Source code for rubin_scheduler.scheduler.surveys.too_scripted_surveys

__all__ = ("ToOScriptedSurvey", "gen_too_surveys")

import warnings
from copy import copy

import numpy as np

from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.surveys import BaseMarkovSurvey, ScriptedSurvey
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import (
from rubin_scheduler.site_models import _read_fields
from rubin_scheduler.utils import DEFAULT_NSIDE, _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az, _ra_dec2_hpid

def rotx(theta, x, y, z):
    """rotate the x,y,z points theta radians about x axis"""
    sin_t = np.sin(theta)
    cos_t = np.cos(theta)
    xp = x
    yp = y * cos_t + z * sin_t
    zp = -y * sin_t + z * cos_t
    return xp, yp, zp


[docs] class ToOScriptedSurvey(ScriptedSurvey, BaseMarkovSurvey): """If there is a new ToO event, generate a set of scripted observations to try and follow it up. Parameters ---------- times : list of floats The times after the detection that observations should be attempted (hours). Default [1, 2, 4, 24, 48] bands_at_times : list of str The bands that should be observed at each time in `times`. Default ["gz", "gz", "gz", "gz", "gz", "gz"] nvis : list of int The number of visits per band at each time in `times`. Default [1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6] exptimes : list of floats The exposure times to use for each time in `times`. Default [DEFAULT_EXP_TIME]*5, alt_min : float Do not attempt observations below this limit (degrees). Note the telescope alt limit is 20 degrees, however, slew and band change time means alt_min here should be set higher (otherwise, target will pass altitude check, but then fail to observe by the time the telescope gets there). target_name_base : `str` String to use as the base of the target name. Will be appended with an integer for the object id. split_long : `bool` Should long exposure times be split into multiple snaps. Default False. split_long_max : `float` Maximum exposure time to allow before splitting into multiple snaps if split_long is True. Default 30s. split_long_div : `float` Time to divide the exposure time by to decide how many snaps to use. Default 60s. """ def __init__( self, basis_functions, followup_footprint=None, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, reward_val=1e6, times=[1, 2, 4, 24, 48], bands_at_times=["gz", "gz", "gz", "gz", "gz", "gz"], nvis=[1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6], exptimes=[DEFAULT_EXP_TIME] * 6, camera="LSST", survey_name="ToO", target_name_base="ToO", flushtime=2.0, mjd_tol=1.0 / 24.0, dist_tol=0.5, alt_min=25.0, alt_max=85.0, HA_min=5, HA_max=19, ignore_obs=None, dither=True, seed=42, npositions=20000, n_snaps=2, n_usnaps=1, id_start=1, detailers=None, too_types_to_follow=[""], split_long=False, split_long_max=30.0, split_long_div=60.0, filters_at_times=None, ): if filters_at_times is not None: warnings.warn("filters_at_times deprecated in favor of bands_at_times", FutureWarning) bands_at_times = filters_at_times # Make sure lists all match check = np.unique([len(bands_at_times), len(times), len(nvis), len(exptimes)]) if np.size(check) > 1: raise ValueError("lengths of times, bands_at_times, nvis, and exptimes must match.") # Figure out what else I need to super here if ignore_obs is None: ignore_obs = [] self.basis_functions = basis_functions self.survey_name = survey_name self.followup_footprint = followup_footprint self.last_event_id = -1 self.night = -1 self.reward_val = reward_val self.times = np.array(times) / 24.0 # to days self.bands_at_times = bands_at_times self.exptimes = exptimes self.nvis = nvis self.n_snaps = n_snaps self.n_usnaps = n_usnaps self.nside = nside self.flushtime = flushtime / 24.0 self.mjd_tol = mjd_tol self.dist_tol = np.radians(dist_tol) self.alt_min = np.radians(alt_min) self.alt_max = np.radians(alt_max) self.HA_min = HA_min self.HA_max = HA_max self.ignore_obs = ignore_obs self.extra_features = {} self.extra_basis_functions = {} self.detailers = [] self.dither = dither self.id_start = id_start self.detailers = detailers self.last_mjd = -1 self.too_types_to_follow = too_types_to_follow self.split_long = split_long self.target_name_base = target_name_base self.split_long_max = split_long_max self.split_long_div = split_long_div = camera # Load the OpSim field tesselation and map healpix to fields if == "LSST": ra, dec = _read_fields() self.fields_init = np.empty(ra.size, dtype=list(zip(["RA", "dec"], [float, float]))) self.fields_init["RA"] = ra self.fields_init["dec"] = dec elif == "comcam": self.fields_init = comcam_tessellate() else: ValueError('camera %s unknown, should be "LSST" or "comcam"' % camera) self.fields = self.fields_init.copy() self.hp2fields = np.array([]) self._hp2fieldsetup(self.fields["RA"], self.fields["dec"]) # Don't bother with checking if we can run before twilight ends self.before_twi_check = False # Initialize the list of scripted observations self.clear_script() # Generate and store rotation positions to use. # This way, if different survey objects are seeded the same, they will # use the same dither positions each night rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self.lon = rng.random(npositions) * np.pi * 2 # Make sure latitude points spread correctly # = np.arccos(2.0 * rng.random(npositions) - 1.0) self.lon2 = rng.random(npositions) * np.pi * 2 self.spin_indx = 0 # list to keep track of alerts we have already seen self.seen_alerts = [] def _check_list(self, conditions): """Check to see if the current mjd is good""" observation = None if self.obs_wanted.size > 0: # Scheduled observations that are in the right # time window and have not been executed in_time_window = np.where( (self.mjd_start < conditions.mjd) & (self.obs_wanted["flush_by_mjd"] > conditions.mjd) & (~self.obs_wanted["observed"]) )[0] if np.size(in_time_window) > 0: pass_checks = self._check_alts_ha(self.obs_wanted[in_time_window], conditions) matches = in_time_window[pass_checks] else: matches = [] if np.size(matches) > 0: observation = ScheduledObservationArray(n=1) observation[0] = self.obs_wanted[matches[0]] return observation
[docs] def flush_script(self, conditions): """Remove things from the script that aren't needed anymore""" if self.obs_wanted is not None: still_relevant = np.where( (self.obs_wanted["observed"] == False) & (self.obs_wanted["flush_by_mjd"] > conditions.mjd) )[0] if np.size(still_relevant) > 0: observations = self.obs_wanted[still_relevant] self.set_script(observations, append=False, add_index=False) else: self.clear_script()
def _spin_fields(self): """Spin the field tessellation to generate a random orientation The default field tesselation is rotated randomly in longitude, and then the pole is rotated to a random point on the sphere. Automatically advances self.spin_indx when called. """ lon = self.lon[self.spin_indx] lat =[self.spin_indx] lon2 = self.lon2[self.spin_indx] # rotate longitude ra = (self.fields_init["RA"] + lon) % (2.0 * np.pi) dec = copy(self.fields_init["dec"]) # Now to rotate ra and dec about the x-axis x, y, z = thetaphi2xyz(ra, dec + np.pi / 2.0) xp, yp, zp = rotx(lat, x, y, z) theta, phi = xyz2thetaphi(xp, yp, zp) dec = phi - np.pi / 2 ra = theta + np.pi # One more RA rotation ra = (ra + lon2) % (2.0 * np.pi) self.fields["RA"] = ra self.fields["dec"] = dec # Rebuild the kdtree with the new positions # XXX-may be doing some ra,dec to conversions xyz more # than needed. self._hp2fieldsetup(ra, dec) # Advance the spin index self.spin_indx += 1 def _tesselate(self, hpid_to_observe): self._spin_fields() field_ids = np.unique(self.hp2fields[hpid_to_observe]) # Put the fields in a good order. better_order = order_observations(self.fields["RA"][field_ids], self.fields["dec"][field_ids]) ras = self.fields["RA"][field_ids[better_order]] decs = self.fields["dec"][field_ids[better_order]] return ras, decs def _new_event(self, target_o_o, conditions): """A new ToO event, generate any observations for followup""" # flush out any old observations or ones that have been completed self.flush_script(conditions) # Check that this is the type of ToO we are supposed to trigger on correct_type = False for type_to_follow in self.too_types_to_follow: if type_to_follow in target_o_o.too_type: correct_type = True # Check that we have not seen this alert yet unseen = False if not in self.seen_alerts: unseen = True if correct_type & unseen: self.seen_alerts.append( # Check that the event center is in the footprint # we want to observe hpid_center = _ra_dec2_hpid(self.nside, target_o_o.ra_rad_center, target_o_o.dec_rad_center) if self.followup_footprint[hpid_center] > 0: target_area = self.followup_footprint * target_o_o.footprint # generate a list of pointings for that area hpid_to_observe = np.where(target_area > 0)[0] if hpid_to_observe.size > 0: ras, decs = self._tesselate(hpid_to_observe) else: ras = np.array([target_o_o.ra_rad_center]) decs = np.array([target_o_o.dec_rad_center]) # Figure out an MJD start time for the object # if it is still rising and low. alt, az = _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az( target_o_o.ra_rad_center, target_o_o.dec_rad_center,, None, conditions.mjd, lmst=np.max(conditions.lmst), ) HA = np.max(conditions.lmst) - target_o_o.ra_rad_center * 12.0 / np.pi if (HA < self.HA_max) & (HA > self.HA_min): t_to_rise = (self.HA_max - HA) / 24.0 mjd0 = conditions.mjd + t_to_rise else: mjd0 = conditions.mjd + 0.0 obs_list = [] for time, bandnames, nv, exptime, index in zip( self.times, self.bands_at_times, self.nvis, self.exptimes, np.arange(np.size(self.times)), ): for i in range(nv): # let's dither each pointing if (i != 0) & (hpid_to_observe.size > 0): ras, decs = self._tesselate(hpid_to_observe) for bandname in bandnames: # Subsitute y for z if needed on first observation if i == 0: if (bandname == "z") & (bandname not in conditions.mounted_bands): bandname = "y" if bandname == "u": nexp = self.n_usnaps else: nexp = self.n_snaps # If we are doing a short exposure # need to be 1 snap for shutter limits if exptime < 29.0: nexp = 1 # check if we should break # long exposures into multiple if self.split_long: if exptime > self.split_long_max: nexp = int(np.ceil(exptime / self.split_long_div)) obs = ScheduledObservationArray(ras.size) obs["RA"] = ras obs["dec"] = decs obs["mjd"] = mjd0 + time obs["flush_by_mjd"] = mjd0 + time + self.flushtime obs["exptime"] = exptime obs["nexp"] = nexp obs["band"] = bandname obs["rotSkyPos"] = 0 # XXX--maybe throw a rotation detailer in here obs["mjd_tol"] = self.mjd_tol obs["dist_tol"] = self.dist_tol obs["alt_min"] = self.alt_min obs["alt_max"] = self.alt_max obs["HA_max"] = self.HA_max obs["HA_min"] = self.HA_min obs["scheduler_note"] = self.survey_name + ", %i_t%i_i%i" % (, time * 24, index, ) obs["target_name"] = self.target_name_base + "_i%i" % index obs_list.append(obs) observations = np.concatenate(obs_list) self.set_script(observations)
[docs] def calc_reward_function(self, conditions): """If there is an observation ready to go, execute it, otherwise, -inf""" # check if any new event has come in if conditions.targets_of_opportunity is not None: for target_o_o in conditions.targets_of_opportunity: if > self.last_event_id: self._new_event(target_o_o, conditions) self.last_event_id = observation = self.generate_observations_rough(conditions) if (observation is None) | (len(observation) == 0): self.reward = -np.inf else: self.reward = self.reward_val return self.reward
def generate_observations(self, conditions): observations = self.generate_observations_rough(conditions) if len(observations) > 0: for detailer in self.detailers: observations = detailer(observations, conditions) return observations
def mean_longitude(longitude): """Compute a mean longitude, accounting for wrap around.""" x = np.cos(longitude) y = np.sin(longitude) meanx = np.mean(x) meany = np.mean(y) angle = np.arctan2(meany, meanx) radius = np.sqrt(meanx**2 + meany**2) mid_longitude = angle % (2.0 * np.pi) if radius < 0.1: mid_longitude = np.pi return mid_longitude def gen_too_surveys( nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, detailer_list=None, too_footprint=None, split_long=False, long_exp_nsnaps=2, n_snaps=2, ): result = [] ############ # Generic GW followup ############ # XXX---There's some extra stuff about do different things # if there's limited time before it sets. Let's see if this can # work first # XXX--instructions say do 4th night only 1/3 of the time. # Just leaving off for now times = [0, 24, 48] bands_at_times = ["ugrizy", "ugrizy", "ugrizy"] nvis = [3, 1, 1] exptimes = [120.0, 120.0, 120.0] result.append( ToOScriptedSurvey( [], nside=nside, followup_footprint=too_footprint, times=times, bands_at_times=bands_at_times, nvis=nvis, exptimes=exptimes, detailers=detailer_list, too_types_to_follow=["GW_case_A"], survey_name="ToO, GW_case_A", split_long=split_long, flushtime=48.0, n_snaps=long_exp_nsnaps, target_name_base="GW_case_A", ) ) times = [0, 24, 48, 72] bands_at_times = ["gri", "ri", "ri", "ri"] nvis = [3, 1, 1, 1] exptimes = [120.0, 180.0, 180.0, 180.0] result.append( ToOScriptedSurvey( [], nside=nside, followup_footprint=too_footprint, times=times, bands_at_times=bands_at_times, nvis=nvis, exptimes=exptimes, detailers=detailer_list, too_types_to_follow=["GW_case_B", "GW_case_C"], survey_name="ToO, GW_case_B_C", target_name_base="GW_case_B_C", split_long=split_long, flushtime=48, n_snaps=long_exp_nsnaps, ) ) times = [0, 24, 48, 72] bands_at_times = ["gr", "gr", "gr", "gr"] nvis = [1, 1, 1, 1] exptimes = [120.0, 120.0, 120.0, 120.0] result.append( ToOScriptedSurvey( [], nside=nside, followup_footprint=too_footprint, times=times, bands_at_times=bands_at_times, nvis=nvis, exptimes=exptimes, detailers=detailer_list, too_types_to_follow=["GW_case_D", "GW_case_E"], survey_name="ToO, GW_case_D_E", target_name_base="GW_case_D_E", split_long=split_long, flushtime=48, n_snaps=long_exp_nsnaps, ) ) ############ # Black hole-black hole GW merger ############ # XXX--only considering bright objects now. times = np.array([0, 2, 7, 9, 39]) * 24 bands_at_times = ["ugri"] * 5 nvis = [1] * 5 exptimes = [DEFAULT_EXP_TIME] * 5 result.append( ToOScriptedSurvey( [], nside=nside, followup_footprint=too_footprint, times=times, bands_at_times=bands_at_times, nvis=nvis, exptimes=exptimes, detailers=detailer_list, too_types_to_follow=["BBH_case_A", "BBH_case_B", "BBH_case_C"], survey_name="ToO, BBH", target_name_base="BBH", split_long=split_long, flushtime=48, n_snaps=n_snaps, ) ) ############ # Lensed BNS ############ times = [1.0, 1.0] bands_at_times = ["g", "r"] nvis = [1, 1] exptimes = [DEFAULT_EXP_TIME, 90.0] result.append( ToOScriptedSurvey( [], nside=nside, followup_footprint=too_footprint, times=times, bands_at_times=bands_at_times, nvis=nvis, exptimes=exptimes, detailers=detailer_list, too_types_to_follow=["lensed_BNS_case_A"], survey_name="ToO, LensedBNS_A", target_name_base="LensedBNS_A", split_long=split_long, flushtime=48.0, n_snaps=n_snaps, ) ) times = [1.0] bands_at_times = [ "gr", ] nvis = [10] exptimes = [150] result.append( ToOScriptedSurvey( [], nside=nside, followup_footprint=too_footprint, times=times, bands_at_times=bands_at_times, nvis=nvis, exptimes=exptimes, detailers=detailer_list, too_types_to_follow=["lensed_BNS_case_B"], survey_name="ToO, LensedBNS_B", target_name_base="LensedBNS_B", split_long=split_long, flushtime=48.0, n_snaps=long_exp_nsnaps, ) ) ############ # Neutrino detector followup ############ # XXX--need to update footprint to cut out galactic latitude times = [0, 0, 15 / 60.0, 0.5, 24, 24.5, 144] bands_at_times = ["g", "r", "z", "g", "r", "z", "grz"] exptimes = [ 120, DEFAULT_EXP_TIME, DEFAULT_EXP_TIME, 120, DEFAULT_EXP_TIME, DEFAULT_EXP_TIME, DEFAULT_EXP_TIME, ] nvis = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] result.append( ToOScriptedSurvey( [], nside=nside, followup_footprint=too_footprint, times=times, bands_at_times=bands_at_times, nvis=nvis, exptimes=exptimes, detailers=detailer_list, too_types_to_follow=["neutrino"], survey_name="ToO, neutrino", target_name_base="neutrino", split_long=split_long, flushtime=8.0, n_snaps=n_snaps, ) ) times = [0] bands_at_times = ["u"] exptimes = [DEFAULT_EXP_TIME] nvis = [1] # U-band with very long flush time. result.append( ToOScriptedSurvey( [], nside=nside, followup_footprint=too_footprint, times=times, bands_at_times=bands_at_times, nvis=nvis, exptimes=exptimes, detailers=detailer_list, too_types_to_follow=["neutrino"], survey_name="ToO, neutrino_u", target_name_base="neutrino_u", split_long=split_long, flushtime=1440, n_snaps=n_snaps, ) ) ############ # Solar System ############ # For the solar system objects, probably want a custom survey object, # but this should work for now. Want to add a detailer to add a dither # position. times = [0, 33 / 60.0, 66 / 60.0] bands_at_times = ["r"] * 3 nvis = [1] * 3 exptimes = [DEFAULT_EXP_TIME] * 3 result.append( ToOScriptedSurvey( [], nside=nside, followup_footprint=too_footprint, times=times, bands_at_times=bands_at_times, nvis=nvis, exptimes=exptimes, detailers=detailer_list, too_types_to_follow=["SSO_night"], survey_name="ToO, SSO_night", target_name_base="SSO_night", split_long=split_long, flushtime=2.0, n_snaps=n_snaps, ) ) times = [0, 10 / 60.0, 20 / 60.0] bands_at_times = ["z"] * 3 nvis = [2] * 3 exptimes = [15.0] * 3 result.append( ToOScriptedSurvey( [], nside=nside, followup_footprint=too_footprint, times=times, bands_at_times=bands_at_times, nvis=nvis, exptimes=exptimes, detailers=detailer_list, too_types_to_follow=["SSO_twilight"], survey_name="ToO, SSO_twi", target_name_base="SSO_twi", split_long=split_long, flushtime=2.0, n_snaps=n_snaps, ) ) return result