self.note = note self.filtername = filtername self.feature = None
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if self.note in observation["scheduler_note"][0] and ( self.filtername is None or self.filtername == observation["filter"][0] ): self.feature = observation["mjd"]
[docs] class NObsNight(BaseSurveyFeature): """ Track how many times a healpixel has been observed in a night. Parameters ---------- filtername : `str` or None Filter to track. None tracks observations in any filter. nside : `int` or None Scale of the healpix map. Default of None uses the scheduler default nside. """ def __init__(self, filtername="r", nside=None): if nside is None: nside = utils.set_default_nside() self.filtername = filtername self.feature = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=int) self.night = None
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if observation["night"] != self.night: self.feature *= 0 self.night = observation["night"] if (self.filtername == "") | (self.filtername is None): self.feature[indx] += 1 elif observation["filter"][0] in self.filtername: self.feature[indx] += 1
[docs] class PairInNight(BaseSurveyFeature): """ Track how many pairs have been observed within a night at a given healpix. Parameters ---------- gap_min : `float` (25.) The minimum time gap to consider a successful pair in minutes gap_max : `float` (45.) The maximum time gap to consider a successful pair (minutes) """ def __init__(self, filtername="r", nside=None, gap_min=25.0, gap_max=45.0): if nside is None: nside = utils.set_default_nside() self.filtername = filtername self.feature = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), dtype=float) self.indx = np.arange(self.feature.size) self.last_observed = LastObserved(filtername=filtername) self.gap_min = IntRounded(gap_min / (24.0 * 60)) # Days self.gap_max = IntRounded(gap_max / (24.0 * 60)) # Days self.night = 0 # Need to keep a full record of times and healpixels observed in # a night. self.mjd_log = [] self.hpid_log = []
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array, observations_hpid): # ok, let's just find the largest night and toss all those in one # at a time ## THIS IGNORES FILTER?? most_recent_night = np.where(observations_hpid["night"] == np.max(observations_hpid["night"]))[0] obs_hpid = observations_hpid[most_recent_night] uid = np.unique(obs_hpid["ID"]) for ind_id in uid: # maybe a faster searchsorted way to do this, but it'll work # for now good = np.where(obs_hpid["ID"] == ind_id)[0] self.add_observation(observations_hpid[good][0], observations_hpid[good]["hpid"])
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if self.filtername is None: infilt = True else: infilt = observation["filter"][0] in self.filtername if infilt: if indx is None: indx = self.indx # Clear values if on a new night if self.night != observation["night"]: self.feature *= 0.0 self.night = observation["night"] self.mjd_log = [] self.hpid_log = [] # Look for the mjds that could possibly pair with observation mjd_diff = IntRounded(observation["mjd"] - np.array(self.mjd_log)) # normally would use np.searchsorted, but need to use IntRounded # to be sure we are cross-platform repeatable. in_range_indx = np.where((mjd_diff > self.gap_min) & (mjd_diff < self.gap_max))[0] # Now check if any of the healpixels taken in the time gap # match the healpixels of the observation. if in_range_indx.size > 0: left = in_range_indx.min() right = in_range_indx.max() + 1 matches = np.in1d(indx, self.hpid_log[left:right]) self.feature[np.array(indx)[matches]] += 1 # record the mjds and healpixels that were observed self.mjd_log.extend([np.max(observation["mjd"])] * np.size(indx)) self.hpid_log.extend(list(indx))
[docs] class RotatorAngle(BaseSurveyFeature): """ Track what rotation angles things are observed with. XXX-under construction """ def __init__(self, filtername="r", binsize=10.0, nside=None): """""" if nside is None: nside = utils.set_default_nside() self.filtername = filtername # Actually keep a histogram at each healpixel self.feature = np.zeros((hp.nside2npix(nside), 360.0 / binsize), dtype=float) self.bins = np.arange(0, 360 + binsize, binsize)
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None): if observation["filter"][0] == self.filtername: # I think this is how to broadcast things properly. self.feature[indx, :] += np.histogram(observation.rotSkyPos, bins=self.bins)[0]