Source code for rubin_scheduler.scheduler.surveys.surveys

__all__ = ("GreedySurvey", "BlobSurvey")

import warnings
from copy import copy

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np

from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.surveys import BaseMarkovSurvey
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import ObservationArray, int_binned_stat, order_observations
from rubin_scheduler.utils import DEFAULT_NSIDE, _angular_separation, _hpid2_ra_dec, hp_grow_argsort

[docs] class GreedySurvey(BaseMarkovSurvey): """ Select pointings in a greedy way using a Markov Decision Process. """ def __init__( self, basis_functions, basis_weights, bandname="r", block_size=1, smoothing_kernel=None, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, dither=True, seed=42, ignore_obs=None, survey_name=None, scheduler_note=None, nexp=2, exptime=30.0, detailers=None, camera="LSST", area_required=None, fields=None, filtername=None, **kwargs, ): extra_features = {} if filtername is not None: warnings.warn("filtername deprecated in favor of bandname", FutureWarning) bandname = filtername self.filtername = filtername self.bandname = bandname self.block_size = block_size self.nexp = nexp self.exptime = exptime super(GreedySurvey, self).__init__( basis_functions=basis_functions, basis_weights=basis_weights, extra_features=extra_features, smoothing_kernel=smoothing_kernel, ignore_obs=ignore_obs, nside=nside, survey_name=survey_name, scheduler_note=scheduler_note, dither=dither, seed=seed, detailers=detailers, camera=camera, area_required=area_required, fields=fields, **kwargs, ) def _generate_survey_name(self): self.survey_name = f"Greedy {self.bandname}"
[docs] def generate_observations_rough(self, conditions): """ Just point at the highest reward healpix """ self.reward = self.calc_reward_function(conditions) # Check if we need to spin the tesselation if self.dither & (conditions.night != self.night): self._spin_fields(conditions) self.night = copy(conditions.night) # Let's find the best N from the fields order = np.argsort(self.reward)[::-1] # Crop off any NaNs or Infs order = order[np.isfinite(self.reward[order])] best_hp = order[0 : self.block_size] best_fields = np.unique(self.hp2fields[best_hp]) observations = ObservationArray(n=best_fields.size) observations["RA"] = self.fields["RA"][best_fields] observations["dec"] = self.fields["dec"][best_fields] observations["rotSkyPos"] = 0.0 observations["band"] = self.bandname observations["nexp"] = self.nexp observations["exptime"] = self.exptime observations["scheduler_note"] = self.scheduler_note # XXX--may need tack on some extra here? # or maybe crop down best fields to the correct length return observations
[docs] class BlobSurvey(GreedySurvey): """Select observations in large, mostly contiguous, blobs. Parameters ---------- bandname1 : `str` The band to observe in. bandname2 : `str` The band to pair with the first observation. If set to None, no pair will be observed. slew_approx : `float` The approximate slewtime between neerby fields (seconds). Used to calculate how many observations can be taken in the desired time block. band_change_approx : `float` The approximate time it takes to change bands (seconds). read_approx : `float` The approximate time required to readout the camera (seconds). exptime : `float` The total on-sky exposure time per visit. nexp : `int` The number of exposures to take in a visit. exp_dict : `dict` If set, should have keys of bandname and values of ints that are the nuber of exposures to take per visit. For estimating block time, nexp is still used. ideal_pair_time : `float` The ideal time gap wanted between observations to the same pointing (minutes) flush_time : `float` The time past the final expected exposure to flush the queue. Keeps observations from lingering past when they should be executed. (minutes) twilight_scale : `bool` Scale the block size to fill up to twilight. Set to False if running in twilight in_twilight : `bool` Scale the block size to stay within twilight time. check_scheduled : `bool` Check if there are scheduled observations and scale blob size to match min_area : `float` If set, demand the reward function have an area of so many square degrees before executing grow_blob : `bool` If True, try to grow the blob from the global maximum. Otherwise, just use a simple sort. Simple sort will not constrain the blob to be contiguous. max_radius_peak : `float` The maximum radius to demand things be within the maximum of the reward function. (degrees) Note that traveling salesman solver can have rare failures if this is set too large (probably issue with projection effects or something). Notes ----- The `scheduler_note` for the BlobSurvey will be set from the `survey_name`. A typical Detailer for the blob survey then adds onto this note to identify the first vs. second visit of the pair. Because the `scheduler_note` is modified, users do not set `scheduler_note` directly. """ def __init__( self, basis_functions, basis_weights, bandname1="r", bandname2="g", slew_approx=7.5, band_change_approx=140.0, read_approx=2.4, exptime=30.0, nexp=2, nexp_dict=None, ideal_pair_time=22.0, flush_time=30.0, smoothing_kernel=None, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, dither=True, seed=42, ignore_obs=None, survey_name=None, detailers=None, camera="LSST", twilight_scale=True, in_twilight=False, check_scheduled=True, min_area=None, grow_blob=True, area_required=None, max_radius_peak=40.0, fields=None, search_radius=None, alt_max=-9999, az_range=-9999, target_name=None, observation_reason=None, science_program=None, filtername1=None, filtername2=None, filter_change_approx=None, ): if filtername1 is not None: warnings.warn("filtername1 deprecated in favor of bandname1", FutureWarning) bandname1 = filtername1 if filtername2 is not None: warnings.warn("filtername2 deprecated in favor of bandname2", FutureWarning) bandname2 = filtername2 if filter_change_approx is not None: warnings.warn("filter_change_approx deprecated in favor of band_change_approx", FutureWarning) band_change_approx = filter_change_approx if search_radius is not None: warnings.warn("search_radius unused, remove kwarg", DeprecationWarning, 2) if alt_max != -9999: warnings.warn("alt_max unused, remove kwarg", DeprecationWarning, 2) if az_range != -9999: warnings.warn("az_range unused, remove kwarg", DeprecationWarning, 2) if min_area is not None: warnings.warn("kwarg min_area replaced with area_required", FutureWarning) area_required = min_area self.bandname1 = bandname1 self.bandname2 = bandname2 self.ideal_pair_time = ideal_pair_time if survey_name is None: self._generate_survey_name() else: self.survey_name = survey_name super(BlobSurvey, self).__init__( basis_functions=basis_functions, basis_weights=basis_weights, bandname=None, block_size=0, smoothing_kernel=smoothing_kernel, dither=dither, seed=seed, ignore_obs=ignore_obs, nside=nside, detailers=detailers, camera=camera, area_required=area_required, fields=fields, survey_name=self.survey_name, target_name=target_name, science_program=science_program, observation_reason=observation_reason, ) self.flush_time = flush_time / 60.0 / 24.0 # convert to days self.nexp = nexp self.nexp_dict = nexp_dict self.exptime = exptime self.slew_approx = slew_approx self.read_approx = read_approx self.hpids = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(self.nside)) self.twilight_scale = twilight_scale self.in_twilight = in_twilight self.grow_blob = grow_blob self.max_radius_peak = np.radians(max_radius_peak) if self.twilight_scale & self.in_twilight: warnings.warn("Both twilight_scale and in_twilight are set to True. That is probably wrong.") self.min_area = min_area self.check_scheduled = check_scheduled # If we are taking pairs in same band, no need to add band # change time. if bandname1 == bandname2: band_change_approx = 0 # Compute the minimum time needed to observe a blob (or observe, # then repeat.) if bandname2 is not None: self.time_needed = ( (self.ideal_pair_time * 60.0 * 2.0 + self.exptime + self.read_approx + band_change_approx) / 24.0 / 3600.0 ) # Days else: self.time_needed = ( (self.ideal_pair_time * 60.0 + self.exptime + self.read_approx) / 24.0 / 3600.0 ) # Days self.band_set = set(bandname1) if bandname2 is None: self.band2_set = self.band_set else: self.band2_set = set(bandname2) self.ra, self.dec = _hpid2_ra_dec(self.nside, self.hpids) self.counter = 1 # start at 1, because 0 is default in empty obs self.pixarea = hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True) # If we are only using one band, this could be useful if (self.bandname2 is None) | (self.bandname1 == self.bandname2): self.bandname = self.bandname1 def _generate_survey_name(self): self.survey_name = "Pairs" self.survey_name += f" {self.ideal_pair_time :.1f}" self.survey_name += f" {self.bandname1}" if self.bandname2 is None: self.survey_name += f"_{self.bandname1}" else: self.survey_name += f"_{self.bandname2}" def _set_block_size(self, conditions): """ Update the block size if it's getting near a break point. """ # If we are trying to get things done before twilight if self.twilight_scale: available_time = conditions.sun_n18_rising - conditions.mjd available_time *= 24.0 * 60.0 # to minutes n_ideal_blocks = available_time / self.ideal_pair_time else: n_ideal_blocks = 4 # If we are trying to get things done before a scheduled simulation if self.check_scheduled: if len(conditions.scheduled_observations) > 0: available_time = np.min(conditions.scheduled_observations) - conditions.mjd available_time *= 24.0 * 60.0 # to minutes n_blocks = available_time / self.ideal_pair_time if n_blocks < n_ideal_blocks: n_ideal_blocks = n_blocks # If we are trying to complete before twilight ends or # the night ends if self.in_twilight: at1 = conditions.sun_n12_rising - conditions.mjd at2 = conditions.sun_n18_setting - conditions.mjd times = np.array([at1, at2]) times = times[np.where(times > 0)] available_time = np.min(times) if len(times) > 0 else 0.0 available_time *= 24.0 * 60.0 # to minutes n_blocks = available_time / self.ideal_pair_time if n_blocks < n_ideal_blocks: n_ideal_blocks = n_blocks if n_ideal_blocks >= 3: self.nvisit_block = int( np.floor( self.ideal_pair_time * 60.0 / (self.slew_approx + self.exptime + self.read_approx * (self.nexp - 1)) ) ) else: # Now we can stretch or contract the block size to # allocate the # remainder time until twilight starts # We can take the remaining time and try to do 1,2, # or 3 blocks. possible_times = available_time / np.arange(1, 4) diff = np.abs(self.ideal_pair_time - possible_times) best_block_time = np.max(possible_times[np.where(diff == np.min(diff))]) self.nvisit_block = int( np.floor( best_block_time * 60.0 / (self.slew_approx + self.exptime + self.read_approx * (self.nexp - 1)) ) ) # The floor can set block to zero, make it possible to to just one if self.nvisit_block <= 0: self.nvisit_block = 1
[docs] def calc_reward_function(self, conditions): # Set the number of observations we are going to try and take self._set_block_size(conditions) # Computing reward like usual with basis functions and weights if self._check_feasibility(conditions): self.reward = self.calc_reward_basic(conditions) if self.smoothing_kernel is not None: self.smooth_reward() else: self.reward = -np.inf return self.reward if self.area_required is not None: max_indices = np.where(self.reward == np.nanmax(self.reward))[0] if np.size(max_indices) == 0: # This is the case if everything is masked self.reward = -np.inf else: max_reward_indx = np.min(max_indices) distances = _angular_separation( self.ra, self.dec, self.ra[max_reward_indx], self.dec[max_reward_indx], ) good_area = np.where((np.abs(self.reward) >= 0) & (distances < self.max_radius_peak))[ 0 ].size * hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside) if good_area < self.area_required: self.reward = -np.inf self.reward_checked = True return self.reward
[docs] def simple_order_sort(self): """Fall back if we can't link contiguous blobs in the reward map""" # Assuming reward has already been calculated potential_hp = np.where(np.isfinite(self.reward))[0] # Note, using nanmax, so masked pixels might be included in # the pointing. I guess I should document that it's not # "NaN pixels can't be observed", but # "non-NaN pixels CAN be observed", which probably is # not intuitive. ufields, reward_by_field = int_binned_stat( self.hp2fields[potential_hp], self.reward[potential_hp], statistic=np.nanmax ) # chop off any nans not_nans = np.where(np.isfinite(reward_by_field)) ufields = ufields[not_nans] reward_by_field = reward_by_field[not_nans] order = np.argsort(reward_by_field)[::-1] ufields = ufields[order] self.best_fields = ufields[0 : self.nvisit_block]
[docs] def generate_observations_rough(self, conditions): """ Find a good block of observations. """ self.reward = self.calc_reward_function(conditions) # Mask off pixels that are far away from the maximum. max_reward_indx = np.min(np.where(self.reward == np.nanmax(self.reward))) distances = _angular_separation( self.ra, self.dec, self.ra[max_reward_indx], self.dec[max_reward_indx] ) self.reward[np.where(distances > self.max_radius_peak)] = np.nan # Check if we need to spin the tesselation if self.dither & (conditions.night != self.night): self._spin_fields(conditions) self.night = copy(conditions.night) if self.grow_blob: # Note, returns highest first ordered_hp = hp_grow_argsort(self.reward) ordered_fields = self.hp2fields[ordered_hp] orig_order = np.arange(ordered_fields.size) # Remove duplicate field pointings _u_of, u_indx = np.unique(ordered_fields, return_index=True) new_order = np.argsort(orig_order[u_indx]) best_fields = ordered_fields[u_indx[new_order]] if np.size(best_fields) < self.nvisit_block: # Let's fall back to the simple sort self.simple_order_sort() else: self.best_fields = best_fields[0 : self.nvisit_block] else: self.simple_order_sort() if len(self.best_fields) == 0: # everything was nans, or self.nvisit_block was zero return [] better_order = order_observations( self.fields["RA"][self.best_fields], self.fields["dec"][self.best_fields] ) # XXX-TODO: Could try to roll better_order to start at # the nearest/fastest slew from current position. flush_time = conditions.mjd + self.time_needed + self.flush_time observations = ObservationArray(n=len(better_order)) fields = self.best_fields[better_order] observations["RA"] = self.fields["RA"][fields] observations["dec"] = self.fields["dec"][fields] observations["rotSkyPos"] = 0.0 observations["band"] = self.bandname1 if self.nexp_dict is None: observations["nexp"] = self.nexp else: observations["nexp"] = self.nexp_dict[self.bandname1] observations["exptime"] = self.exptime observations["scheduler_note"] = self.scheduler_note observations["flush_by_mjd"] = flush_time return observations