Scheduler Output Schema¶
When running in simulation mode, the scheduler outputs a sqlite database
containing the pointing history of the telescope, along with information
about the conditions of each observation (visit).
The table below describes the columns in the observations
All values are for the center of the field of view (e.g., airmass, altitude, etc)
Column |
Units |
Description |
observationId |
integer |
Simple counter for the observation. |
fieldRA |
degrees |
The Right Ascension of the boresight. |
fieldDec |
degrees |
The Declination of the boresight. |
observationStartMJD |
The MJD of the start of the observation (UTC). |
flush_by_mjd |
The time by which to drop the queued observation from consideration. |
visitExposureTime |
seconds |
Total on-sky exposure time. |
band |
string |
The name of the bandpass in use for the observation, typically one of ugrizy. |
filter |
string |
The name of the physical filter in use for the observation. |
rotSkyPos |
degrees |
The orientation of the sky in the focal plane measured as the angle between ICRF North on the sky and the “up” direction in the focal plane. Corresponds to ‘skyAngle’. |
rotSkyPos_desired |
degrees |
The rotSkyPos requested by the observation. Most likely to match rotSkyPos, but if the angle is unreachable, then backup values will be used. |
numExposures |
integer |
The number of exposures in the visit. |
airmass |
unitless |
The airmass of the visit, at the center of the field at the start of the visit. |
seeingFwhm500 |
arcseconds |
The seeing FWHM at zenith at 500 nm. The atmospheric contribution to the IQ. |
seeingFwhmEff |
arcseconds |
The FWHM of the single-gaussian PSF that results in equivalent SNR for a point source, compared to the full realized PSF. |
seeingFwhmGeom |
arcseconds |
The FWHM of a measured PSF, a measurement of the physical size of the (non-gaussian) PSF. |
skyBrightness |
mag/arcsecond^2 |
The skybrightness in the filter in use at the center of the exposure. Predicted from the skybrightness_pre module. |
night |
integer |
The night of the survey for the observation. |
slewTime |
seconds |
The time required to slew to this position on the sky. Includes filter change and readout, as well as slew and settle time. |
visitTime |
seconds |
The total wall-clock time required for a visit. Longer than visitExposureTime if multiple exposures within a visit were acquired. |
slewDistance |
degrees |
Distance required to slew to this pointing from the previous pointing. |
fiveSigmaDepth |
magnitudes |
The magnitude of a five-sigma point source detection in the visit. |
altitude |
degrees |
Altitude of the field at the start of the observation. |
azimuth |
degrees |
Azimuth of the field at the start of the observation. |
paraAngle |
degrees |
Parallactic angle of the observation, angle between True North and zenith. |
pseudoParaAngle |
degrees |
Angle between ICRF North and zenith. See |
cloud |
float |
Fraction of sky which is cloudy. Simply used as an indicator to shut the telescope. |
moonAlt |
degrees |
Altitude of the Moon. |
sunAlt |
degrees |
Altitude of the Sun. |
scheduler_note |
string |
Descriptive comment about how the observations were scheduled, for use by the FBS. |
target_name |
string |
Descriptive name for the target. Only used for DDFs, ToOs, or other special targets. Should translate to target_name in the headers/ConsDB. |
observationStartLST |
degrees |
Local Sidereal Time at the start of the observation. |
rotTelPos |
degrees |
Angle between zenith and “up” in the camera. Camera rotator angle. |
rotTelPos_backup |
degrees |
Angle specifying a backup for rotSkyPos_desired and rotTelPos. |
moonAz |
degrees |
Azimuth of the Moon. |
sunAz |
degrees |
Azimuth of the Sun. |
sunRA |
degrees |
Right Ascension of the Sun. |
sunDec |
degrees |
Declination of the Sun. |
moonRA |
degrees |
Right Ascension of the Moon. |
moonDec |
degrees |
Declination of the Moon. |
moonDistance |
degrees |
Distance between the field pointing and the Moon. |
solarElong |
degrees |
Solar Elongation of the field. |
moonPhase |
float |
Lunar illumination, ranging from 0 (new moon) to 100 (full moon). |
cummTelAz |
degrees |
Cumulative azimuth of the telescope mount, tracks cable wrap. |
target_id |
integer |
Integer added by the |
observation_reason |
string |
The reason for the observation. Identifier for DM. Translates to observation_reason in the headers/consdb. |
science_program |
string |
The science program for the observation. This will typically track to a JSON BLOCK to execute for the scheduler and translates to science_program in the headers/consdb. An identifier for Scheduler and DM. |