Source code for rubin_scheduler.sim_archive.make_snapshot

__all__ = [

import argparse
import bz2
import gzip
import importlib.util
import lzma
import pickle
import sys
import types
import typing
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

from git import Repo

from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.example import example_scheduler
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers.core_scheduler import CoreScheduler

[docs] def get_scheduler_instance_from_repo( config_repo: str, config_script: str, config_branch: str = "main", ) -> CoreScheduler: """Generate a CoreScheduler according to a configuration in git. Parameters ---------- config_repo : `str` The git repository with the configuration. config_script : `str` The configuration script path (relative to the repository root). config_branch : `str`, optional The branch of the repository to use, by default "main" Returns ------- scheduler : `CoreScheduler` An instance of the Rubin Observatory FBS. Raises ------ ValueError If the config file is invalid, or has invalid content. """ with TemporaryDirectory() as local_config_repo_parent: repo: Repo = Repo.clone_from(config_repo, local_config_repo_parent, branch=config_branch) full_config_script_path: Path = Path(repo.working_dir).joinpath(config_script) config_module_name: str = "scheduler_config" config_module_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( config_module_name, full_config_script_path ) if config_module_spec is None or config_module_spec.loader is None: # Make type checking happy raise ValueError(f"Cannot load config file {full_config_script_path}") config_module: types.ModuleType = importlib.util.module_from_spec(config_module_spec) sys.modules[config_module_name] = config_module config_module_spec.loader.exec_module(config_module) scheduler: CoreScheduler = config_module.get_scheduler()[1] return scheduler
[docs] def get_scheduler( config_repo: str | None, config_script: str | None, config_branch: str = "main", ) -> CoreScheduler: """Generate a CoreScheduler according to a configuration in git. Parameters ---------- config_repo : `str` The git repository with the configuration. config_script : `str` The configuration script path (relative to the repository root). config_branch : `str`, optional The branch of the repository to use, by default "main" Returns ------- scheduler : `CoreScheduler` An instance of the Rubin Observatory FBS. Raises ------ ValueError If the config file is invalid, or has invalid content. """ if config_repo is not None: if config_script is None: raise ValueError("If the config repo is set, the script must be as well.") scheduler = get_scheduler_instance_from_repo( config_repo=config_repo, config_script=config_script, config_branch=config_branch ) else: example_scheduler_result = example_scheduler() if isinstance(example_scheduler_result, CoreScheduler): scheduler = example_scheduler_result else: # It might return a observatory, scheduler, observations tuple # instead. scheduler = example_scheduler_result[1] return scheduler
[docs] def save_scheduler(scheduler: CoreScheduler, file_name: str) -> None: """Save an instances of the scheduler in a pickle file, compressed according to its extension. Parameters ---------- scheduler : `CoreScheduler` The scheduler to save. file_name : `str` The file in which to save the schedulers. """ opener: typing.Callable = open if file_name.endswith(".bz2"): opener = elif file_name.endswith(".xz"): opener = elif file_name.endswith(".gz"): opener = with opener(file_name, "wb") as pio: pickle.dump(scheduler, pio)
[docs] def add_make_scheduler_snapshot_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: """Add arguments needed for saving a scheduler to an argument parser.""" parser.add_argument("--scheduler_fname", type=str, help="The file in which to save the scheduler.") parser.add_argument( "--repo", type=str, default=None, help="The repository from which to load the configuration." ) parser.add_argument( "--script", type=str, default=None, help="The path to the config script (relative to the repo root)." ) parser.add_argument( "--branch", type=str, default="main", help="The branch of the repo from which to get the script" )
def make_scheduler_snapshot_cli(cli_args: list = []) -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create a scheduler pickle") add_make_scheduler_snapshot_args(parser) args: argparse.Namespace = parser.parse_args() if len(cli_args) == 0 else parser.parse_args(cli_args) scheduler: CoreScheduler = get_scheduler(args.repo, args.config, args.branch) save_scheduler(scheduler, args.scheduler_fname) if __name__ == "__main__": make_scheduler_snapshot_cli()