Source code for rubin_scheduler.scheduler.surveys.scripted_surveys

__all__ = ("ScriptedSurvey",)

import logging
import warnings

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np

from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.surveys import BaseSurvey
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import ScheduledObservationArray
from rubin_scheduler.utils import DEFAULT_NSIDE, _angular_separation, _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ScriptedSurvey(BaseSurvey): """ Take a set of scheduled observations and serve them up. Parameters ---------- basis_functions : list of rubin_scheduler.scheduler.BasisFunction Basis functions to use. These are only used for computing survey feasibility. They do not contribute to the logic of how observations are selected. Basis functions that return HEALpix maps are ignored. Spatial masking is instead done with the `_check_alts_ha` method. id_start : `int` (1) The integer to start the "scripted id" field with. Bad things could happen if you have multiple scripted survey objects with the same scripted IDs. return_n_limit : `int` (10) The maximum number of observations to return. Set to high and your block of scheduled observations can run into twilight time. before_twi_check : `bool` Check if the returned observations have enough time to complete before twilight starts. (default True) band_change_time : `float` The time needed to change bands. Default 120 seconds. Only used if before_twi_check is True. """ def __init__( self, basis_functions, basis_weights=None, reward=1e6, ignore_obs=None, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, detailers=None, id_start=1, return_n_limit=10, survey_name=None, before_twi_check=True, band_change_time=120, filter_change_time=None, ): if filter_change_time is not None: warnings.warn("filter_change_time deprecated in favor of band_change_time", FutureWarning) band_change_time = filter_change_time self.extra_features = {} self.nside = nside self.reward_val = reward self.reward = -np.inf self.id_start = id_start self.return_n_limit = return_n_limit self.band_change_time = band_change_time / 3600 / 24.0 # to days if basis_weights is None: self.basis_weights = np.zeros(len(basis_functions)) else: if np.max(np.abs(basis_weights)) > 0: raise ValueError("Basis function weights should be zero for ScriptedSurvey objects.") if len(basis_weights) != len(basis_functions): raise ValueError("Length of Basis function weights should match length of basis_functions.") self.basis_weights = basis_weights self.before_twi_check = before_twi_check # Attribute to cache results into self.observations = None # Track when the last call to generate_observations_rough was. self.last_mjd = -1 super(ScriptedSurvey, self).__init__( basis_functions=basis_functions, ignore_obs=ignore_obs, nside=nside, detailers=detailers, survey_name=survey_name, ) self.clear_script() # Just to be clear that the script should # be setting scheduler_note, not the survey. self.scheduler_note = None
[docs] def add_observations_array(self, observations_array_in, observations_hpid_in): if self.obs_wanted is not None: # toss out things that should be ignored to_ignore = np.in1d(observations_array_in["scheduler_note"], self.ignore_obs) observations_array = observations_array_in[~to_ignore] good = np.in1d(observations_hpid_in["ID"], observations_array["ID"]) observations_hpid = observations_hpid_in[good] for feature in self.extra_features: self.extra_features[feature].add_observations_array(observations_array, observations_hpid) for bf in self.extra_basis_functions: self.extra_basis_functions[bf].add_observations_array(observations_array, observations_hpid) for bf in self.basis_functions: bf.add_observations_array(observations_array, observations_hpid) for detailer in self.detailers: detailer.add_observations_array(observations_array, observations_hpid) if (self.obs_wanted is not None) & (np.size(self.obs_wanted) > 0): full_note_in = np.char.add( observations_array_in["scheduler_note"], observations_array_in["band"] ) full_note_queue = np.char.add(self.obs_wanted["scheduler_note"], self.obs_wanted["band"]) indx = np.in1d(full_note_queue, full_note_in) self.obs_wanted["observed"][indx] = True self.scheduled_obs = self.obs_wanted["mjd"][~self.obs_wanted["observed"]]
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation, indx=None, **kwargs): """Check if observation matches a scripted observation""" if (self.obs_wanted is not None) & (np.size(self.obs_wanted) > 0): # From base class checks = [io not in str(observation["scheduler_note"]) for io in self.ignore_obs] if all(checks): for feature in self.extra_features: self.extra_features[feature].add_observation(observation, **kwargs) for bf in self.basis_functions: bf.add_observation(observation, **kwargs) for detailer in self.detailers: detailer.add_observation(observation, **kwargs) self.reward_checked = False key = observation["scheduler_note"][0] + observation["band"][0] try: # Could add an additional check here for if the observation # is in the desired mjd window. self.obs_wanted["observed"][self.note_band_dict[key]] = True # If the key does not exist, nothing to do except KeyError: return
[docs] def calc_reward_function(self, conditions): """If there is an observation ready to go, execute it, otherwise, -inf""" observation = self.generate_observations_rough(conditions) if (observation is None) | (np.size(observation) == 0): self.reward = -np.inf else: self.reward = self.reward_val return self.reward
def _check_alts_ha(self, observation, conditions): """Given scheduled observations, check which ones can be done in current conditions. Parameters ---------- observation : np.array An array of scheduled observations. Probably generated with rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.scheduled_observation """ # distance to the moon d_to_moon = _angular_separation( observation["RA"], observation["dec"], conditions.moon_ra, conditions.moon_dec ) # Just do a fast ra,dec to alt,az conversion. alt, az = _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az( observation["RA"], observation["dec"],, None, conditions.mjd, lmst=conditions.lmst, ) HA = conditions.lmst - observation["RA"] * 12.0 / np.pi HA[np.where(HA > 24)] -= 24 HA[np.where(HA < 0)] += 24 in_range = np.where( (d_to_moon > observation["moon_min_distance"]) & (alt < observation["alt_max"]) & (alt > observation["alt_min"]) & ((HA > observation["HA_max"]) | (HA < observation["HA_min"])) & (conditions.sun_alt < observation["sun_alt_max"]) )[0] # Also check the alt,az limits given by the conditions object count = in_range * 0 if conditions.sky_alt_limits is not None: for limits in conditions.sky_alt_limits: ir = np.where((alt[in_range] >= np.min(limits)) & (alt[in_range] <= np.max(limits)))[0] count[ir] += 1 good = np.where(count > 0)[0] in_range = in_range[good] # Check against kinematic limits too ir = np.where( (alt[in_range] >= np.min(conditions.tel_alt_limits)) & (alt[in_range] <= np.max(conditions.tel_alt_limits)) )[0] in_range = in_range[ir] count = in_range * 0 if conditions.sky_az_limits is not None: for limits in conditions.sky_az_limits: az_min = limits[0] az_max = limits[1] if np.abs(az_max - az_min) >= (2 * np.pi): count += 1 else: az_range = (az_max - az_min) % (2 * np.pi) ir = np.where((az[in_range] - az_min) % (2 * np.pi) <= az_range)[0] count[ir] += 1 good = np.where(count > 0)[0] in_range = in_range[good] if np.abs(conditions.tel_az_limits[1] - conditions.tel_az_limits[0]) < (2 * np.pi): az_range = (conditions.tel_az_limits[1] - conditions.tel_az_limits[0]) % (2 * np.pi) ir = np.where((az[in_range] - conditions.tel_az_limits[0]) % (2 * np.pi) <= az_range)[0] in_range = in_range[ir] # Check that band needed is mounted good = np.isin(observation["band"][in_range], conditions.mounted_bands) in_range = in_range[good] return in_range def _check_list(self, conditions): """Check to see if the current mjd is good""" observations = None if self.obs_wanted.size > 0: # Scheduled observations that are in the right time # window and have not been executed in_time_window = np.where( (self.mjd_start < conditions.mjd) & (self.obs_wanted["flush_by_mjd"] > conditions.mjd) & (~self.obs_wanted["observed"]) )[0] if np.size(in_time_window) > 0: pass_checks = self._check_alts_ha(self.obs_wanted[in_time_window], conditions) matches = in_time_window[pass_checks] # Also check that the bands are mounted match2 = np.isin(self.obs_wanted["band"][matches], conditions.mounted_bands) matches = matches[match2] else: matches = [] if np.size(matches) > 0: # Do not return too many observations if np.size(matches) > self.return_n_limit: matches = matches[0 : self.return_n_limit] observations = self.obs_wanted[matches] # Need to check that none of these are masked by basis # functions reward = 0 for bf, weight in zip(self.basis_functions, self.basis_weights): basis_value = bf(conditions) reward += basis_value * weight # If reward is an array, then it's a HEALpy map and we # need to interpolate to the actual positions we want. # now to interpolate to the reward positions if np.size(reward) > 1: reward_interp = hp.get_interp_val( reward, np.degrees(observations["RA"]), np.degrees(observations["dec"]), lonlat=True, ) valid_reward = np.isfinite(reward_interp) observations = observations[valid_reward] return observations
[docs] def clear_script(self): """set an empty list to serve up""" self.obs_wanted = ScheduledObservationArray(n=0) self.mjd_start = None self.scheduled_obs = None self.note_band_dict = {}
[docs] def set_script(self, obs_wanted, append=True, add_index=True): """ Parameters ---------- obs_wanted : np.array The observations that should be executed. Needs to have columns with dtype names: Should be from lsst.sim.scheduler.utils.scheduled_observation mjds : np.array The MJDs for the observations, should be same length as obs_list mjd_tol : float (15.) The tolerance to consider an observation as still good to observe (min) append : `bool` Should the obs_wanted be appended to any existing scheduled observations. Default True. add_index : `bool` Should the scheduler_note be modified to include a unique index value. Default True. """ # Backfill band if filter was set instead missing_band = np.where(obs_wanted["band"] == "") band = np.char.rstrip(obs_wanted["filter"][missing_band], chars="_0123456789") obs_wanted["band"][missing_band] = band obs_wanted.sort(order=["mjd", "band"]) if add_index: sep = [", "] * obs_wanted.size indx = np.arange(self.id_start, self.id_start + obs_wanted.size, 1).astype(str) new_note = np.char.add(obs_wanted["scheduler_note"], sep) obs_wanted["scheduler_note"] = np.char.add(new_note, indx) self.id_start += obs_wanted.size else: # go through and pull the index as an int self.script_id_array = np.array( [int(note.split(", ")[-1]) for note in self.obs_wanted["scheduler_note"]] ) if np.size(self.script_id_array) > 0: self.id_start = self.script_id_array.max() + 1 if append & (self.obs_wanted is not None): self.obs_wanted = np.concatenate([self.obs_wanted, obs_wanted]) self.obs_wanted.sort(order=["mjd", "band"]) else: self.obs_wanted = obs_wanted # check that we have valid unique keys for observations potential_keys = np.char.add(self.obs_wanted["scheduler_note"], self.obs_wanted["band"]) if np.size(np.unique(potential_keys)) < np.size(self.obs_wanted): msg = ( "Scripted observations do not have unique scheduler_note " "+ band values. Consider setting add_index=True" ) raise ValueError(msg) self.mjd_start = self.obs_wanted["mjd"] - self.obs_wanted["mjd_tol"] # Here is the attribute that core scheduler checks to # broadcast scheduled observations in the conditions object. self.scheduled_obs = self.obs_wanted["mjd"] # Generate a dict so it can be fast to check if an observation matches # the combination of scheduler_note and band self.note_band_dict = {} for i, obs in enumerate(self.obs_wanted): self.note_band_dict[obs["scheduler_note"] + obs["band"]] = i
[docs] def generate_observations_rough(self, conditions): # if we have already called for this mjd, no need to repeat. if self.last_mjd == conditions.mjd: return self.observations observations = self._check_list(conditions) if observations is None: self.observations = [] self.last_mjd = conditions.mjd return self.observations n_band_changes = np.sum(observations[1:]["band"] == observations[:-1]["band"]) # If we want to ensure the observations can be completed # before twilight starts if self.before_twi_check: # Note that if detailers are adding lots of exposures, this # calculation has the potential to not be right at all. # Also assumes slew time is negligible. exptime_needed = np.sum(observations["exptime"]) / 3600.0 / 24.0 # to days band_change_needed = n_band_changes * self.band_change_time tot_time_needed = exptime_needed + band_change_needed time_before_twi = conditions.sun_n18_rising - conditions.mjd # Not enough time, wipe out the observations if tot_time_needed > time_before_twi: self.observations = [] self.last_mjd = conditions.mjd return self.observations self.last_mjd = conditions.mjd # Cache results, convert to ObservationArray self.observations = observations.to_observation_array() return self.observations