Source code for rubin_scheduler.utils.rotskypos

__all__ = ["rotation_converter", "RotationConverter", "RotationConverterAuxtel", "pseudo_parallactic_angle"]

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, EarthLocation, SkyCoord
from astropy.time import Time

[docs] def pseudo_parallactic_angle( ra: float | np.ndarray, dec: float | np.ndarray, mjd: float | np.ndarray, lon: float = -70.7494, lat: float = -30.2444, height: float = 2650.0, pressure: float = 750.0, temperature: float = 11.5, relative_humidity: float = 0.4, obswl: float = 1.0, ): """Compute the pseudo parallactic angle. The (traditional) parallactic angle is the angle zenith - coord - NCP where NCP is the true-of-date north celestial pole. This function instead computes zenith - coord - NCP_ICRF where NCP_ICRF is the north celestial pole in the International Celestial Reference Frame. See: Parameters ---------- ra, dec : `float` ICRF coordinates in degrees. mjd : `float` Modified Julian Date. latitude, longitude : float Geodetic coordinates of observer in degrees. height : `float` Height of observer above reference ellipsoid in meters. pressure : `float` Atmospheric pressure in millibars. temperature : `float` Atmospheric temperature in degrees Celsius. relative_humidity : `float` obswl : `float` Observation wavelength in microns. Returns ------- ppa : float The pseudo parallactic angle in degrees. alt : float Altitude of the observations az : float Azimuth of the observations """ obstime = Time(mjd, format="mjd", scale="tai") location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic( lon=lon * u.deg, lat=lat * u.deg, height=height * u.m, ellipsoid="WGS84", # For concreteness ) coord_kwargs = dict( obstime=obstime, location=location, pressure=pressure * u.mbar, temperature=temperature * u.deg_C, relative_humidity=relative_humidity, obswl=obswl * u.micron, ) coord = SkyCoord(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg, **coord_kwargs) towards_zenith = SkyCoord( alt=coord.altaz.alt + 10 * u.arcsec,, frame=AltAz, **coord_kwargs ) towards_north = SkyCoord(ra=coord.icrs.ra, dec=coord.icrs.dec + 10 * u.arcsec, **coord_kwargs) ppa = coord.position_angle(towards_zenith) - coord.position_angle(towards_north) return ppa.wrap_at(180 * u.deg).deg, coord.altaz.alt.deg,
[docs] def rotation_converter(telescope="rubin"): """Return the correct RotationConverter object.""" if telescope.lower() == "rubin": return RotationConverter() elif telescope.lower() == "auxtel": return RotationConverterAuxtel() else: raise ValueError("Unknown telescope name")
def _wrap_180(in_angle): """Convert angle(s) to run from -180 to 180 Parameters ---------- in_angle : `float` Input angle in radians. """ angle = in_angle % (2.0 * np.pi) if np.size(angle) == 1: if angle > np.pi: result = angle - 2.0 * np.pi return result else: return angle else: indx = np.where(angle > np.pi)[0] angle[indx] = angle[indx] - 2.0 * np.pi return angle
[docs] class RotationConverter(object): """Class to convert between rotTelPos and rotSkyPos"""
[docs] def rottelpos2rotskypos(self, rottelpos_in, pa): """convert rotTelPos to rotSkyPos Parameters ---------- rottelpos_in : `float` RotTelPos value in degrees pa : `float` Parallactic angle in degrees. """ return np.degrees(self._rottelpos2rotskypos(np.radians(rottelpos_in), np.radians(pa)))
[docs] def rotskypos2rottelpos(self, rotskypos_in, pa): """convert rotSkyPos to rotTelPos Parameters ---------- rotskypos_in : `float` RotSkyPos value in degrees pa : `float` Parallactic angle in degrees. """ result = self._rotskypos2rottelpos(np.radians(rotskypos_in), np.radians(pa)) return np.degrees(result)
def _rottelpos2rotskypos(self, rottelpos_in, pa): result = (pa - rottelpos_in - np.pi / 2) % (2.0 * np.pi) return result def _rotskypos2rottelpos(self, rotskypos_in, pa): result = (pa - rotskypos_in - np.pi / 2) % (2.0 * np.pi) # Enforce rotTelPos between -pi and pi return _wrap_180(result)
[docs] class RotationConverterAuxtel(RotationConverter): """Use a different relation for rotation angles on AuxTel""" def _rottelpos2rotskypos(self, rottelpos_in, pa): return (rottelpos_in - pa) % (2.0 * np.pi) def _rotskypos2rottelpos(self, rotskypos_in, pa): result = (rotskypos_in + pa) % (2.0 * np.pi) # Enforce rotTelPos between -pi and pi return _wrap_180(result)