Source code for rubin_scheduler.scheduler.example.example_scheduler

__all__ = (

import argparse
import os
import subprocess
import sys

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.utils import iers

import rubin_scheduler
import rubin_scheduler.scheduler.basis_functions as bf
import rubin_scheduler.scheduler.detailers as detailers
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler import sim_runner
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.model_observatory import ModelObservatory
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers import CoreScheduler, SimpleBandSched
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.surveys import (
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.targetofo import gen_all_events
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils import ConstantFootprint, CurrentAreaMap, make_rolling_footprints
from rubin_scheduler.site_models import Almanac
from rubin_scheduler.utils import DEFAULT_NSIDE, SURVEY_START_MJD, _hpid2_ra_dec

# So things don't fail on hyak
iers.conf.auto_download = False
# XXX--note this line probably shouldn't be in production
iers.conf.auto_max_age = None

[docs] def example_scheduler( nside: int = DEFAULT_NSIDE, mjd_start: float = SURVEY_START_MJD, no_too: bool = False, ) -> CoreScheduler: """Provide an example baseline survey-strategy scheduler. Parameters ---------- nside : `int` Nside for the scheduler maps and basis functions. mjd_start : `float` Start date for the survey (MJD). no_too : `bool` Turn off ToO simulation. Default False. Returns ------- scheduler : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.CoreScheduler` A scheduler set up as the baseline survey strategy. """ parser = sched_argparser() args = parser.parse_args(args=[]) args.setup_only = True args.no_too = no_too args.dbroot = "example_" args.outDir = "." args.nside = nside args.mjd_start = mjd_start scheduler = gen_scheduler(args) return scheduler
[docs] def standard_bf( nside, bandname="g", bandname2="i", m5_weight=6.0, footprint_weight=1.5, slewtime_weight=3.0, stayband_weight=3.0, template_weight=12.0, u_template_weight=50.0, g_template_weight=50.0, footprints=None, n_obs_template=None, season=365.25, season_start_hour=-4.0, season_end_hour=2.0, moon_distance=30.0, strict=True, wind_speed_maximum=20.0, ): """Generate the standard basis functions that are shared by blob surveys Parameters ---------- nside : `int` The HEALpix nside to use. Defaults to DEFAULT_NSIDE bandname : `str` The band name for the first observation. Default "g". bandname2 : `str` The band name for the second in the pair (None if unpaired). Default "i". n_obs_template : `dict` The number of observations to take every season in each band. Default None. season : `float` The length of season (i.e., how long before templates expire) (days). Default 365.25. season_start_hour : `float` Hour angle limits to use when gathering templates. Default -4 (hours) sesason_end_hour : `float` Hour angle limits to use when gathering templates. Default +2 (hours) moon_distance : `float` The mask radius to apply around the moon (degrees). Default 30. m5_weight : `float` The weight for the 5-sigma depth difference basis function. Default 6.0 (unitless) footprint_weight : `float` The weight on the survey footprint basis function. Default 0.3 (unitless) slewtime_weight : `float` The weight on the slewtime basis function. Default 3 (unitless). stayband_weight : `float` The weight on basis function that tries to stay avoid band changes. Default 3 (unitless). template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates every season. Default 12 (unitless). u_template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates in u-band. Since there are so few u-visits, it can be helpful to turn this up a little higher than the standard template_weight kwarg. Default 24 (unitless) g_template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates in g-band. Since there are so few g-visits, it can be helpful to turn this up a little higher than the standard template_weight kwarg. Default 24 (unitless). Returns ------- basis_functions_weights : `list` list of tuple pairs (basis function, weight) that is (rubin_scheduler.scheduler.BasisFunction object, float) """ template_weights = { "u": u_template_weight, "g": g_template_weight, "r": template_weight, "i": template_weight, "z": template_weight, "y": template_weight, } bfs = [] if bandname2 is not None: bfs.append( ( bf.M5DiffBasisFunction(bandname=bandname, nside=nside), m5_weight / 2.0, ) ) bfs.append( ( bf.M5DiffBasisFunction(bandname=bandname2, nside=nside), m5_weight / 2.0, ) ) else: bfs.append((bf.M5DiffBasisFunction(bandname=bandname, nside=nside), m5_weight)) if bandname2 is not None: bfs.append( ( bf.FootprintBasisFunction( bandname=bandname, footprint=footprints, out_of_bounds_val=np.nan, nside=nside, ), footprint_weight / 2.0, ) ) bfs.append( ( bf.FootprintBasisFunction( bandname=bandname2, footprint=footprints, out_of_bounds_val=np.nan, nside=nside, ), footprint_weight / 2.0, ) ) else: bfs.append( ( bf.FootprintBasisFunction( bandname=bandname, footprint=footprints, out_of_bounds_val=np.nan, nside=nside, ), footprint_weight, ) ) bfs.append( ( bf.SlewtimeBasisFunction(bandname=bandname, nside=nside), slewtime_weight, ) ) if strict: bfs.append((bf.StrictBandBasisFunction(bandname=bandname), stayband_weight)) else: bfs.append((bf.BandChangeBasisFunction(bandname=bandname), stayband_weight)) if n_obs_template is not None: if bandname2 is not None: bfs.append( ( bf.NObsPerYearBasisFunction( bandname=bandname, nside=nside, footprint=footprints.get_footprint(bandname), n_obs=n_obs_template[bandname], season=season, season_start_hour=season_start_hour, season_end_hour=season_end_hour, ), template_weights[bandname] / 2.0, ) ) bfs.append( ( bf.NObsPerYearBasisFunction( bandname=bandname2, nside=nside, footprint=footprints.get_footprint(bandname2), n_obs=n_obs_template[bandname2], season=season, season_start_hour=season_start_hour, season_end_hour=season_end_hour, ), template_weights[bandname2] / 2.0, ) ) else: bfs.append( ( bf.NObsPerYearBasisFunction( bandname=bandname, nside=nside, footprint=footprints.get_footprint(bandname), n_obs=n_obs_template[bandname], season=season, season_start_hour=season_start_hour, season_end_hour=season_end_hour, ), template_weights[bandname], ) ) # The shared masks bfs.append( ( bf.MoonAvoidanceBasisFunction(nside=nside, moon_distance=moon_distance), 0.0, ) ) bfs.append((bf.AvoidDirectWind(nside=nside, wind_speed_maximum=wind_speed_maximum), 0)) bandnames = [fn for fn in [bandname, bandname2] if fn is not None] bfs.append((bf.BandLoadedBasisFunction(bandnames=bandnames), 0)) bfs.append((bf.PlanetMaskBasisFunction(nside=nside), 0.0)) return bfs
def blob_for_long( nside, nexp=2, exptime=29.2, band1s=["g"], band2s=["i"], pair_time=33.0, camera_rot_limits=[-80.0, 80.0], n_obs_template=None, season=365.25, season_start_hour=-4.0, season_end_hour=2.0, shadow_minutes=60.0, max_alt=76.0, moon_distance=30.0, ignore_obs=["DD", "twilight_near_sun"], m5_weight=6.0, footprint_weight=1.5, slewtime_weight=3.0, stayband_weight=3.0, template_weight=12.0, u_template_weight=50.0, g_template_weight=50.0, footprints=None, u_nexp1=True, night_pattern=[True, True], time_after_twi=30.0, HA_min=12, HA_max=24 - 3.5, blob_names=[], u_exptime=38.0, scheduled_respect=30.0, ): """ Generate surveys that take observations in blobs. Parameters ---------- nside : `int` The HEALpix nside to use. Default to DEFAULT_NSIDE. nexp : `int` The number of exposures to use in a visit. Default 2. exptime : `float` The exposure time to use per visit (seconds). Default 29.2 band1s : `list` [`str`] The bandnames for the first band in a pair. Default ["g"]. band2s : `list` of `str` The band names for the second in the pair (None if unpaired). Default ["i"]. pair_time : `float` The ideal time between pairs (minutes). Default 33. camera_rot_limits : `list` of `float` The limits to impose when rotationally dithering the camera (degrees). Default [-80., 80.]. n_obs_template : `dict` The number of observations to take every season in each band. If None, sets to 3 each. Default None. season : float The length of season (i.e., how long before templates expire) (days) Default 365.25. season_start_hour : `float` Hour angle limits to use when gathering templates. Default -4 (hours) sesason_end_hour : `float` Hour angle limits to use when gathering templates. Default +2 (hours) shadow_minutes : `float` Used to mask regions around zenith (minutes). Default 60. max_alt : `float` The maximium altitude to use when masking zenith (degrees). Default 76. moon_distance : `float` The mask radius to apply around the moon (degrees). Default 30. ignore_obs : `str` or `list` of `str` Ignore observations by surveys that include the given substring(s). Default "DD". m5_weight : `float` The weight for the 5-sigma depth difference basis function. Default 3 (unitless). footprint_weight : `float` The weight on the survey footprint basis function. Default 0.3 (uniteless). slewtime_weight : `float` The weight on the slewtime basis function. Default 3.0 (uniteless). stayband_weight : `float` The weight on basis function that tries to stay avoid band changes. Default 3.0 (uniteless). template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates every season. Default 12 (uniteless). u_template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates in u-band. Since there are so few u-visits, it can be helpful to turn this up a little higher than the standard template_weight kwarg. Default 24 (unitless.) u_nexp1 : `bool` Add a detailer to make sure the number of expossures in a visit is always 1 for u observations. Default True. """ BlobSurvey_params = { "slew_approx": 7.5, "band_change_approx": 140.0, "read_approx": 2.0, "flush_time": 30.0, "smoothing_kernel": None, "nside": nside, "seed": 42, "dither": True, "twilight_scale": True, } surveys = [] if n_obs_template is None: n_obs_template = {"u": 3, "g": 3, "r": 3, "i": 3, "z": 3, "y": 3} times_needed = [pair_time, pair_time * 2] for bandname, bandname2 in zip(band1s, band2s): detailer_list = [] detailer_list.append( detailers.CameraRotDetailer(min_rot=np.min(camera_rot_limits), max_rot=np.max(camera_rot_limits)) ) detailer_list.append(detailers.CloseAltDetailer()) detailer_list.append(detailers.BandNexp(bandname="u", nexp=1, exptime=u_exptime)) # List to hold tuples of (basis_function_object, weight) bfs = [] bfs.extend( standard_bf( nside, bandname=bandname, bandname2=bandname2, m5_weight=m5_weight, footprint_weight=footprint_weight, slewtime_weight=slewtime_weight, stayband_weight=stayband_weight, template_weight=template_weight, u_template_weight=u_template_weight, g_template_weight=g_template_weight, footprints=footprints, n_obs_template=n_obs_template, season=season, season_start_hour=season_start_hour, season_end_hour=season_end_hour, ) ) # Make sure we respect scheduled observations bfs.append((bf.TimeToScheduledBasisFunction(time_needed=scheduled_respect), 0)) # Masks, give these 0 weight bfs.append( ( bf.AltAzShadowMaskBasisFunction( nside=nside, shadow_minutes=shadow_minutes, max_alt=max_alt, pad=3.0 ), 0.0, ) ) if bandname2 is None: time_needed = times_needed[0] else: time_needed = times_needed[1] bfs.append((bf.TimeToTwilightBasisFunction(time_needed=time_needed), 0.0)) bfs.append((bf.NotTwilightBasisFunction(), 0.0)) bfs.append((bf.AfterEveningTwiBasisFunction(time_after=time_after_twi), 0.0)) bfs.append((bf.HaMaskBasisFunction(ha_min=HA_min, ha_max=HA_max, nside=nside), 0.0)) # don't execute every night bfs.append((bf.NightModuloBasisFunction(night_pattern), 0.0)) # only execute one blob per night bfs.append((bf.OnceInNightBasisFunction(notes=blob_names), 0)) # unpack the basis functions and weights weights = [val[1] for val in bfs] basis_functions = [val[0] for val in bfs] if bandname2 is None: survey_name = "blob_long, %s" % bandname else: survey_name = "blob_long, %s%s" % (bandname, bandname2) if bandname2 is not None: detailer_list.append(detailers.TakeAsPairsDetailer(bandname=bandname2)) if u_nexp1: detailer_list.append(detailers.BandNexp(bandname="u", nexp=1)) surveys.append( BlobSurvey( basis_functions, weights, bandname1=bandname, bandname2=bandname2, exptime=exptime, ideal_pair_time=pair_time, survey_name=survey_name, ignore_obs=ignore_obs, nexp=nexp, detailers=detailer_list, **BlobSurvey_params, ) ) return surveys
[docs] def gen_long_gaps_survey( footprints, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, night_pattern=[True, True], gap_range=[2, 7], HA_min=12, HA_max=24 - 3.5, time_after_twi=120, u_template_weight=50.0, g_template_weight=50.0, u_exptime=38.0, nexp=2, ): """ Paramterers ----------- footprints : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.footprints.Footprints` The footprints to be used. night_pattern : `list` [`bool`] Which nights to let the survey execute. Default of [True, True] executes every night. gap_range : `list` of `float` Range of times to attempt to to gather pairs (hours). Default [2, 7]. HA_min : `float` The hour angle limits passed to the initial blob scheduler. Default 12 (hours) HA_max : `float` The hour angle limits passed to the initial blob scheduler. Default 20.5 (hours). time_after_twi : `float` The time after evening twilight to attempt long gaps (minutes). Default 120. u_template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates in u-band. Since there are so few u-visits, it can be helpful to turn this up a little higher than the standard template_weight kwarg. Default 50 (unitless.) g_template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates in u-band. Since there are so few u-visits, it can be helpful to turn this up a little higher than the standard template_weight kwarg. Default 50 (unitless.) u_exptime : `float` Exposure time to use for u-band visits (seconds). Default 38. nexp : `int` Number of exposures per visit. Default 2. """ surveys = [] f1 = ["g", "r", "i"] f2 = ["r", "i", "z"] # Maybe force scripted to not go in twilight? blob_names = [] for fn1, fn2 in zip(f1, f2): for ab in ["a", "b"]: blob_names.append("blob_long, %s%s, %s" % (fn1, fn2, ab)) for bandname1, bandname2 in zip(f1, f2): blob = blob_for_long( footprints=footprints, nside=nside, band1s=[bandname1], band2s=[bandname2], night_pattern=night_pattern, time_after_twi=time_after_twi, HA_min=HA_min, HA_max=HA_max, u_template_weight=u_template_weight, g_template_weight=g_template_weight, blob_names=blob_names, u_exptime=u_exptime, nexp=nexp, ) scripted = ScriptedSurvey( [bf.AvoidDirectWind(nside=nside)], nside=nside, ignore_obs=["blob", "DDF", "twi", "pair"], ) surveys.append(LongGapSurvey(blob[0], scripted, gap_range=gap_range, avoid_zenith=True)) return surveys
[docs] def gen_greedy_surveys( nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, nexp=2, exptime=29.2, bands=["r", "i", "z", "y"], camera_rot_limits=[-80.0, 80.0], shadow_minutes=0.0, max_alt=76.0, moon_distance=30.0, ignore_obs=["DD", "twilight_near_sun"], m5_weight=3.0, footprint_weight=0.75, slewtime_weight=3.0, stayband_weight=100.0, repeat_weight=-1.0, footprints=None, ): """ Make a quick set of greedy surveys This is a convenience function to generate a list of survey objects that can be used with rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers.Core_scheduler. To ensure we are robust against changes in the sims_featureScheduler codebase, all kwargs are explicitly set. Parameters ---------- nside : `int` The HEALpix nside to use nexp : `int` The number of exposures to use in a visit. Default 1. exptime : `float` The exposure time to use per visit (seconds). Default 29.2 bands : `list` of `str` Which bands to generate surveys for. Default ['r', 'i', 'z', 'y']. camera_rot_limits : `list` of `float` The limits to impose when rotationally dithering the camera (degrees). Default [-80., 80.]. shadow_minutes : `float` Used to mask regions around zenith (minutes). Default 60. max_alt : `float` The maximium altitude to use when masking zenith (degrees). Default 76 moon_distance : `float` The mask radius to apply around the moon (degrees). Default 30. ignore_obs : `str` or `list` of `str` Ignore observations by surveys that include the given substring(s). Default ["DD", "twilight_near_sun"]. m5_weight : `float` The weight for the 5-sigma depth difference basis function. Default 3 (unitless). footprint_weight : `float` The weight on the survey footprint basis function. Default 0.3 (uniteless). slewtime_weight : `float` The weight on the slewtime basis function. Default 3.0 (uniteless). stayband_weight : `float` The weight on basis function that tries to stay avoid band changes. Default 3.0 (uniteless). """ # Define the extra parameters that are used in the greedy survey. I # think these are fairly set, so no need to promote to utility func kwargs greed_survey_params = { "block_size": 1, "smoothing_kernel": None, "seed": 42, "camera": "LSST", "dither": True, "survey_name": "greedy", } surveys = [] detailer_list = [ detailers.CameraRotDetailer(min_rot=np.min(camera_rot_limits), max_rot=np.max(camera_rot_limits)) ] detailer_list.append(detailers.Rottep2RotspDesiredDetailer()) for bandname in bands: bfs = [] bfs.extend( standard_bf( nside, bandname=bandname, bandname2=None, m5_weight=m5_weight, footprint_weight=footprint_weight, slewtime_weight=slewtime_weight, stayband_weight=stayband_weight, template_weight=0, u_template_weight=0, g_template_weight=0, footprints=footprints, n_obs_template=None, strict=False, ) ) bfs.append( ( bf.VisitRepeatBasisFunction( gap_min=0, gap_max=2 * 60.0, bandname=None, nside=nside, npairs=20 ), repeat_weight, ) ) # Masks, give these 0 weight bfs.append( ( bf.AltAzShadowMaskBasisFunction( nside=nside, shadow_minutes=shadow_minutes, max_alt=max_alt, pad=3.0 ), 0, ) ) weights = [val[1] for val in bfs] basis_functions = [val[0] for val in bfs] surveys.append( GreedySurvey( basis_functions, weights, exptime=exptime, bandname=bandname, nside=nside, ignore_obs=ignore_obs, nexp=nexp, detailers=detailer_list, **greed_survey_params, ) ) return surveys
[docs] def generate_blobs( nside, nexp=2, exptime=29.2, band1s=["u", "u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"], band2s=["g", "r", "r", "i", "z", "y", "y"], pair_time=33.0, camera_rot_limits=[-80.0, 80.0], n_obs_template=None, season=365.25, season_start_hour=-4.0, season_end_hour=2.0, shadow_minutes=60.0, max_alt=76.0, moon_distance=30.0, ignore_obs=["DD", "twilight_near_sun"], m5_weight=6.0, footprint_weight=1.5, slewtime_weight=3.0, stayband_weight=3.0, template_weight=12.0, u_template_weight=50.0, g_template_weight=50.0, footprints=None, u_nexp1=True, scheduled_respect=45.0, good_seeing={"g": 3, "r": 3, "i": 3}, good_seeing_weight=3.0, mjd_start=1, repeat_weight=-20, u_exptime=38.0, ): """ Generate surveys that take observations in blobs. Parameters ---------- nside : `int` The HEALpix nside to use nexp : int The number of exposures to use in a visit. Default 1. exptime : `float` The exposure time to use per visit (seconds). Default 29.2 band1s : `list` [`str`] The bandnames for the first set. Default ["u", "u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"] band2s : `list` of `str` The band names for the second in the pair (None if unpaired) Default ["g", "r", "r", "i", "z", "y", "y"]. pair_time : `float` The ideal time between pairs (minutes). Default 33. camera_rot_limits : `list` of `float` The limits to impose when rotationally dithering the camera (degrees). Default [-80., 80.]. n_obs_template : `dict` The number of observations to take every season in each band. If None, sets to 3 each. season : `float` The length of season (i.e., how long before templates expire) (days). Default 365.25. season_start_hour : `float` Hour angle limits to use when gathering templates. Default -4 (hours) sesason_end_hour : `float` Hour angle limits to use when gathering templates. Default +2 (hours) shadow_minutes : `float` Used to mask regions around zenith (minutes). Default 60. max_alt : `float` The maximium altitude to use when masking zenith (degrees). Default 76. moon_distance : `float` The mask radius to apply around the moon (degrees). Default 30. ignore_obs : `str` or `list` of `str` Ignore observations by surveys that include the given substring(s). Default ["DD", "twilight_near_sun"]. m5_weight : `float` The weight for the 5-sigma depth difference basis function. Default 3 (unitless). footprint_weight : `float` The weight on the survey footprint basis function. Default 0.3 (uniteless). slewtime_weight : `float` The weight on the slewtime basis function. Default 3.0 (uniteless). stayband_weight : `float` The weight on basis function that tries to stay avoid band changes. Default 3.0 (uniteless). template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates every season. Default 12 (unitless). u_template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates in u-band. Since there are so few u-visits, it can be helpful to turn this up a little higher than the standard template_weight kwarg. Default 24 (unitless). u_nexp1 : `bool` Add a detailer to make sure the number of expossures in a visit is always 1 for u observations. Default True. scheduled_respect : `float` How much time to require there be before a pre-scheduled observation (minutes). Default 45. """ BlobSurvey_params = { "slew_approx": 7.5, "band_change_approx": 140.0, "read_approx": 2.0, "flush_time": 30.0, "smoothing_kernel": None, "nside": nside, "seed": 42, "dither": True, "twilight_scale": False, } if n_obs_template is None: n_obs_template = {"u": 3, "g": 3, "r": 3, "i": 3, "z": 3, "y": 3} surveys = [] times_needed = [pair_time, pair_time * 2] for bandname, bandname2 in zip(band1s, band2s): detailer_list = [] detailer_list.append( detailers.CameraRotDetailer(min_rot=np.min(camera_rot_limits), max_rot=np.max(camera_rot_limits)) ) detailer_list.append(detailers.Rottep2RotspDesiredDetailer()) detailer_list.append(detailers.CloseAltDetailer()) detailer_list.append(detailers.FlushForSchedDetailer()) # List to hold tuples of (basis_function_object, weight) bfs = [] bfs.extend( standard_bf( nside, bandname=bandname, bandname2=bandname2, m5_weight=m5_weight, footprint_weight=footprint_weight, slewtime_weight=slewtime_weight, stayband_weight=stayband_weight, template_weight=template_weight, u_template_weight=u_template_weight, g_template_weight=g_template_weight, footprints=footprints, n_obs_template=n_obs_template, season=season, season_start_hour=season_start_hour, season_end_hour=season_end_hour, ) ) bfs.append( ( bf.VisitRepeatBasisFunction( gap_min=0, gap_max=3 * 60.0, bandname=None, nside=nside, npairs=20 ), repeat_weight, ) ) # Insert things for getting good seeing templates if bandname2 is not None: if bandname in list(good_seeing.keys()): bfs.append( ( bf.NGoodSeeingBasisFunction( bandname=bandname, nside=nside, mjd_start=mjd_start, footprint=footprints.get_footprint(bandname), n_obs_desired=good_seeing[bandname], ), good_seeing_weight, ) ) if bandname2 in list(good_seeing.keys()): bfs.append( ( bf.NGoodSeeingBasisFunction( bandname=bandname2, nside=nside, mjd_start=mjd_start, footprint=footprints.get_footprint(bandname2), n_obs_desired=good_seeing[bandname2], ), good_seeing_weight, ) ) else: if bandname in list(good_seeing.keys()): bfs.append( ( bf.NGoodSeeingBasisFunction( bandname=bandname, nside=nside, mjd_start=mjd_start, footprint=footprints.get_footprint(bandname), n_obs_desired=good_seeing[bandname], ), good_seeing_weight, ) ) # Make sure we respect scheduled observations bfs.append((bf.TimeToScheduledBasisFunction(time_needed=scheduled_respect), 0)) # Masks, give these 0 weight bfs.append( ( bf.AltAzShadowMaskBasisFunction( nside=nside, shadow_minutes=shadow_minutes, max_alt=max_alt, pad=3.0 ), 0.0, ) ) if bandname2 is None: time_needed = times_needed[0] else: time_needed = times_needed[1] bfs.append((bf.TimeToTwilightBasisFunction(time_needed=time_needed), 0.0)) bfs.append((bf.NotTwilightBasisFunction(), 0.0)) # unpack the basis functions and weights weights = [val[1] for val in bfs] basis_functions = [val[0] for val in bfs] if bandname2 is None: survey_name = "pair_%i, %s" % (pair_time, bandname) else: survey_name = "pair_%i, %s%s" % (pair_time, bandname, bandname2) if bandname2 is not None: detailer_list.append(detailers.TakeAsPairsDetailer(bandname=bandname2)) if u_nexp1: detailer_list.append(detailers.BandNexp(bandname="u", nexp=1, exptime=u_exptime)) surveys.append( BlobSurvey( basis_functions, weights, bandname1=bandname, bandname2=bandname2, exptime=exptime, ideal_pair_time=pair_time, survey_name=survey_name, ignore_obs=ignore_obs, nexp=nexp, detailers=detailer_list, **BlobSurvey_params, ) ) return surveys
[docs] def generate_twi_blobs( nside, nexp=2, exptime=29.2, band1s=["r", "i", "z", "y"], band2s=["i", "z", "y", "y"], pair_time=15.0, camera_rot_limits=[-80.0, 80.0], n_obs_template=None, season=365.25, season_start_hour=-4.0, season_end_hour=2.0, shadow_minutes=60.0, max_alt=76.0, moon_distance=30.0, ignore_obs=["DD", "twilight_near_sun"], m5_weight=6.0, footprint_weight=1.5, slewtime_weight=3.0, stayband_weight=3.0, template_weight=12.0, footprints=None, repeat_night_weight=None, wfd_footprint=None, scheduled_respect=15.0, repeat_weight=-1.0, night_pattern=None, ): """ Generate surveys that take observations in blobs. Parameters ---------- nside : `int` The HEALpix nside to use nexp : `int` The number of exposures to use in a visit. exptime : `float` The exposure time to use per visit (seconds). Default 29.2 band1s : `list` of `str` The bandnames for the first set. Default ["r", "i", "z", "y"]. band2s : `list` of `str` The band names for the second in the pair (None if unpaired). Default ["i", "z", "y", "y"]. pair_time : `float` The ideal time between pairs (minutes). Default 22. camera_rot_limits : `list` of `float` The limits to impose when rotationally dithering the camera (degrees). Default [-80., 80.]. n_obs_template : `dict` The number of observations to take every season in each band. If None, sets to 3 each. Default None. season : `float` The length of season (i.e., how long before templates expire) (days). Default 365.25. season_start_hour : `float` Hour angle limits to use when gathering templates. Default -4 (hours) sesason_end_hour : `float` Hour angle limits to use when gathering templates. Default +2 (hours) shadow_minutes : `float` Used to mask regions around zenith (minutes). Default 60. max_alt : `float` The maximium altitude to use when masking zenith (degrees). Default 76. moon_distance : `float` The mask radius to apply around the moon (degrees). Default 30. ignore_obs : `str` or `list` of `str` Ignore observations by surveys that include the given substring(s). Default ["DD", "twilight_near_sun"]. m5_weight : `float` The weight for the 5-sigma depth difference basis function. Default 3 (unitless). footprint_weight : `float` The weight on the survey footprint basis function. Default 0.3 (uniteless). slewtime_weight : `float` The weight on the slewtime basis function. Default 3.0 (uniteless). stayband_weight : `float` The weight on basis function that tries to stay avoid band changes. Default 3.0 (uniteless). template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates every season. Default 12 (unitless). u_template_weight : `float` The weight to place on getting image templates in u-band. Since there are so few u-visits, it can be helpful to turn this up a little higher than the standard template_weight kwarg. Default 24 (unitless). """ BlobSurvey_params = { "slew_approx": 7.5, "band_change_approx": 140.0, "read_approx": 2.0, "flush_time": 30.0, "smoothing_kernel": None, "nside": nside, "seed": 42, "dither": True, "twilight_scale": False, "in_twilight": True, } surveys = [] if n_obs_template is None: n_obs_template = {"u": 3, "g": 3, "r": 3, "i": 3, "z": 3, "y": 3} times_needed = [pair_time, pair_time * 2] for bandname, bandname2 in zip(band1s, band2s): detailer_list = [] detailer_list.append( detailers.CameraRotDetailer(min_rot=np.min(camera_rot_limits), max_rot=np.max(camera_rot_limits)) ) detailer_list.append(detailers.Rottep2RotspDesiredDetailer()) detailer_list.append(detailers.CloseAltDetailer()) detailer_list.append(detailers.FlushForSchedDetailer()) # List to hold tuples of (basis_function_object, weight) bfs = [] bfs.extend( standard_bf( nside, bandname=bandname, bandname2=bandname2, m5_weight=m5_weight, footprint_weight=footprint_weight, slewtime_weight=slewtime_weight, stayband_weight=stayband_weight, template_weight=template_weight, u_template_weight=0, g_template_weight=0, footprints=footprints, n_obs_template=n_obs_template, season=season, season_start_hour=season_start_hour, season_end_hour=season_end_hour, ) ) bfs.append( ( bf.VisitRepeatBasisFunction( gap_min=0, gap_max=2 * 60.0, bandname=None, nside=nside, npairs=20 ), repeat_weight, ) ) if repeat_night_weight is not None: bfs.append( ( bf.AvoidLongGapsBasisFunction( nside=nside, bandname=None, min_gap=0.0, max_gap=10.0 / 24.0, ha_limit=3.5, footprint=wfd_footprint, ), repeat_night_weight, ) ) # Make sure we respect scheduled observations bfs.append((bf.TimeToScheduledBasisFunction(time_needed=scheduled_respect), 0)) # Masks, give these 0 weight bfs.append( ( bf.AltAzShadowMaskBasisFunction( nside=nside, shadow_minutes=shadow_minutes, max_alt=max_alt, pad=3.0, ), 0.0, ) ) if bandname2 is None: time_needed = times_needed[0] else: time_needed = times_needed[1] bfs.append((bf.TimeToTwilightBasisFunction(time_needed=time_needed, alt_limit=12), 0.0)) # Let's turn off twilight blobs on nights where we are # doing NEO hunts bfs.append((bf.NightModuloBasisFunction(pattern=night_pattern), 0)) # unpack the basis functions and weights weights = [val[1] for val in bfs] basis_functions = [val[0] for val in bfs] if bandname2 is None: survey_name = "pair_%i, %s" % (pair_time, bandname) else: survey_name = "pair_%i, %s%s" % (pair_time, bandname, bandname2) if bandname2 is not None: detailer_list.append(detailers.TakeAsPairsDetailer(bandname=bandname2)) surveys.append( BlobSurvey( basis_functions, weights, bandname1=bandname, bandname2=bandname2, exptime=exptime, ideal_pair_time=pair_time, survey_name=survey_name, ignore_obs=ignore_obs, nexp=nexp, detailers=detailer_list, **BlobSurvey_params, ) ) return surveys
def ddf_surveys( detailers=None, offseason_length=73.05, euclid_detailers=None, nside=None, expt=29.2, nexp=2, ): """Generate surveys for DDF observations Parameters ---------- detailers : `list` of `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.Detailer` Detailers for DDFs. Default None. season_unobs_frac : `float` Fraction of the season to not attempt DDF observations. Default 0.2. euclid_detailers : `list` of `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.Detailer` Detailers to use for Euclid DDF observations. Default None. expt : `float` Exposure time for DDF visits. Default 29.2. """ nsnaps = [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] if nexp == 1: nsnaps = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] obs_array = generate_ddf_scheduled_obs(offseason_length=offseason_length, expt=expt, nsnaps=nsnaps) euclid_obs = np.where( (obs_array["scheduler_note"] == "DD:EDFS_b") | (obs_array["scheduler_note"] == "DD:EDFS_a") )[0] all_other = np.where( (obs_array["scheduler_note"] != "DD:EDFS_b") & (obs_array["scheduler_note"] != "DD:EDFS_a") )[0] survey1 = ScriptedSurvey([bf.AvoidDirectWind(nside=nside)], nside=nside, detailers=detailers) survey1.set_script(obs_array[all_other]) survey2 = ScriptedSurvey([bf.AvoidDirectWind(nside=nside)], nside=nside, detailers=euclid_detailers) survey2.set_script(obs_array[euclid_obs]) return [survey1, survey2] def ecliptic_target(nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, dist_to_eclip=40.0, dec_max=30.0, mask=None): """Generate a target_map for the area around the ecliptic Parameters ---------- nside : `int` The HEALpix nside to use dist_to_eclip : `float` The distance to the ecliptic to constrain to (degrees). Default 40. dec_max : `float` The max declination to alow (degrees). Default 30. mask : `np.array` Any additional mask to apply, should be a HEALpix mask with matching nside. Default None. """ ra, dec = _hpid2_ra_dec(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside))) result = np.zeros(ra.size) coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.rad, dec=dec * u.rad) eclip_lat = good = np.where((np.abs(eclip_lat) < np.radians(dist_to_eclip)) & (dec < np.radians(dec_max))) result[good] += 1 if mask is not None: result *= mask return result
[docs] def generate_twilight_near_sun( nside, night_pattern=None, nexp=1, exptime=15, ideal_pair_time=5.0, max_airmass=2.0, camera_rot_limits=[-80.0, 80.0], time_needed=10, footprint_mask=None, footprint_weight=0.1, slewtime_weight=3.0, stayband_weight=3.0, min_area=None, bands="riz", n_repeat=4, sun_alt_limit=-14.8, slew_estimate=4.5, moon_distance=30.0, shadow_minutes=0, min_alt=20.0, max_alt=76.0, max_elong=60.0, ignore_obs=["DD", "pair", "long", "blob", "greedy"], band_dist_weight=0.3, time_to_12deg=25.0, ): """Generate a survey for observing NEO objects in twilight Parameters ---------- night_pattern : `list` of `bool` A list of bools that set when the survey will be active. e.g., [True, False] for every-other night, [True, False, False] for every third night. Default None. nexp : `int` Number of snaps in a visit. Default 1. exptime : `float` Exposure time of visits. Default 15. ideal_pair_time : `float` Ideal time between repeat visits (minutes). Default 5 max_airmass : `float` Maximum airmass to attempt (unitless). Default 2. camera_rot_limits : `list` of `float` The camera rotation limits to use (degrees). Default [-80, 80]. time_needed : `float` How much time should be available (e.g., before twilight ends) (minutes). Default 10 footprint_mask : `np.array` Mask to apply to the constructed ecliptic target mask (None). Default None footprint_weight : `float` Weight for footprint basis function. Default 0.1 (uniteless). slewtime_weight : `float` Weight for slewtime basis function. Default 3 (unitless) stayband_weight : `float` Weight for staying in the same band basis function. Default 3 (unitless) min_area : `float` The area that needs to be available before the survey will return observations (sq degrees?). Default None. bands : `str` The bands to use, default 'riz' n_repeat : `int` The number of times a blob should be repeated, default 4. sun_alt_limit : `float` Do not start unless sun is higher than this limit (degrees). Default -14.8. slew_estimate : `float` An estimate of how long it takes to slew between neighboring fields (seconds). Default 4.5 time_to_sunrise : `float` Do not execute if time to sunrise is greater than (minutes). Default 25. """ survey_name = "twilight_near_sun" footprint = ecliptic_target(nside=nside, mask=footprint_mask) constant_fp = ConstantFootprint(nside=nside) for bandname in bands: constant_fp.set_footprint(bandname, footprint) surveys = [] for bandname in bands: detailer_list = [] detailer_list.append( detailers.CameraRotDetailer(min_rot=np.min(camera_rot_limits), max_rot=np.max(camera_rot_limits)) ) detailer_list.append(detailers.CloseAltDetailer()) # Should put in a detailer so things start at lowest altitude detailer_list.append(detailers.TwilightTripleDetailer(slew_estimate=slew_estimate, n_repeat=n_repeat)) detailer_list.append(detailers.RandomBandDetailer(bands=bands)) bfs = [] bfs.append( ( bf.FootprintBasisFunction( bandname=bandname, footprint=constant_fp, out_of_bounds_val=np.nan, nside=nside, ), footprint_weight, ) ) bfs.append( ( bf.SlewtimeBasisFunction(bandname=bandname, nside=nside), slewtime_weight, ) ) bfs.append((bf.StrictBandBasisFunction(bandname=bandname), stayband_weight)) bfs.append((bf.BandDistBasisFunction(bandname=bandname), band_dist_weight)) # Need a toward the sun, reward high airmass, with an # airmass cutoff basis function. bfs.append( ( bf.NearSunHighAirmassBasisFunction(nside=nside, max_airmass=max_airmass), 0, ) ) bfs.append( ( bf.AltAzShadowMaskBasisFunction( nside=nside, shadow_minutes=shadow_minutes, max_alt=max_alt, min_alt=min_alt, pad=3.0, ), 0, ) ) bfs.append((bf.MoonAvoidanceBasisFunction(nside=nside, moon_distance=moon_distance), 0)) bfs.append((bf.BandLoadedBasisFunction(bandnames=bandname), 0)) bfs.append((bf.PlanetMaskBasisFunction(nside=nside), 0)) bfs.append( ( bf.SolarElongationMaskBasisFunction(min_elong=0.0, max_elong=max_elong, nside=nside), 0, ) ) bfs.append((bf.NightModuloBasisFunction(pattern=night_pattern), 0)) # Do not attempt unless the sun is getting high bfs.append( ( ( bf.CloseToTwilightBasisFunction( max_sun_alt_limit=sun_alt_limit, max_time_to_12deg=time_to_12deg ) ), 0, ) ) # unpack the basis functions and weights weights = [val[1] for val in bfs] basis_functions = [val[0] for val in bfs] # Set huge ideal pair time and use the detailer to cut down # the list of observations to fit twilight? surveys.append( BlobSurvey( basis_functions, weights, bandname1=bandname, bandname2=None, ideal_pair_time=ideal_pair_time, nside=nside, exptime=exptime, survey_name=survey_name, ignore_obs=ignore_obs, dither=True, nexp=nexp, detailers=detailer_list, twilight_scale=False, area_required=min_area, ) ) return surveys
[docs] def set_run_info(dbroot=None, file_end="v3.4_", out_dir="."): """Gather versions of software used to record""" extra_info = {} exec_command = "" for arg in sys.argv: exec_command += " " + arg extra_info["exec command"] = exec_command try: extra_info["git hash"] = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: extra_info["git hash"] = "Not in git repo" extra_info["file executed"] = os.path.realpath(__file__) try: rs_path = rubin_scheduler.__path__[0] hash_file = os.path.join(rs_path, "../", ".git/refs/heads/main") extra_info["rubin_scheduler git hash"] = subprocess.check_output(["cat", hash_file]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass # Use the filename of the script to name the output database if dbroot is None: fileroot = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).replace(".py", "") + "_" else: fileroot = dbroot + "_" fileroot = os.path.join(out_dir, fileroot + file_end) return fileroot, extra_info
[docs] def run_sched( scheduler, survey_length=365.25, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, filename=None, verbose=False, extra_info=None, illum_limit=40.0, mjd_start=60796.0, event_table=None, sim_to_o=None, snapshot_dir=None, ): """Run survey""" n_visit_limit = None fs = SimpleBandSched(illum_limit=illum_limit) observatory = ModelObservatory(nside=nside, mjd_start=mjd_start, sim_to_o=sim_to_o) observatory, scheduler, observations = sim_runner( observatory, scheduler, sim_duration=survey_length, filename=filename, delete_past=True, n_visit_limit=n_visit_limit, verbose=verbose, extra_info=extra_info, band_scheduler=fs, event_table=event_table, snapshot_dir=snapshot_dir, ) return observatory, scheduler, observations
def gen_scheduler(args): survey_length = args.survey_length # Days out_dir = args.out_dir verbose = args.verbose nexp = args.nexp dbroot = args.dbroot nside = args.nside mjd_plus = args.mjd_plus split_long = args.split_long snapshot_dir = args.snapshot_dir too = not args.no_too # Parameters that were previously command-line # arguments. max_dither = 0.2 # Degrees. For DDFs ddf_offseason_length = 365.25 * 0.2 # Amount of season not to use for DDFs illum_limit = 40.0 # Percent. Lunar illumination used for band loading u_exptime = 38.0 # Seconds nslice = 2 # N slices for rolling rolling_scale = 0.9 # Strength of rolling rolling_uniform = True # Should we use the uniform rolling flag nights_off = 3 # For long gaps ei_night_pattern = 4 # select doing earth interior observation every 4 nights ei_bands = "riz" # Bands to use for earth interior observations. ei_repeat = 4 # Number of times to repeat earth interior observations ei_am = 2.5 # Earth interior airmass limit ei_elong_req = 45.0 # Solar elongation required for inner solar system ei_area_req = 0.0 # Sky area required before attempting inner solar system per_night = True # Dither DDF per night camera_ddf_rot_limit = 75.0 # degrees # Be sure to also update and regenerate DDF grid save file # if changing mjd_start mjd_start = SURVEY_START_MJD + mjd_plus fileroot, extra_info = set_run_info(dbroot=dbroot, file_end="v4.3.1_", out_dir=out_dir) pattern_dict = { 1: [True], 2: [True, False], 3: [True, False, False], 4: [True, False, False, False], # 4 on, 4 off 5: [True, True, True, True, False, False, False, False], # 3 on 4 off 6: [True, True, True, False, False, False, False], 7: [True, True, False, False, False, False], } ei_night_pattern = pattern_dict[ei_night_pattern] reverse_ei_night_pattern = [not val for val in ei_night_pattern] sky = CurrentAreaMap(nside=nside) footprints_hp_array, labels = sky.return_maps() wfd_indx = np.where((labels == "lowdust") | (labels == "virgo"))[0] wfd_footprint = footprints_hp_array["r"] * 0 wfd_footprint[wfd_indx] = 1 footprints_hp = {} for key in footprints_hp_array.dtype.names: footprints_hp[key] = footprints_hp_array[key] footprint_mask = footprints_hp["r"] * 0 footprint_mask[np.where(footprints_hp["r"] > 0)] = 1 repeat_night_weight = None # Use the Almanac to find the position of the sun at the start of survey almanac = Almanac(mjd_start=mjd_start) sun_moon_info = almanac.get_sun_moon_positions(mjd_start) sun_ra_start = sun_moon_info["sun_RA"].copy() footprints = make_rolling_footprints( fp_hp=footprints_hp, mjd_start=mjd_start, sun_ra_start=sun_ra_start, nslice=nslice, scale=rolling_scale, nside=nside, wfd_indx=wfd_indx, order_roll=1, n_cycles=3, uniform=rolling_uniform, ) gaps_night_pattern = [True] + [False] * nights_off long_gaps = gen_long_gaps_survey( nside=nside, footprints=footprints, night_pattern=gaps_night_pattern, u_exptime=u_exptime, nexp=nexp, ) # Set up the DDF surveys to dither u_detailer = detailers.BandNexp(bandname="u", nexp=1, exptime=u_exptime) dither_detailer = detailers.DitherDetailer(per_night=per_night, max_dither=max_dither) details = [ detailers.CameraRotDetailer(min_rot=-camera_ddf_rot_limit, max_rot=camera_ddf_rot_limit), dither_detailer, u_detailer, detailers.Rottep2RotspDesiredDetailer(), ] euclid_detailers = [ detailers.CameraRotDetailer(min_rot=-camera_ddf_rot_limit, max_rot=camera_ddf_rot_limit), detailers.EuclidDitherDetailer(), u_detailer, detailers.Rottep2RotspDesiredDetailer(), ] ddfs = ddf_surveys( detailers=details, offseason_length=ddf_offseason_length, euclid_detailers=euclid_detailers, nside=nside, nexp=nexp, ) greedy = gen_greedy_surveys(nside, nexp=nexp, footprints=footprints) neo = generate_twilight_near_sun( nside, night_pattern=ei_night_pattern, bands=ei_bands, n_repeat=ei_repeat, footprint_mask=footprint_mask, max_airmass=ei_am, max_elong=ei_elong_req, min_area=ei_area_req, ) blobs = generate_blobs( nside, nexp=nexp, footprints=footprints, mjd_start=mjd_start, u_exptime=u_exptime, ) twi_blobs = generate_twi_blobs( nside, nexp=nexp, footprints=footprints, wfd_footprint=wfd_footprint, repeat_night_weight=repeat_night_weight, night_pattern=reverse_ei_night_pattern, ) roman_surveys = [ gen_roman_on_season(nexp=nexp, exptime=29.2), gen_roman_off_season(nexp=nexp, exptime=29.2), ] if too: too_scale = 1.0 sim_ToOs, event_table = gen_all_events(scale=too_scale, nside=nside) camera_rot_limits = [-80.0, 80.0] detailer_list = [] detailer_list.append( detailers.CameraRotDetailer(min_rot=np.min(camera_rot_limits), max_rot=np.max(camera_rot_limits)) ) # Let's make a footprint to follow up ToO events too_footprint = footprints_hp["r"] * 0 + np.nan too_footprint[np.where(footprints_hp["r"] > 0)[0]] = 1.0 detailer_list.append(detailers.Rottep2RotspDesiredDetailer()) toos = gen_too_surveys( nside=nside, detailer_list=detailer_list, too_footprint=too_footprint, split_long=split_long, n_snaps=nexp, ) surveys = [toos, roman_surveys, ddfs, long_gaps, blobs, twi_blobs, neo, greedy] else: surveys = [roman_surveys, ddfs, long_gaps, blobs, twi_blobs, neo, greedy] sim_ToOs = None event_table = None fileroot = fileroot.replace("baseline", "no_too") scheduler = CoreScheduler(surveys, nside=nside) if args.setup_only: return scheduler else: years = np.round(survey_length / 365.25) observatory, scheduler, observations = run_sched( scheduler, survey_length=survey_length, verbose=verbose, filename=os.path.join(fileroot + "%iyrs.db" % years), extra_info=extra_info, nside=nside, illum_limit=illum_limit, mjd_start=mjd_start, event_table=event_table, sim_to_o=sim_ToOs, snapshot_dir=snapshot_dir, ) return observatory, scheduler, observations def sched_argparser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Print more output") parser.set_defaults(verbose=False) parser.add_argument("--survey_length", type=float, default=365.25 * 10, help="Survey length in days") parser.add_argument("--out_dir", type=str, default="", help="Output directory") parser.add_argument("--nexp", type=int, default=2, help="Number of exposures per visit") parser.add_argument("--dbroot", type=str, help="Database root") parser.add_argument( "--setup_only", dest="setup_only", default=False, action="store_true", help="Only construct scheduler, do not simulate", ) parser.add_argument( "--nside", type=int, default=DEFAULT_NSIDE, help="Nside should be set to default (32) except for tests.", ) parser.add_argument( "--mjd_plus", type=float, default=0, help="number of days to add to the mjd start", ) parser.add_argument( "--split_long", dest="split_long", action="store_true", help="Split long ToO exposures into standard visit lengths", ) parser.add_argument("--snapshot_dir", type=str, default="", help="Directory for scheduler snapshots.") parser.set_defaults(split_long=False) parser.add_argument("--no_too", dest="no_too", action="store_true") parser.set_defaults(no_too=False) return parser if __name__ == "__main__": parser = sched_argparser() args = parser.parse_args() gen_scheduler(args)