This module implements utilities to convert between RA, Dec and indexes
on the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM), a system of tiling the
unit sphere with nested triangles. The HTM is described in these
Kunszt P., Szalay A., Thakar A. (2006) in "Mining The Sky",
Banday A, Zaroubi S, Bartelmann M. eds.
ESO Astrophysics Symposia
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
__all__ = (
import numbers
import numpy as np
from rubin_scheduler.utils import cartesian_from_spherical, spherical_from_cartesian
class Trixel:
A trixel is a single triangle in the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM)
tiling scheme. It is defined by its three corners on the unit sphere.
Instantiating this class directly is a bad idea. __init__() does
nothing to ensure that the parameters you give it are
self-consistent. Instead, use the trixel_from_htmid() or
get_all_trixels() methods in this module to instantiate trixels.
def __init__(self, present_htmid, present_corners):
Initialize the current Trixel
present_htmid is the htmid of this Trixel
present_corners is a numpy array. Each row
contains the Cartesian coordinates of one of
this Trixel's corners.
No effort is made to ensure that the parameters
passed in are self consistent. You should probably
not being calling __init__() directly. Use the
trixel_from_htmid() or get_all_trixels() methods to
instantiate trixels.
self._corners = present_corners
self._htmid = present_htmid
self._level = (len("{0:b}".format(self._htmid)) / 2) - 1
self._cross01 = None
self._cross12 = None
self._cross20 = None
self._w_arr = None
self._bounding_circle = None
def __eq__(self, other):
tol = 1.0e-20
if self._htmid == other._htmid:
if self._level == other._level:
if np.allclose(self._corners, other._corners, atol=tol):
return True
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def htmid(self):
The unique integer identifying this trixel.
return self._htmid
def contains(self, ra, dec):
Returns True if the specified RA, Dec are
inside this trixel; False if not.
RA and Dec are in degrees.
xyz = cartesian_from_spherical(np.radians(ra), np.radians(dec))
return self.contains_pt(xyz)
def cross01(self):
The cross product of the unit vectors defining
the zeroth and first corners of this trixel.
if self._cross01 is None:
self._cross01 = np.cross(self._corners[0], self._corners[1])
return self._cross01
def cross12(self):
The cross product of the unit vectors defining
the first and second corners of this trixel.
if self._cross12 is None:
self._cross12 = np.cross(self._corners[1], self._corners[2])
return self._cross12
def cross20(self):
The cross product of the unit vectors defining the second
and zeroth corners of this trixel.
if self._cross20 is None:
self._cross20 = np.cross(self._corners[2], self._corners[0])
return self._cross20
def _contains_one_pt(self, pt):
pt is a Cartesian point (not necessarily on the unit sphere).
Returns True if the point projected onto the unit sphere
is contained within this trixel; False if not.
See equation 5 of
Kunszt P., Szalay A., Thakar A. (2006) in "Mining The Sky",
Banday A, Zaroubi S, Bartelmann M. eds.
ESO Astrophysics Symposia
if np.dot(self.cross01, pt) >= 0.0:
if np.dot(self.cross12, pt) >= 0.0:
if np.dot(self.cross20, pt) >= 0.0:
return True
return False
def _contains_many_pts(self, pts):
pts is an array of Cartesian points (pts[0] is the zeroth
point, pts[1] is the first point, etc.; not necessarily on
the unit sphere).
Returns an array of booleans denoting whether or not the
projection of each point onto the unit sphere is contained
within this trixel.
See equation 5 of
Kunszt P., Szalay A., Thakar A. (2006) in "Mining The Sky",
Banday A, Zaroubi S, Bartelmann M. eds.
ESO Astrophysics Symposia
return (
(np.dot(pts, self.cross01) >= 0.0)
& (np.dot(pts, self.cross12) >= 0.0)
& (np.dot(pts, self.cross20) >= 0.0)
def contains_pt(self, pt):
pt is either a single Cartesian point
or an array of Cartesian points (pt[0]
is the zeroth point, pt[1] is the first
point, etc.).
Return a `bool` or array of booleans
denoting whether this point(s) projected
onto the unit sphere is/are contained within
the current trixel.
if len(pt.shape) == 1:
return self._contains_one_pt(pt)
return self._contains_many_pts(pt)
def _create_w(self):
w0 = self._corners[1] + self._corners[2]
w0 = w0 / np.sqrt(np.power(w0, 2).sum())
w1 = self._corners[0] + self._corners[2]
w1 = w1 / np.sqrt(np.power(w1, 2).sum())
w2 = self._corners[0] + self._corners[1]
w2 = w2 / np.sqrt(np.power(w2, 2).sum())
self._w_arr = [w0, w1, w2]
def w_arr(self):
An array of vectors needed to define the child trixels
of this trixel. See equation (3) of
Kunszt P., Szalay A., Thakar A. (2006) in "Mining The Sky",
Banday A, Zaroubi S, Bartelmann M. eds.
ESO Astrophysics Symposia
if self._w_arr is None:
return self._w_arr
def t0(self):
The zeroth child trixel of this trixel.
See Figure 2 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
if not hasattr(self, "_t0"):
self._t0 = Trixel(self.htmid << 2, [self._corners[0], self.w_arr[2], self.w_arr[1]])
return self._t0
def t1(self):
The first child trixel of this trixel.
See Figure 2 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
if not hasattr(self, "_t1"):
self._t1 = Trixel((self.htmid << 2) + 1, [self._corners[1], self.w_arr[0], self.w_arr[2]])
return self._t1
def t2(self):
The second child trixel of this trixel.
See Figure 2 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
if not hasattr(self, "_t2"):
self._t2 = Trixel((self.htmid << 2) + 2, [self._corners[2], self.w_arr[1], self.w_arr[0]])
return self._t2
def t3(self):
The third child trixel of this trixel.
See Figure 2 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
if not hasattr(self, "_t3"):
self._t3 = Trixel((self.htmid << 2) + 3, [self.w_arr[0], self.w_arr[1], self.w_arr[2]])
return self._t3
def get_children(self):
Return a list of all of the child trixels of this trixel.
return [self.t0, self.t1, self.t2, self.t3]
def get_child(self, dex):
Return a specific child trixel of this trixel.
dex is an integer in the range [0,3] denoting
which child to return
See Figure 1 of
Kunszt P., Szalay A., Thakar A. (2006) in "Mining The Sky",
Banday A, Zaroubi S, Bartelmann M. eds.
ESO Astrophysics Symposia
for an explanation of which trixel corresponds to whic
if dex == 0:
return self.t0
elif dex == 1:
return self.t1
elif dex == 2:
return self.t2
elif dex == 3:
return self.t3
raise RuntimeError("Trixel has no %d child" % dex)
def get_center(self):
Return the RA, Dec of the center of the circle bounding
this trixel (RA, Dec both in degrees)
ra, dec = spherical_from_cartesian(self.bounding_circle[0])
return np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec)
def get_radius(self):
Return the angular radius in degrees of the circle bounding
this trixel.
return np.degrees(self.bounding_circle[2])
def level(self):
Return the level of subdivision for this trixel. A higher
level means a finer subdivision of the unit sphere and smaller
trixels. What we refer to as 'level' is denoted by 'd' in
equation 2.5 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
For a given level == ell, there are 8*4**(ell-1) trixels in
the entire unit sphere.
The htmid values of trixels with level==ell will consist
of 4 + 2*(ell-1) bits
return self._level
def corners(self):
A numpy array containing the unit vectors pointing to the
corners of this trixel. corners[0] is the zeroth corner,
corners[1] is the first corner, etc.
return self._corners
def bounding_circle(self):
The circle on the unit sphere that bounds this trixel.
See equation 4.2 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
A tuple:
Zeroth element is the unit vector pointing at
the center of the bounding circle
First element is the distance from the center of
the unit sphere to the plane of the bounding circle
(i.e. the dot product of the zeroth element with the
most distant corner of the trixel).
Second element is the half angular extent of the
bounding circle.
if self._bounding_circle is None:
# find the unit vector pointing to the center of the trixel
vb = np.cross(
(self._corners[1] - self._corners[0]),
(self._corners[2] - self._corners[1]),
vb = vb / np.sqrt(np.power(vb, 2).sum())
# find the distance from the center of the trixel
# to the most distant corner of the trixel
dd = np.dot(self.corners, vb).max()
if np.abs(dd) > 1.0:
raise RuntimeError("Bounding circle has dd %e (should be between -1 and 1)" % dd)
self._bounding_circle = (vb, dd, np.arccos(dd))
return self._bounding_circle
# Below are defined the initial Trixels
# See equations (1) and (2) of
# Kunszt P., Szalay A., Thakar A. (2006) in "Mining The Sky",
# Banday A, Zaroubi S, Bartelmann M. eds.
# ESO Astrophysics Symposia
# https://www.researchgate.net/publication/
# 226072008_The_Hierarchical_Triangular_Mesh
_n0_trixel = Trixel(
[np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0])],
_n1_trixel = Trixel(
[np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0]), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0])],
_n2_trixel = Trixel(
[np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])],
_n3_trixel = Trixel(
[np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])],
_s0_trixel = Trixel(
[np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]), np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])],
_s1_trixel = Trixel(
[np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]), np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0])],
_s2_trixel = Trixel(
np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]),
np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0]),
_s3_trixel = Trixel(
[np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0]), np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]), np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])],
basic_trixels = {
"N0": _n0_trixel,
"N1": _n1_trixel,
"N2": _n2_trixel,
"N3": _n3_trixel,
"S0": _s0_trixel,
"S1": _s1_trixel,
"S2": _s2_trixel,
"S3": _s3_trixel,
def level_from_htmid(htmid):
Find the level of a trixel from its htmid. The level
indicates how refined the triangular mesh is.
There are 8*4**(d-1) triangles in a mesh of level=d
(equation 2.5 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
Note: valid htmids have 4+2n bits with a leading bit of 1
htmid_copy = htmid
i_level = 1
while htmid_copy > 15:
htmid_copy >>= 2
i_level += 1
if htmid_copy < 8:
raise RuntimeError(
"\n%d is not a valid htmid.\n" % htmid
+ "Valid htmids will have 4+2n bits\n"
+ "with a leading bit of 1\n"
return i_level
def trixel_from_htmid(htmid):
Return the trixel corresponding to the given htmid
(htmid is the unique integer identifying each trixel).
Note: this method is not efficient for finding many
trixels. It recursively generates trixels and their
children until it finds the right htmid without
remembering which trixels it has already generated.
To generate many trixels, use the get_all_trixels()
method, which efficiently generates all of the trixels
up to a given mesh level.
Note: valid htmids have 4+2n bits with a leading bit of 1
level = level_from_htmid(htmid)
base_htmid = htmid >> 2 * (level - 1)
ans = None
if base_htmid == 8:
ans = _s0_trixel
elif base_htmid == 9:
ans = _s1_trixel
elif base_htmid == 10:
ans = _s2_trixel
elif base_htmid == 11:
ans = _s3_trixel
elif base_htmid == 12:
ans = _n0_trixel
elif base_htmid == 13:
ans = _n1_trixel
elif base_htmid == 14:
ans = _n2_trixel
elif base_htmid == 15:
ans = _n3_trixel
if ans is None:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find trixel for id %d" % htmid)
if level == 1:
return ans
# create an integer that is 4 bits
# shorter than htmid (so it excludes
# the bits corresponding to the base
# trixel),with 11 in the two leading
# positions
complement = 3
complement <<= 2 * (level - 2)
for ix in range(level - 1):
# Use bitwise and to figure out what the
# two bits to the right of the bits
# corresponding to the trixel currently
# stored in ans are. These two bits
# determine which child of ans we need
# to return.
target = htmid & complement
target >>= 2 * (level - ix - 2)
if target >= 4:
raise RuntimeError("target %d" % target)
ans = ans.get_child(target)
complement >>= 2
return ans
def get_all_trixels(level):
Return a dict of all of the trixels up to a given mesh level.
The dict is keyed on htmid, unique integer identifying
each trixel on the unit sphere. This method is efficient
at generating many trixels at once.
# find how many bits should be added to the htmids
# of the base trixels to get up to the desired level
n_bits_added = 2 * (level - 1)
# first, put the base trixels into the dict
start_trixels = range(8, 16)
trixel_dict = {}
for t0 in start_trixels:
trix0 = trixel_from_htmid(t0)
trixel_dict[t0] = trix0
ct = 0
for t0 in start_trixels:
t0 = t0 << n_bits_added
for dt in range(2**n_bits_added):
htmid = t0 + dt # htmid we are currently generating
ct += 1
if htmid in trixel_dict:
parent_id = htmid >> 2 # the immediate parent of htmid
while parent_id not in trixel_dict:
# find the highest-level ancestor trixel
# of htmid that has already
# been generated and added to trixel_dict
for n_right in range(2, n_bits_added, 2):
if htmid >> n_right in trixel_dict:
# generate the next highest level ancestor
# of the current htmid
to_gen = htmid >> n_right
if to_gen in trixel_dict:
trix0 = trixel_dict[to_gen]
trix0 = trixel_from_htmid(to_gen)
trixel_dict[to_gen] = trix0
# add the children of to_gen to trixel_dict
trixel_dict[to_gen << 2] = trix0.get_child(0)
trixel_dict[(to_gen << 2) + 1] = trix0.get_child(1)
trixel_dict[(to_gen << 2) + 2] = trix0.get_child(2)
trixel_dict[(to_gen << 2) + 3] = trix0.get_child(3)
# add all of the children of parent_id to
# trixel_dict
trix0 = trixel_dict[parent_id]
trixel_dict[(parent_id << 2)] = trix0.get_child(0)
trixel_dict[(parent_id << 2) + 1] = trix0.get_child(1)
trixel_dict[(parent_id << 2) + 2] = trix0.get_child(2)
trixel_dict[(parent_id << 2) + 3] = trix0.get_child(3)
return trixel_dict
def _iterate_trixel_finder(pt, parent, max_level):
Method to iteratively find the htmid of the trixel containing
a point.
pt is a Cartesian point (not necessarily on the unit sphere)
parent is the largest trixel currently known to contain the point
max_level is the level of the triangular mesh at which we want
to find the htmid. Higher levels correspond to finer meshes.
A mesh with level == ell contains 8*4**(ell-1) trixels.
The htmid at the desired level of the trixel containing the unit
sphere projection of the point in pt.
children = parent.get_children()
for child in children:
if child.contains_pt(pt):
if child.level == max_level:
return child.htmid
return _iterate_trixel_finder(pt, child, max_level)
def _find_htmid_slow(ra, dec, max_level):
Find the htmid (the unique integer identifying
each trixel) of the trixel containing a given
RA, Dec pair.
ra in degrees
dec in degrees
max_level is an integer denoting the mesh level
of the trixel you want found
Note: This method only works one point at a time.
It cannot take arrays of RA and Dec.
An int (the htmid)
ra_rad = np.radians(ra)
dec_rad = np.radians(dec)
pt = cartesian_from_spherical(ra_rad, dec_rad)
if _s0_trixel.contains_pt(pt):
parent = _s0_trixel
elif _s1_trixel.contains_pt(pt):
parent = _s1_trixel
elif _s2_trixel.contains_pt(pt):
parent = _s2_trixel
elif _s3_trixel.contains_pt(pt):
parent = _s3_trixel
elif _n0_trixel.contains_pt(pt):
parent = _n0_trixel
elif _n1_trixel.contains_pt(pt):
parent = _n1_trixel
elif _n2_trixel.contains_pt(pt):
parent = _n2_trixel
elif _n3_trixel.contains_pt(pt):
parent = _n3_trixel
raise RuntimeError("could not find parent Trixel")
return _iterate_trixel_finder(pt, parent, max_level)
def _find_htmid_fast(ra, dec, max_level):
Find the htmid (the unique integer identifying
each trixel) of the trixels containing arrays
of RA, Dec pairs
ra in degrees (a numpy array)
dec in degrees (a numpy array)
max_level is an integer denoting the mesh level
of the trixel you want found
A numpy array of ints (the htmids)
Note: this method works by caching all of the trixels up to
a given level. Do not call it on max_level>10
if max_level > 10:
raise RuntimeError(
"Do not call _find_htmid_fast with max_level>10; "
"the cache of trixels generated will be too large. "
"Call find_htmid or _find_htmid_slow (find_htmid will "
"redirect to _find_htmid_slow for large max_level)."
if not hasattr(_find_htmid_fast, "_trixel_dict") or _find_htmid_fast._level < max_level:
_find_htmid_fast._trixel_dict = get_all_trixels(max_level)
_find_htmid_fast._level = max_level
ra_rad = np.radians(ra)
dec_rad = np.radians(dec)
pt_arr = cartesian_from_spherical(ra_rad, dec_rad)
base_trixels = [
htmid_arr = np.zeros(len(pt_arr), dtype=int)
parent_dict = {}
for parent in base_trixels:
is_contained = parent.contains_pt(pt_arr)
valid_dexes = np.where(is_contained)
if len(valid_dexes[0]) == 0:
htmid_arr[valid_dexes] = parent.htmid
parent_dict[parent.htmid] = valid_dexes[0]
for level in range(1, max_level):
new_parent_dict = {}
for parent_htmid in parent_dict.keys():
considered_raw = parent_dict[parent_htmid]
next_htmid = parent_htmid << 2
children_htmid = [
next_htmid + 1,
next_htmid + 2,
next_htmid + 3,
is_found = np.zeros(len(considered_raw), dtype=int)
for child in children_htmid:
un_found = np.where(is_found == 0)[0]
considered = considered_raw[un_found]
if len(considered) == 0:
child_trixel = _find_htmid_fast._trixel_dict[child]
contains = child_trixel.contains_pt(pt_arr[considered])
valid = np.where(contains)
if len(valid[0]) == 0:
valid_dexes = considered[valid]
is_found[un_found[valid[0]]] = 1
htmid_arr[valid_dexes] = child
new_parent_dict[child] = valid_dexes
parent_dict = new_parent_dict
return htmid_arr
def find_htmid(ra, dec, max_level):
Find the htmid (the unique integer identifying
each trixel) of the trixel containing a given
RA, Dec pair.
ra in degrees (either a number or a numpy array)
dec in degrees (either a number or a numpy array)
max_level is an integer denoting the mesh level
of the trixel you want found
An int (the htmid) or an array of ints
if isinstance(ra, numbers.Number):
are_arrays = False
elif isinstance(ra, list):
ra = np.array(ra)
dec = np.array(dec)
are_arrays = True
assert isinstance(ra, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(dec, np.ndarray)
except AssertionError:
raise RuntimeError(
"\nfindHtmid can handle types\n" + "RA: %s" % type(ra) + "Dec: %s" % type(dec) + "\n"
are_arrays = True
if are_arrays:
if max_level <= 10 and len(ra) > 100:
return _find_htmid_fast(ra, dec, max_level)
htmid_arr = np.zeros(len(ra), dtype=int)
for ii in range(len(ra)):
htmid_arr[ii] = _find_htmid_slow(ra[ii], dec[ii], max_level)
return htmid_arr
return _find_htmid_slow(ra, dec, max_level)
class HalfSpace:
HalfSpaces are circles on the unit sphere defined by intersecting
a plane with the unit sphere. They are specified by the unit vector
pointing to their center on the unit sphere and the distance from
the center of the unit sphere to the plane along that unit vector.
See Section 3.1 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
Note that the specifying distance can be negative. In this case,
the halfspace is defined as the larger of the two regions on the
unit sphere divided by the circle where the plane of the halfspace
intersects the unit sphere.
def __init__(self, vector, length):
vector is the unit vector pointing to the center of
the halfspace on the unit sphere
length is the distance from the center of the unit
sphere to the plane defining the half space along the
vector. This length can be negative, in which case,
the halfspace is defined as the larger of the two
regions on the unit sphere divided by the circle
where the plane of the halfspace intersects the
unit sphere.
self._v = vector / np.sqrt(np.power(vector, 2).sum())
self._d = length
if np.abs(self._d) < 1.0:
self._phi = np.arccos(self._d) # half angular
# extent of the half space
if self._phi > np.pi:
raise RuntimeError("phi %e d %e" % (self._phi, self._d))
if self._d < 0.0:
self._phi = np.pi
self._phi = 0.0
def __eq__(self, other):
tol = 1.0e-10
if np.abs(self.dd - other.dd) > tol:
return False
if np.abs(np.dot(self.vector, other.vector) - 1.0) > tol:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def vector(self):
The unit vector from the origin to the center of the Half Space.
return self._v
def dd(self):
The distance along the Half Space's vector that defines the
extent of the Half Space.
return self._d
def phi(self):
The angular radius of the Half Space on the surface of the sphere
in radians.
return self._phi
def contains_pt(self, pt, tol=None):
pt is a cartesian point (not necessarily on
the unit sphere). The method returns True if
the projection of that point onto the unit sphere
is contained in the halfspace; False otherwise.
norm_pt = pt / np.sqrt(np.power(pt, 2).sum())
dot_product = np.dot(norm_pt, self._v)
if tol is None:
if dot_product > self._d:
return True
if dot_product > (self._d - tol):
return True
return False
def contains_many_pts(self, pts):
pts is a numpy array in which each row is a point on the
unit sphere (note: must be normalized)
numpy array of booleans indicating which of pts are contained
by this HalfSpace
dot_product = np.dot(pts, self._v)
return dot_product > self._d
def intersects_edge(self, pt1, pt2):
pt1 and pt2 are two unit vectors; the edge goes from pt1 to pt2.
Return True if the edge intersects this halfspace; False otherwise.
see equation 4.8 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
costheta = np.dot(pt1, pt2)
usq = (1 - costheta) / (1 + costheta) # u**2; using trig identity for tan(theta/2)
gamma1 = np.dot(self._v, pt1)
gamma2 = np.dot(self._v, pt2)
b = gamma1 * (usq - 1.0) + gamma2 * (usq + 1)
a = -usq * (gamma1 + self._d)
c = gamma1 - self._d
det = b * b - 4 * a * c
if det < 0.0:
return False
sqrt_det = np.sqrt(det)
pos = (-b + sqrt_det) / (2.0 * a)
if pos >= 0.0 and pos <= 1.0:
return True
neg = (-b - sqrt_det) / (2.0 * a)
if neg >= 0.0 and neg <= 1.0:
return True
return False
def intersects_circle(self, center, radius_rad):
Does this Half Space intersect a circle on the unit sphere
center is the unit vector pointing to the center of the circle
radius_rad is the radius of the circle in radians
Returns a `bool`
dotproduct = np.dot(center, self._v)
if np.abs(dotproduct) < 1.0:
theta = np.arccos(dotproduct)
elif dotproduct < 1.000000001 and dotproduct > 0.0:
theta = 0.0
elif dotproduct > -1.000000001 and dotproduct < 0.0:
theta = np.pi
raise RuntimeError("Dot product between unit vectors is %e" % dotproduct)
if theta > self._phi + radius_rad:
return False
return True
def intersects_bounding_circle(self, tx):
tx is a Trixel. Return True if this halfspace intersects
the bounding circle of the trixel; False otherwise.
See the discussion around equation 4.2 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
return self.intersects_circle(tx.bounding_circle[0], tx.bounding_circle[1])
def contains_trixel(self, tx):
tx is a Trixel.
Return "full" if the Trixel is fully contained by
this halfspace.
Return "partial" if the Trixel is only partially
contained by this halfspace
Return "outside" if no part of the Trixel is
contained by this halfspace.
See section 4.1 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
containment = self.contains_many_pts(tx.corners)
if containment.all():
return "full"
elif containment.any():
return "partial"
if tx.contains_pt(self._v):
return "partial"
# check if the trixel's bounding circle intersects
# the halfspace
if not self.intersects_bounding_circle(tx):
return "outside"
# need to test that the bounding circle intersect the halfspace
# boundary
for edge in (
(tx.corners[0], tx.corners[1]),
(tx.corners[1], tx.corners[2]),
(tx.corners[2], tx.corners[0]),
if self.intersects_edge(edge[0], edge[1]):
return "partial"
return "outside"
def merge_trixel_bounds(bounds):
Take a list of trixel bounds as returned by HalfSpace.find_all_trixels
and merge any tuples that should be merged
bounds is a list of trixel bounds as returned by
A new, equivalent list of trixel bounds
list_of_mins = np.array([r[0] for r in bounds])
sorted_dex = np.argsort(list_of_mins)
bounds_sorted = np.array(bounds)[sorted_dex]
final_output = []
current_list = []
current_max = -1
for row in bounds_sorted:
if len(current_list) == 0 or row[0] <= current_max + 1:
if row[1] > current_max:
current_max = row[1]
final_output.append((min(current_list), max(current_list)))
current_list = [row[0], row[1]]
current_max = row[1]
if len(current_list) > 0:
final_output.append((min(current_list), max(current_list)))
return final_output
def join_trixel_bound_sets(b1, b2):
Take two sets of trixel bounds as returned by
HalfSpace.find_all_trixels and return a set of trixel bounds
that represents the intersection of the original sets of bounds
b1_sorted = HalfSpace.merge_trixel_bounds(b1)
b2_sorted = HalfSpace.merge_trixel_bounds(b2)
# maximum/minimum trixel bounds outside of which trixel ranges
# will be considered invalid
global_t_min = max(b1_sorted[0][0], b2_sorted[0][0])
global_t_max = min(b1_sorted[-1][1], b2_sorted[-1][1])
b1_keep = [r for r in b1_sorted if r[0] <= global_t_max and r[1] >= global_t_min]
b2_keep = [r for r in b2_sorted if r[0] <= global_t_max and r[1] >= global_t_min]
dex1 = 0
dex2 = 0
n_b1 = len(b1_keep)
n_b2 = len(b2_keep)
joint_bounds = []
if n_b1 == 0 or n_b2 == 0:
return joint_bounds
while True:
r1 = b1_keep[dex1]
r2 = b2_keep[dex2]
if r1[0] <= r2[0] and r1[1] >= r2[1]:
# r2 is completely inside r1;
# keep r2 and advance dex2
dex2 += 1
elif r2[0] <= r1[0] and r2[1] >= r1[1]:
# r1 is completely inside r2;
# keep r1 and advance dex1
dex1 += 1
# The two bounds are either disjoint, or they overlap;
# find the intersection
local_min = max(r1[0], r2[0])
local_max = min(r1[1], r2[1])
if local_min <= local_max:
# if we have a valid range, keep it
joint_bounds.append((local_min, local_max))
# advance the bound that is lowest
if r1[1] < r2[1]:
dex1 += 1
dex2 += 1
# if we have finished scanning one or another of the
# bounds, leave the loop
if dex1 >= n_b1 or dex2 >= n_b2:
return HalfSpace.merge_trixel_bounds(joint_bounds)
def find_all_trixels(self, level):
Find the HTMIDs of all of the trixels filling the half space
level is an integer denoting the resolution of the trixel grid
A list of tuples. Each tuple gives an inclusive range of HTMIDs
corresponding to trixels within the HalfSpace
global basic_trixels
active_trixels = []
for trixel_name in basic_trixels:
output_prelim = []
max_d_htmid = 0
# Once we establish that a given trixel is completely
# contained within a the HalfSpace, we will need to
# convert that trixel into a (min_htmid, max_htmid) pair.
# This will involve evolving up from the current level
# of trixel resolution to the desired level of trixel
# resolution, setting the resulting 2-bit pairs to 0 for
# min_htmid and 3 for max_htmid. We can get min_htmid by
# taking the base trixel's level and multiplying by an
# appropriate power of 2. We can get max_htmid by adding
# an integer that, in binary, is wholly comprised of 1s
# to min_htmid. Here we construct that integer of 1s,
# starting out at level-2, since the first trixels
# to which we will need to add max_d_htmid will be
# at least at level 2 (the children of the base trixels).
for ii in range(level - 2):
max_d_htmid += 3
max_d_htmid <<= 2
# start iterating at level 2 because level 1 is the base trixels,
# where we are already starting, and i_level reallly refers to
# the level of the child trixels we are investigating
for i_level in range(2, level):
max_d_htmid >>= 2
new_active_trixels = []
for tt in active_trixels:
children = tt.get_children()
for child in children:
is_contained = self.contains_trixel(child)
if is_contained == "partial":
# need to investigate more fully
elif is_contained == "full":
# all of this trixels children, and
# their children are contained
min_htmid = child._htmid << 2 * (level - i_level)
max_htmid = min_htmid
max_htmid += max_d_htmid
output_prelim.append((min_htmid, max_htmid))
active_trixels = new_active_trixels
if len(active_trixels) == 0:
# final pass over the active_trixels to see which of their
# children are inside this HalfSpace
for trix in active_trixels:
for child in trix.get_children():
if self.contains_trixel(child) != "outside":
output_prelim.append((child._htmid, child._htmid))
# sort output by htmid_min
min_dex_arr = np.argsort([oo[0] for oo in output_prelim])
output = []
for ii in min_dex_arr:
return self.merge_trixel_bounds(output)
def half_space_from_ra_dec(ra, dec, radius):
Take an RA, Dec and radius of a circular field of view and return
a HalfSpace
ra in degrees
dec in degrees
radius in degrees
HalfSpace corresponding to the circular field of view
dd = np.cos(np.radians(radius))
xyz = cartesian_from_spherical(np.radians(ra), np.radians(dec))
return HalfSpace(xyz, dd)
def half_space_from_points(pt1, pt2, pt3):
Return a Half Space defined by two points on a Great Circle
and a third point contained in the Half Space.
pt1, pt2 -- two tuples containing (RA, Dec) in degrees of
the points on the Great Circle defining the Half Space
pt3 -- a tuple containing (RA, Dec) in degrees of a point
contained in the Half Space
A Half Space
vv1 = cartesian_from_spherical(np.radians(pt1[0]), np.radians(pt1[1]))
vv2 = cartesian_from_spherical(np.radians(pt2[0]), np.radians(pt2[1]))
axis = np.array(
vv1[1] * vv2[2] - vv1[2] * vv2[1],
vv1[2] * vv2[0] - vv1[0] * vv2[2],
vv1[0] * vv2[1] - vv1[1] * vv2[0],
axis /= np.sqrt(np.sum(axis**2))
vv3 = cartesian_from_spherical(np.radians(pt3[0]), np.radians(pt3[1]))
if np.dot(axis, vv3) < 0.0:
axis *= -1.0
return HalfSpace(axis, 0.0)
def intersect_half_spaces(hs1, hs2):
hs1, hs2 are Half Spaces
A list of the cartesian points where the Half Spaces intersect.
Note: if the Half Spaces are identical, then this list will be
Based on section 3.5 of
Szalay A. et al. (2007)
"Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh"
gamma = np.dot(hs1.vector, hs2.vector)
if np.abs(1.0 - np.abs(gamma)) < 1.0e-20:
# Half Spaces are based on parallel planes that don't intersect
return []
denom = 1.0 - gamma**2
if denom < 0.0:
return []
num = hs1.dd**2 + hs2.dd**2 - 2.0 * gamma * hs1.dd * hs2.dd
if denom < num:
return []
uu = (hs1.dd - gamma * hs2.dd) / denom
vv = (hs2.dd - gamma * hs1.dd) / denom
ww = np.sqrt((1.0 - num / denom) / denom)
cross_product = np.array(
hs1.vector[1] * hs2.vector[2] - hs1.vector[2] * hs2.vector[1],
hs1.vector[2] * hs2.vector[0] - hs1.vector[0] * hs2.vector[2],
hs1.vector[0] * hs2.vector[1] - hs1.vector[1] * hs2.vector[0],
pt1 = uu * hs1.vector + vv * hs2.vector + ww * cross_product
pt2 = uu * hs1.vector + vv * hs2.vector - ww * cross_product
if np.abs(1.0 - np.dot(pt1, pt2)) < 1.0e-20:
return pt1
return np.array([pt1, pt2])