Source code for rubin_scheduler.skybrightness_pre.sky_model_pre

__all__ = ("SkyModelPre", "interp_angle")

import abc
import glob
import os
import urllib
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import h5py
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import requests
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, EarthLocation, SkyCoord, get_sun
from astropy.time import Time

from import get_data_dir
from rubin_scheduler.utils import Site, _angular_separation, _hpid2_ra_dec, survey_start_mjd

    from lsst.resources import ResourcePath
except ImportError:

def short_angle_dist(a0, a1):
    max_angle = 2.0 * np.pi
    da = (a1 - a0) % max_angle
    return 2.0 * da % max_angle - da

[docs] def interp_angle(x_out, xp, anglep, degrees=False): """ Interpolate angle values (handle wrap around properly). Does nearest neighbor interpolation if values out of range. Parameters ---------- x_out : `float` or array The points to interpolate to. xp : array Points to interpolate between (must be sorted) anglep : array The angles ascociated with xp degrees : `bool` (False) Set if anglep is degrees (True) or radidian (False) """ # Where are the interpolation points x = np.atleast_1d(x_out) left = np.searchsorted(xp, x) - 1 right = left + 1 # If we are out of bounds, just use the edges right[np.where(right >= xp.size)] -= 1 left[np.where(left < 0)] += 1 baseline = xp[right] - xp[left] wterm = (x - xp[left]) / baseline wterm[np.where(baseline == 0)] = 0 if degrees: result = ( np.radians(anglep[left]) + short_angle_dist(np.radians(anglep[left]), np.radians(anglep[right])) * wterm ) result = result % (2.0 * np.pi) result = np.degrees(result) else: result = anglep[left] + short_angle_dist(anglep[left], anglep[right]) * wterm result = result % (2.0 * np.pi) return result
def simple_daytime(sky_alt, sky_az, sun_alt, sun_az, filter_name="r", bright_val=2.0, sky_alt_min=20.0): """A simple function to return a sky brightness map when the sun is up Parameters ---------- sky_alt : `float` Altitude of poistion(s) on the sky. Degrees. sky_az : `float` Azimuth of poistion(s) on the sky. Degrees. sun_alt : `float` Altitude of the sun. Degrees. sun_az : `float` Azimuth of the sun. Degrees. filter_name : `str` Name of the filter, default "r". Currently unused, but could be useful in the future if a more complicated function gets subbed in. bright_val : `float` The value to plug into the sky. Default 2 mag/sq arcsec. sky_alt_min : `float` Set all sky below the alt limit to NaN. Default 20 degrees. """ result = np.full_like(sky_alt, np.nan) result[np.where(sky_alt > sky_alt_min)] = bright_val return result class SkyModelPreBase(abc.ABC): """Load pre-computed sky brighntess maps for the LSST site and use them to interpolate to arbitrary dates. Parameters ---------- data_path : `str`, opt path to the numpy save files. Looks in standard SIMS_SKYBRIGHTNESS_DATA or RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR if set to default (None). init_load_length : `int` (10) The length of time (days) to load from disk initially. Set to something small for fast reads. load_length : `int` (365) The number of days to load after the initial load. mjd0 : `float` (None) The starting MJD to load on initilization (days). Uses util to lookup default if None. location : `astropy.EarthLocation` The location of the telescope. Default of None will load Rubin position. sun_alt_limit : `float` The altitude limit to use a "bright" sky function. Default of -8 degrees """ def __init__( self, data_path=None, init_load_length=10, load_length=365, verbose=False, mjd0=None, location=None, sun_alt_limit=-8.0, ): = None = None self.header = None self.filter_names = None self.verbose = verbose self.sun_alt_limit = np.radians(sun_alt_limit) if location is None: site = Site("LSST") self.location = EarthLocation(lat=site.latitude, lon=site.longitude, height=site.height) else: self.location = location # Look in default location for .npz files to load if data_path is not None: self.data_path = data_path elif "SIMS_SKYBRIGHTNESS_DATA" in os.environ: self.data_path = os.environ["SIMS_SKYBRIGHTNESS_DATA"] else: self.data_path = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "skybrightness_pre") self._init_files() if len(self.files) == 0: errmssg = "Failed to find pre-computed .h5 files. " errmssg += "Copy data from NCSA with sims_skybrightness_pre/data/ \n" errmssg += "or build by running sims_skybrightness_pre/data/" warnings.warn(errmssg) self._init_filesizes() self._init_file_mjd_ranges() # Set that nothing is loaded at this point self.loaded_range = np.array([-1]) self.timestep_max = -1 if mjd0 is None: mjd0 = survey_start_mjd() # Do a quick initial load if set if init_load_length is not None: self.load_length = init_load_length self._load_data(mjd0) # swap back to the longer load length self.load_length = load_length self.nside = 32 hpid = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(self.nside)) self.ra, self.dec = _hpid2_ra_dec(self.nside, hpid) self.skycoord = SkyCoord(ra=self.ra * u.rad, dec=self.dec * u.rad) def _load_data(self, mjd, filename=None, npyfile=None): """Load up the h5 file to interpolate things. Parameters ---------- mjd : `float` The Modified Julian Date that we want to load filename : `str` (None) The filename to restore. If None, it checks the filenames on disk to find one that should have the requested MJD npyfile : `str` (None) If sky brightness data not in npz file, checks the .npy file with same root name. """ if filename is None: # Figure out which file to load. file_indx = np.where((mjd >= self.mjd_left) & (mjd <= self.mjd_right))[0] if np.size(file_indx) == 0: raise ValueError( "MJD = %f is out of range for the files found (%f-%f)" % (mjd, self.mjd_left.min(), self.mjd_right.max()) ) # Just take the later one, assuming we're probably # simulating forward in time file_indx = np.max(file_indx) filename = self.files[file_indx] else: self.loaded_range = None # Use three separate try/excepet blocks so that if any of # them throw exceptions, we still get the others. try: del except AttributeError: pass try: del self.filter_names except AttributeError: pass try: del self.timestep_max except AttributeError: pass if self.verbose: print("Loading file %s" % filename) h5 = self._create_h5(filename, "r") mjds = h5["mjds"][:] indxs = np.where((mjds >= mjd) & (mjds <= (mjd + self.load_length))) indxs = [np.min(indxs), np.max(indxs)] if indxs[0] > 0: indxs[0] -= 1 self.loaded_range = np.array([mjds[indxs[0]], mjds[indxs[1]]]) self.mjds = mjds[indxs[0] : indxs[1]] _timestep_max = np.empty(1, dtype=float) h5["timestep_max"].read_direct(_timestep_max) self.timestep_max = np.max(_timestep_max) = h5["sky_mags"][indxs[0] : indxs[1]] self.filter_names = h5.close() if self.verbose: print("%s loaded" % os.path.split(filename)[1]) self.nside = hp.npix2nside([self.filter_names[0]][0, :].size) def return_mags( self, mjd, indx=None, badval=hp.UNSEEN, filters=["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"], extrapolate=False, ): """Return a full sky map or individual pixels for the input mjd. Parameters ---------- mjd : `float` Modified Julian Date to interpolate to indx : `List` of `int` (None) indices to interpolate the sky values at. Returns full sky if None. If the class was instatiated with opsimFields, indx is the field ID, otherwise it is the healpix ID. airmass_mask : `bool` (True) Set high (>2.5) airmass pixels to badval. planet_mask : `bool` (True) Set sky maps to badval near (2 degrees) bright planets. moon_mask : `bool` (True) Set sky maps near (10 degrees) the moon to badval. zenith_mask : `bool` (True) Set sky maps at high altitude (>86.5) to badval. badval : `float` (-1.6375e30) Mask value. Defaults to the healpy mask value. filters : `list`, opt List of strings for the filters that should be returned. Default returns ugrizy. extrapolate : `bool` (False) In indx is set, extrapolate any masked pixels to be the same as the nearest non-masked value from the full sky map. Returns ------- sbs : `dict` A dictionary with filter names as keys and np.arrays as values which hold the sky brightness maps in mag/sq arcsec. """ if mjd < self.loaded_range.min() or (mjd > self.loaded_range.max()): self._load_data(mjd) left = np.searchsorted(self.mjds, mjd) - 1 right = left + 1 # Do full sky by default if indx is None: indx = np.arange(["r"].shape[1]) full_sky = True else: full_sky = False # If we are out of bounds if right >= self.mjds.size: right -= 1 baseline = 1.0 elif left < 0: left += 1 baseline = 1.0 else: baseline = self.mjds[right] - self.mjds[left] # Check if we are between sunrise/set if baseline > self.timestep_max + 1e-6: # Check if sun is really high: obstime = Time(mjd, format="mjd") sun = get_sun(obstime) aa = AltAz(location=self.location, obstime=obstime) sun_alt_az = sun.transform_to(aa) if sun_alt_az.alt.rad > self.sun_alt_limit: warnings.warn("Sun high, using bright sky approx") hp_aa = self.skycoord.transform_to(aa) sbs = {} for filter_name in filters: sbs[filter_name] = simple_daytime( hp_aa.alt.deg,, sun_alt_az.alt.deg,, filter_name=filter_name, ) else: warnings.warn("Requested MJD between sunrise and sunset, returning closest maps") diff = np.abs(self.mjds[left.max() : right.max() + 1] - mjd) closest_indx = np.array([left, right])[np.where(diff == np.min(diff))].min() sbs = {} for filter_name in filters: sbs[filter_name] =[filter_name][closest_indx, indx] sbs[filter_name][np.isinf(sbs[filter_name])] = badval sbs[filter_name][np.where(sbs[filter_name] == hp.UNSEEN)] = badval else: wterm = (mjd - self.mjds[left]) / baseline w1 = 1.0 - wterm w2 = wterm sbs = {} for filter_name in filters: sbs[filter_name] = ([filter_name][left, indx] * w1 +[filter_name][right, indx] * w2 ) # If requested a certain pixel(s), and want to extrapolate. if (not full_sky) & extrapolate: masked_pix = False for filter_name in filters: if (badval in sbs[filter_name]) | (True in np.isnan(sbs[filter_name])): masked_pix = True if masked_pix: # We have pixels that are masked that we want # reasonable values for full_sky_sb = self.return_mags( mjd, filters=filters, ) good = np.where((full_sky_sb[filters[0]] != badval) & ~np.isnan(full_sky_sb[filters[0]]))[0] ra_full = self.ra[good] dec_full = self.dec[good] for filtername in filters: full_sky_sb[filtername] = full_sky_sb[filtername][good] # Going to assume the masked pixels are the same in all filters masked_indx = np.where( (sbs[filters[0]].ravel() == badval) | np.isnan(sbs[filters[0]].ravel()) )[0] for i, mi in enumerate(masked_indx): # Note, this is going to be really slow for many # pixels, should use a kdtree dist = _angular_separation( self.ra[indx[i]], self.dec[indx[i]], ra_full, dec_full, ) closest = np.where(dist == dist.min())[0] for filtername in filters: sbs[filtername].ravel()[mi] = np.min(full_sky_sb[filtername][closest]) return sbs @abc.abstractmethod def _init_files(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _init_filesizes(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _init_file_mjd_ranges(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _create_h5(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): pass class SkyModelPreWithLocalFilesOnly(SkyModelPreBase): def _init_files(self): self.files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.data_path, "*.h5")) self.files.sort() def _init_filesizes(self): self.filesizes = np.array([os.path.getsize(filename) for filename in self.files]) def _init_file_mjd_ranges(self): mjd_left = [] mjd_right = [] for filename in self.files: temp = os.path.split(filename)[-1].replace(".h5", "").split("_") mjd_left.append(float(temp[0])) mjd_right.append(float(temp[1])) self.mjd_left = np.array(mjd_left) self.mjd_right = np.array(mjd_right) def _create_h5(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): # This method exists so it can be overriden in a subclass h5 = h5py.File(filename, *args, **kwargs) return h5 class SkyModelPreWithResources(SkyModelPreBase): def _init_files(self): data_resource = ResourcePath(self.data_path, forceDirectory=True) try: self.files = list(ResourcePath.findFileResources([data_resource], file_filter=r".*\.h5")) except NotImplementedError: # lsst.requests does not implement walk for plain html, # so do it manually here. # Unlike the method above, however, this simple approach # does not descend into subdirectories. self.files = [] if urllib.parse.urlparse(data_resource.geturl()).scheme in ("http", "https"): request_content = requests.get(data_resource.geturl()).text html_parser = html_parser.feed(request_content) html_parser.close() for file_name in html_parser.filenames: if file_name.endswith(".h5"): self.files.append(data_resource.join(file_name)) else: raise self.files.sort() def _init_filesizes(self): self.filesizes = np.array([file_path.size() for file_path in self.files]) def _init_file_mjd_ranges(self): mjd_left = [] mjd_right = [] for file_resource_path in self.files: temp = Path(file_resource_path.split()[1]).stem.split("_") mjd_left.append(float(temp[0])) mjd_right.append(float(temp[1])) self.mjd_left = np.array(mjd_left) self.mjd_right = np.array(mjd_right) def _create_h5(self, filename, *args, **kwargs): with filename.as_local() as local_file_resource_path: h5 = h5py.File(local_file_resource_path.ospath, *args, **kwargs) return h5 if "ResourcePath" in dir(): class SkyModelPre(SkyModelPreWithResources): pass else:
[docs] class SkyModelPre(SkyModelPreWithLocalFilesOnly): pass