Source code for rubin_scheduler.scheduler.sim_runner

__all__ = ("sim_runner",)

import copy
import sqlite3
import sys
import time
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers import SimpleFilterSched
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import ObservationArray, SchemaConverter, run_info_table
from rubin_scheduler.utils import Site, _approx_altaz2pa, pseudo_parallactic_angle, rotation_converter

[docs] def sim_runner( observatory, scheduler, filter_scheduler=None, sim_start_mjd=None, sim_duration=3.0, filename=None, delete_past=True, n_visit_limit=None, step_none=15.0, verbose=True, extra_info=None, event_table=None, record_rewards=False, start_result_size=int(2e5), append_result_size=int(2.5e6), anomalous_overhead_func=None, telescope="rubin", ): """ run a simulation Parameters ---------- survey_length : float (3.) The length of the survey ot run (days) step_none : float (15) The amount of time to advance if the scheduler fails to return a target (minutes). extra_info : dict (None) If present, dict gets added onto the information from the observatory model. event_table : np.array (None) Any ToO events that were included in the simulation record_rewards : bool (False) Save computed rewards start_result_size : int Size of observations array to pre-allocate at the start of the run. Default 2e5. append_result_size : int Size of observations array to append if start_result_size is too small. Default 2.5e6. anomalous_overhead_func: `Callable` or None A function or callable object that takes the visit time and slew time (in seconds) as argument, and returns and additional offset (also in seconds) to be applied as addinional overhead between exposures. Defaults to None. telescope : `str` Name of telecope for camera rotation. Default "rubin". """ if extra_info is None: extra_info = {} t0 = time.time() if filter_scheduler is None: filter_scheduler = SimpleFilterSched() if sim_start_mjd is None: mjd = observatory.mjd + 0 sim_start_mjd = mjd + 0 else: mjd = sim_start_mjd + 0 observatory.mjd = mjd sim_end_mjd = sim_start_mjd + sim_duration observations = ObservationArray(n=start_result_size) mjd_track = mjd + 0 step = 1.0 / 24.0 step_none = step_none / 60.0 / 24.0 # to days mjd_run = sim_end_mjd - sim_start_mjd nskip = 0 mjd_last_flush = -1 last_obs_queue_fill_mjd_ns = None obs_rewards = {} reward_dfs = [] rc = rotation_converter(telescope=telescope) # Make sure correct filters are mounted conditions = observatory.return_conditions() filters_needed = filter_scheduler(conditions) observatory.observatory.mount_filters(filters_needed) counter = 0 while mjd < sim_end_mjd: if not scheduler._check_queue_mjd_only(observatory.mjd): scheduler.update_conditions(observatory.return_conditions()) desired_obs = scheduler.request_observation(mjd=observatory.mjd) if record_rewards: if last_obs_queue_fill_mjd_ns != scheduler.queue_fill_mjd_ns: reward_dfs.append(scheduler.queue_reward_df) last_obs_queue_fill_mjd_ns = scheduler.queue_fill_mjd_ns if desired_obs is None: # No observation. Just step into the future and try again. warnings.warn("No observation. Step into the future and trying again.") observatory.mjd = observatory.mjd + step_none scheduler.update_conditions(observatory.return_conditions()) nskip += 1 continue completed_obs, new_night = observatory.observe(desired_obs) if completed_obs is not None: if anomalous_overhead_func is not None: observatory.mjd += ( anomalous_overhead_func(completed_obs["visittime"], completed_obs["slewtime"]) / 86400 ) scheduler.add_observation(completed_obs) observations[counter] = completed_obs[0] filter_scheduler.add_observation(completed_obs) counter += 1 if counter == observations.size: add_observations = ObservationArray(n=append_result_size) observations = np.concatenate([observations, add_observations]) if record_rewards: obs_rewards[completed_obs[0]["mjd"]] = last_obs_queue_fill_mjd_ns else: # An observation failed to execute, usually it was outside # the altitude limits. if observatory.mjd == mjd_last_flush: raise RuntimeError( "Scheduler has failed to provide a valid observation multiple times " f" at time ({observatory.mjd} from survey {scheduler.survey_index}." ) # if this is a first offence, might just be that targets set. # Flush queue and try to get some new targets. scheduler.flush_queue() mjd_last_flush = copy.deepcopy(observatory.mjd) if new_night: # find out what filters we want mounted conditions = observatory.return_conditions() filters_needed = filter_scheduler(conditions) observatory.observatory.mount_filters(filters_needed) mjd = observatory.mjd + 0 if verbose: if (mjd - mjd_track) > step: progress = np.max((mjd - sim_start_mjd) / mjd_run * 100) text = "\rprogress = %.2f%%" % progress sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() mjd_track = mjd + 0 if n_visit_limit is not None: if counter == n_visit_limit: break # XXX--handy place to interupt and debug # if len(observations) > 25: # import pdb ; pdb.set_trace() # trim off any observations that were pre-allocated but not used observations = observations[0:counter] # Compute alt,az,pa, rottelpos for observations # Only warn if it's a low-accuracy astropy conversion lsst = Site("LSST") # Using pseudo_parallactic_angle, see pa, alt, az = pseudo_parallactic_angle( np.degrees(observations["RA"]), np.degrees(observations["dec"]), observations["mjd"], lon=lsst.longitude, lat=lsst.latitude, height=lsst.height, ) observations["alt"] = np.radians(alt) observations["az"] = np.radians(az) observations["pseudo_pa"] = np.radians(pa) observations["rotTelPos"] = rc._rotskypos2rottelpos(observations["rotSkyPos"], observations["pseudo_pa"]) # Also include traditional parallactic angle pa = _approx_altaz2pa(observations["alt"], observations["az"], lsst.latitude_rad) observations["pa"] = pa runtime = time.time() - t0 print("Skipped %i observations" % nskip) print("Flushed %i observations from queue for being stale" % scheduler.flushed) print("Completed %i observations" % len(observations)) print("ran in %i min = %.1f hours" % (runtime / 60.0, runtime / 3600.0)) if len(observations) > 0: if filename is not None: print("Writing results to ", filename) if filename is not None: info = run_info_table(observatory, extra_info=extra_info) converter = SchemaConverter() converter.obs2opsim(observations, filename=filename, info=info, delete_past=delete_past) if event_table is not None: df = pd.DataFrame(event_table) con = sqlite3.connect(filename) df.to_sql("events", con) con.close() if record_rewards: reward_df = pd.concat(reward_dfs) obs_rewards_series = pd.Series(obs_rewards) = "mjd" = "queue_fill_mjd_ns" if filename is not None: with sqlite3.connect(filename) as con: reward_df.to_sql("rewards", con) obs_rewards_series.to_sql("obs_rewards", con) else: # Make sure there is something to return if there are no # observations reward_df = None obs_rewards_series = None if record_rewards: result = observatory, scheduler, observations, reward_df, obs_rewards_series else: result = observatory, scheduler, observations return result