Source code for rubin_scheduler.sim_archive.sim_archive

"""Tools for maintaining an archive of opsim output and metadata.

__all__ = [

import argparse
import datetime
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import lzma
import os
import pickle
import shutil
import socket
import sys
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from numbers import Integral, Number
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml
from astropy.time import Time

import rubin_scheduler
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler import sim_runner
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import SchemaConverter

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from lsst.resources import ResourcePath
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    LOGGER.error("Module lsst.resources required to use rubin_scheduler.sim_archive.")

    from conda.cli.main_list import print_packages
    from conda.gateways.disk.test import is_conda_environment

    have_conda = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    have_conda = False
    LOGGER.warning("No conda module found, no conda envirment data will be saved")

[docs] def make_sim_archive_dir( observations, reward_df=None, obs_rewards=None, in_files={}, sim_runner_kwargs={}, tags=[], label=None, data_path=None, capture_env=True, opsim_metadata=None, ): """Create or fill a local simulation archive directory. Parameters ---------- observations : `numpy.recarray` The observations data, in the "obs" format as accepted and created by `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.SchemaConverter`. reward_df : `pandas.DataFrame`, optional The reward data, by default None. obs_rewards : `pandas.DataFrame`, optional The observation rewards data, by default None. in_files : `dict`, optional Additional input files to be included in the archive, by default {}. sim_runner_kwargs : `dict`, optional Additional simulation runner keyword arguments, by default {}. tags : `list` [`str`], optional A list of tags/keywords to be included in the metadata, by default []. label : `str`, optional A label to be included in the metadata, by default None. data_path : `str` or `pathlib.Path`, optional The path to the simulation archive directory, by default None. capture_env : `bool` Use the current environment as the sim environment. Defaults to True. opsim_metadata : `dict` Metadata to be included. Returns ------- data_dir : `pathlib.Path` or `tempfile.TemporaryDirectory` The temporary directory containing the simulation archive. """ if data_path is None: data_dir = TemporaryDirectory() data_path = Path( else: data_dir = None if not isinstance(data_path, Path): data_path = Path(data_path) files = {} # Save the observations files["observations"] = {"name": "opsim.db"} opsim_output_fname = data_path.joinpath(files["observations"]["name"]) SchemaConverter().obs2opsim(observations, filename=opsim_output_fname) # Save the rewards if reward_df is not None and obs_rewards is not None: files["rewards"] = {"name": "rewards.h5"} rewards_fname = data_path.joinpath(files["rewards"]["name"]) if reward_df is not None: reward_df.to_hdf(rewards_fname, "reward_df") if obs_rewards is not None: obs_rewards.to_hdf(rewards_fname, "obs_rewards") # Save basic statistics files["statistics"] = {"name": "obs_stats.txt"} stats_fname = data_path.joinpath(files["statistics"]["name"]) with open(stats_fname, "w") as stats_io: print(SchemaConverter().obs2opsim(observations).describe().T.to_csv(sep="\t"), file=stats_io) if capture_env: # Save the conda environment conda_prefix = Path(sys.executable).parent.parent.as_posix() if have_conda and is_conda_environment(conda_prefix): conda_base_fname = "environment.txt" environment_fname = data_path.joinpath(conda_base_fname).as_posix() # Python equivilent of # conda list --export -p $conda_prefix > $environment_fname with open(environment_fname, "w") as environment_io: with redirect_stdout(environment_io): print_packages(conda_prefix, format="export") files["environment"] = {"name": conda_base_fname} # Save pypi packages pypi_base_fname = "pypi.json" pypi_fname = data_path.joinpath(pypi_base_fname).as_posix() pip_json_output = os.popen("pip list --format json") pip_list = json.loads( with open(pypi_fname, "w") as pypi_io: print(json.dumps(pip_list, indent=4), file=pypi_io) files["pypi"] = {"name": pypi_base_fname} # Add supplied files for file_type, fname in in_files.items(): files[file_type] = {"name": Path(fname).name} try: shutil.copyfile(fname, data_path.joinpath(files[file_type]["name"])) except shutil.SameFileError: pass # Add file hashes for file_type in files: fname = data_path.joinpath(files[file_type]["name"]) with open(fname, "rb") as file_io: content = files[file_type]["md5"] = hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest() def convert_mjd_to_dayobs(mjd): # Use dayObs defn. from SITCOMTN-32: evening_local_mjd = np.floor(mjd - 0.5).astype(int) evening_local_iso = Time(evening_local_mjd, format="mjd").iso[:10] return evening_local_iso if opsim_metadata is None: opsim_metadata = {} if capture_env: opsim_metadata["scheduler_version"] = rubin_scheduler.__version__ opsim_metadata["host"] = socket.getfqdn() opsim_metadata["username"] = os.environ["USER"] simulation_dates = {} if "mjd_start" in sim_runner_kwargs: simulation_dates["first"] = convert_mjd_to_dayobs(sim_runner_kwargs["mjd_start"]) if "survey_length" in sim_runner_kwargs: simulation_dates["last"] = convert_mjd_to_dayobs( sim_runner_kwargs["mjd_start"] + sim_runner_kwargs["survey_length"] - 1 ) else: simulation_dates["first"] = convert_mjd_to_dayobs(observations["mjd"].min()) simulation_dates["last"] = convert_mjd_to_dayobs(observations["mjd"].max()) if len(sim_runner_kwargs) > 0: opsim_metadata["sim_runner_kwargs"] = {} for key, value in sim_runner_kwargs.items(): # Cast numpy number types to ints, floats, and reals to avoid # confusing the yaml module. match value: case bool(): opsim_metadata["sim_runner_kwargs"][key] = value case Integral(): opsim_metadata["sim_runner_kwargs"][key] = int(value) case Number(): opsim_metadata["sim_runner_kwargs"][key] = float(value) case _: opsim_metadata["sim_runner_kwargs"][key] = str(value) opsim_metadata["simulated_dates"] = simulation_dates opsim_metadata["files"] = files if len(tags) > 0: for tag in tags: assert isinstance(tag, str), "Tags must be strings." opsim_metadata["tags"] = tags if label is not None: assert isinstance(label, str), "The sim label must be a string." opsim_metadata["label"] = label sim_metadata_fname = data_path.joinpath("sim_metadata.yaml") with open(sim_metadata_fname, "w") as sim_metadata_io: print(yaml.dump(opsim_metadata, indent=4), file=sim_metadata_io) files["metadata"] = {"name": sim_metadata_fname} if data_dir is not None: # If we created a temporary directory, if we do not return it, it # will get automatically cleaned up, losing our work. # So, return it. return data_dir return data_path
[docs] def transfer_archive_dir(archive_dir, archive_base_uri="s3://rubin-scheduler-prenight/opsim/"): """Transfer the contents of an archive directory to an resource. Parameters ---------- archive_dir : `str` The path to the archive directory containing the files to be transferred. archive_base_uri : `str`, optional The base URI where the archive files will be transferred to. Default is "s3://rubin-scheduler-prenight/opsim/". Returns ------- resource_rpath : `ResourcePath` The destination resource. """ metadata_fname = Path(archive_dir).joinpath("sim_metadata.yaml") with open(metadata_fname, "r") as metadata_io: sim_metadata = yaml.safe_load(metadata_io) insert_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date().isoformat() insert_date_rpath = ResourcePath(archive_base_uri).join(insert_date, forceDirectory=True) if not insert_date_rpath.exists(): insert_date_rpath.mkdir() # Number the sims in the insert date dir by # looing for all the interger directories, and choosing the next one. found_ids = [] for base_dir, found_dirs, found_files in insert_date_rpath.walk(): if base_dir == insert_date_rpath: for found_dir in found_dirs: try: found_dir_index = found_dir[:-1] if found_dir.endswith("/") else found_dir found_ids.append(int(found_dir_index)) except ValueError: pass new_id = max(found_ids) + 1 if len(found_ids) > 0 else 1 resource_rpath = insert_date_rpath.join(f"{new_id}", forceDirectory=True) resource_rpath.mkdir() # Include the metadata file itself. sim_metadata["files"]["metadata"] = {"name": "sim_metadata.yaml"} for file_info in sim_metadata["files"].values(): source_fname = Path(archive_dir).joinpath(file_info["name"]) with open(source_fname, "rb") as source_io: content = destination_rpath = resource_rpath.join(file_info["name"]) destination_rpath.write(content)"Copied {source_fname} to {destination_rpath}") return resource_rpath
[docs] def check_opsim_archive_resource(archive_uri): """Check the contents of an opsim archive resource. Parameters ---------- archive_uri : `str` The URI of the archive resource to be checked. Returns ------- validity: `dict` A dictionary of files checked, and their validity. """ metadata_path = ResourcePath(archive_uri).join("sim_metadata.yaml") with"r") as metadata_io: sim_metadata = yaml.safe_load(metadata_io) results = {} for file_info in sim_metadata["files"].values(): resource_path = ResourcePath(archive_uri).join(file_info["name"]) content = results[file_info["name"]] = file_info["md5"] == hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest() return results
def _build_archived_sim_label(base_uri, metadata_resource, metadata): label_base = metadata_resource.dirname().geturl().removeprefix(base_uri).rstrip("/").lstrip("/") # If a label is supplied by the metadata, use it if "label" in metadata: label = f"{label_base} {metadata['label']}" return label try: sim_dates = metadata["simulated_dates"] first_date = sim_dates["first"] last_date = sim_dates["last"] label = f"{label_base} of {first_date}" if last_date != first_date: label = f"{label} through {last_date}" except KeyError: label = label_base if "scheduler_version" in metadata: label = f"{label} with {metadata['scheduler_version']}" return label
[docs] def read_archived_sim_metadata(base_uri, latest=None, num_nights=5): """Read metadata for a time range of archived opsim output. Parameters ---------- base_uri : `str` The base URI of the archive resource to be checked. latest : `str`, optional The date of the latest simulation whose metadata should be loaded. This is the date on which the simulations was added to the archive, not necessarily the date on which the simulation was run, or any of the dates simulated. Default is today. num_nights : `int` The number of nights of the date window to load. Returns ------- sim_metadata: `dict` A dictionary of metadata for simulations in the date range. """ latest_mjd = int( if latest is None else Time(latest).mjd) earliest_mjd = int(latest_mjd - num_nights) all_metadata = {} for mjd in range(earliest_mjd, latest_mjd + 1): iso_date = Time(mjd, format="mjd").iso[:10] date_resource = ResourcePath(base_uri).join(iso_date, forceDirectory=True) if date_resource.exists(): for base_dir, found_dirs, found_files in date_resource.walk(file_filter=r".*sim_metadata.yaml"): for found_file in found_files: found_resource = ResourcePath(base_dir).join(found_file) these_metadata = yaml.safe_load("utf-8")) these_metadata["label"] = _build_archived_sim_label( base_uri, found_resource, these_metadata ) all_metadata[str(found_resource.dirname())] = these_metadata return all_metadata
def make_sim_archive_cli(*args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Add files to sim archive") parser.add_argument( "label", type=str, help="A label for the simulation.", ) parser.add_argument( "opsim", type=str, help="File name of opsim database.", ) parser.add_argument("--rewards", type=str, default=None, help="A rewards HDF5 file.") parser.add_argument( "--scheduler_version", type=str, default=None, help="The version of the scheduler that producte the opsim database.", ) parser.add_argument( "--scheduler", type=str, default=None, help="A snapshot of the scheduler used to produce the database, at the start of the simulation.", ) parser.add_argument( "--script", type=str, default=None, help="The file name of the script run to create the simulation." ) notebook_help = "The file name of the notebook run to create the simulation." notebook_help = notebook_help + " This can be produced using the %%notebook magic." parser.add_argument( "--notebook", type=str, default=None, help=notebook_help, ) parser.add_argument( "--current_env", action="store_true", help="Record the current environment as the simulation environment.", ) parser.add_argument( "--archive_base_uri", type=str, default="s3://rubin-scheduler-prenight/opsim/", help="Base URI for the archive", ) parser.add_argument("--tags", type=str, default=[], nargs="*", help="The tags on the simulation.") arg_values = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0 else parser.parse_args(args) observations = SchemaConverter().opsim2obs(arg_values.opsim) if arg_values.rewards is not None: try: reward_df = pd.read_hdf(arg_values.rewards, "reward_df") except KeyError: reward_df = None try: obs_rewards = pd.read_hdf(arg_values.rewards, "obs_rewards") except KeyError: obs_rewards = None else: reward_df = None obs_rewards = None filename_args = ["scheduler", "script", "notebook"] in_files = {} for filename_arg in filename_args: try: filename = getattr(arg_values, filename_arg) if filename is not None: in_files[filename] = filename except AttributeError: pass data_path = make_sim_archive_dir( observations, reward_df, obs_rewards, in_files, tags=arg_values.tags, label=arg_values.label, capture_env=arg_values.current_env, ) sim_archive_uri = transfer_archive_dir(, arg_values.archive_base_uri) return sim_archive_uri
[docs] def drive_sim( observatory, scheduler, archive_uri=None, label=None, tags=[], script=None, notebook=None, opsim_metadata=None, **kwargs, ): """Run a simulation and archive the results. Parameters ---------- observatory : `ModelObservatory` The model for the observatory. scheduler : `CoreScheduler` The scheduler to use. archive_uri : `str`, optional The root URI of the archive resource into which the results should be stored. Defaults to None. label : `str`, optional The label for the simulation in the archive. Defaults to None. tags : `list` of `str`, optional The tags for the simulation in the archive. Defaults to an empty list. script : `str` The filename of the script producing this simulation. Defaults to None. notebook : `str`, optional The filename of the notebook producing the simulation. Defaults to None. opsim_metadata : `dict`, optional Extra metadata to store in the archive. Returns ------- observatory : `ModelObservatory` The model for the observatory. scheduler : `CoreScheduler` The scheduler used. observations : `numpy.recarray` The observations produced. reward_df : `pandas.DataFrame`, optional The table of rewards. Present if `record_rewards` or `scheduler.keep_rewards` is True. obs_rewards : `pandas.Series`, optional The mapping of entries in reward_df to observations. Present if `record_rewards` or `scheduler.keep_rewards` is True. resource_path : `ResourcePath`, optional The resource path to the archive of the simulation. Present if `archive_uri` was set. Notes ----- Additional parameters not described above will be passed into `sim_runner`. If the `archive_uri` parameter is not supplied, `sim_runner` is run directly, so that `drive_sim` can act as a drop-in replacement of `sim-runner`. In a jupyter notebook, the notebook can be saved for the notebook paramater using `%notebook $notebook_fname` (where `notebook_fname` is variable holding the filename for the notebook) in the cell prior to calling `drive_sim`. """ if "record_rewards" in kwargs: if kwargs["record_rewards"] and not scheduler.keep_rewards: raise ValueError("To keep rewards, scheduler.keep_rewards must be True") else: kwargs["record_rewards"] = scheduler.keep_rewards in_files = {} if script is not None: in_files["script"] = script if notebook is not None: in_files["notebook"] = notebook with TemporaryDirectory() as local_data_dir: # We want to store the state of the scheduler at the start of # the sim, so we need to save it now before we run the simulation. scheduler_path = Path(local_data_dir).joinpath("scheduler.pickle.xz") with, "wb", format=lzma.FORMAT_XZ) as pio: pickle.dump(scheduler, pio) in_files["scheduler"] = scheduler_path.as_posix() sim_results = sim_runner(observatory, scheduler, **kwargs) observations = sim_results[2] reward_df = sim_results[3] if scheduler.keep_rewards else None obs_rewards = sim_results[4] if scheduler.keep_rewards else None data_dir = make_sim_archive_dir( observations, reward_df=reward_df, obs_rewards=obs_rewards, in_files=in_files, sim_runner_kwargs=kwargs, tags=tags, label=label, capture_env=True, opsim_metadata=opsim_metadata, ) if archive_uri is not None: resource_path = transfer_archive_dir(, archive_uri) else: resource_path = ResourcePath(, forceDirctory=True) results = sim_results + (resource_path,) return results