__all__ = ("wrap_ra_dec", "rotate_ra_dec", "Pointings2hp", "HpmapCross")
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from rubin_scheduler.site_models import _read_fields
from rubin_scheduler.utils import DEFAULT_NSIDE, _hpid2_ra_dec, _xyz_angular_radius, _xyz_from_ra_dec
from .utils import hp_kd_tree
def wrap_ra_dec(ra, dec):
# XXX--from MAF, should put in general utils
Wrap RA into 0-2pi and Dec into +/0 pi/2.
ra : numpy.ndarray
RA in radians
dec : numpy.ndarray
Dec in radians
numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray
Wrapped RA/Dec values, in radians.
# Wrap dec.
low = np.where(dec < -np.pi / 2.0)[0]
dec[low] = -1 * (np.pi + dec[low])
ra[low] = ra[low] - np.pi
high = np.where(dec > np.pi / 2.0)[0]
dec[high] = np.pi - dec[high]
ra[high] = ra[high] - np.pi
# Wrap RA.
ra = ra % (2.0 * np.pi)
return ra, dec
def rotate_ra_dec(ra, dec, ra_target, dec_target, init_rotate=0.0):
Rotate ra and dec coordinates to be centered on a new dec.
Rotates around the x-axis 1st, then to the dec, then ra.
ra : float or np.array
RA coordinate(s) to be rotated in radians
dec : float or np.array
Dec coordinate(s) to be rotated in radians
ra_rotation : float
RA distance to rotate in radians
dec_target : float
Dec distance to rotate in radians
init_rotate : float (0.)
The amount to rotate the points around the x-axis first (radians).
# point (ra,dec) = (0,0) is at x,y,z = 1,0,0
x, y, z = _xyz_from_ra_dec(ra, dec)
# Rotate around the x axis to start
xp = x
if init_rotate != 0.0:
c_i = np.cos(init_rotate)
s_i = np.sin(init_rotate)
yp = c_i * y - s_i * z
zp = s_i * y + c_i * z
yp = y
zp = z
theta_y = dec_target
c_ty = np.cos(theta_y)
s_ty = np.sin(theta_y)
# Rotate about y
xp2 = c_ty * xp + s_ty * zp
zp2 = -s_ty * xp + c_ty * zp
# Convert back to RA, Dec
ra_p = np.arctan2(yp, xp2)
dec_p = -np.arcsin(zp2)
# Rotate to the correct RA
ra_p += ra_target
ra_p, dec_p = wrap_ra_dec(ra_p, dec_p)
return ra_p, dec_p
class Pointings2hp:
Convert a list of telescope pointings and convert them to a
pointing map
def __init__(self, nside, radius=1.75):
# hmm, not sure what the leafsize should be? Kernel can crash
# if too low.
self.tree = hp_kd_tree(nside=nside, leafsize=300)
self.nside = nside
self.rad = _xyz_angular_radius(radius)
self.bins = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside) + 1) - 0.5
def __call__(self, ra, dec, stack=True):
similar to utils.hp_in_lsst_fov, but can take a arrays of ra,dec.
ra : array_like
RA in radians
dec : array_like
Dec in radians
result : healpy map
The number of times each healpxel is observed by the
given pointings
xs, ys, zs = _xyz_from_ra_dec(ra, dec)
coords = np.array((xs, ys, zs)).T
indx = self.tree.query_ball_point(coords, self.rad)
# Convert array of lists to single array
if stack:
indx = np.hstack(indx)
result, bins = np.histogram(indx, bins=self.bins)
result = indx
return result
class HpmapCross:
Find the cross-correlation of a healpix map and a bunch of
rotated pointings
# XXX--just a very random radius search
def __init__(self, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, radius=1.75, radius_search=1.75):
self.nside = nside
# XXX -- should I shrink the radius slightly to get rid
# of overlap? That would be clever!
self.p2hp_search = Pointings2hp(nside=nside, radius=radius_search)
self.p2hp = Pointings2hp(nside=nside, radius=radius)
# Load up a list of pointings, chop them down to a small block
ra, dec = _read_fields()
fields = np.empty(ra.size, dtype=list(zip(["RA", "dec"], [float, float])))
fields["RA"] = ra
fields["dec"] = dec
good = np.where((fields["RA"] > np.radians(360.0 - 15.0)) | (fields["RA"] < np.radians(15.0)))
fields = fields[good]
good = np.where(np.abs(fields["dec"]) < np.radians(15.0))
fields = fields[good]
self.ra = fields["RA"]
self.dec = fields["dec"]
# Healpixel ra and dec
self.hp_ra, self.hp_dec = _hpid2_ra_dec(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)))
def set_map(self, inmap):
Set the map that will be cross correlated
self.inmap = inmap
def __call__(self, x, return_pointings_map=False):
x[0], ra_rot : float
Amount to rotate the fields in RA (radians)
x[1], dec_rot : float
Amount to rotate the fields in Dec (radians)
x[2], im_rot : float
Initial rotation to apply to fields (radians)
return_pointings_map : bool (False)
If set, return the overlapping fields and the resulting
observing helpix map
cross_corr : float
If return_pointings_map is False, return the sum of the
pointing map multipled with the
# XXX-check the nside
# Unpack the x variable
ra_rot = x[0]
dec_rot = x[1]
im_rot = x[2]
# Rotate pointings to desired position
final_ra, final_dec = rotate_ra_dec(self.ra, self.dec, ra_rot, dec_rot, init_rotate=im_rot)
# Find the number of observations at each healpixel
obs_map = self.p2hp_search(final_ra, final_dec)
good = np.where(self.inmap != hp.UNSEEN)[0]
if return_pointings_map:
obs_indx = self.p2hp_search(final_ra, final_dec, stack=False)
good_pointings = np.array(
[True if np.intersect1d(indxes, good).size > 0 else False for indxes in obs_indx]
if True not in good_pointings:
raise ValueError("No pointings overlap requested pixels")
obs_map = self.p2hp(final_ra[good_pointings], final_dec[good_pointings])
return final_ra[good_pointings], final_dec[good_pointings], obs_map
# If some requested pixels are not observed
if np.min(obs_map[good]) == 0:
return np.inf
result = np.sum(self.inmap[good] * obs_map[good]) / float(
np.sum(self.inmap[good] + obs_map[good])
return result
def minimize(self, ra_delta=1.0, dec_delta=1.0, rot_delta=30.0):
Let's find the minimum of the cross correlation.
reward_max = np.where(self.inmap == self.inmap.max())[0]
ra_guess = np.median(self.hp_ra[reward_max])
dec_guess = np.median(self.hp_dec[reward_max])
x0 = np.array([ra_guess, dec_guess, 0.0])
ra_delta = np.radians(ra_delta)
dec_delta = np.radians(dec_delta)
rot_delta = np.radians(rot_delta)
# rots = np.arange(-np.pi/2., np.pi/2.+rot_delta, rot_delta)
rots = [np.radians(0.0)]
# Make sure the initial simplex is large enough
# XXX--might need to update scipy latest version to
# actually use this.
deltas = np.array(
[ra_delta, 0, 0],
[0, dec_delta, rot_delta],
[-ra_delta, 0, -rot_delta],
[ra_delta, -dec_delta, 2.0 * rot_delta],
init_simplex = deltas + x0
minimum = None
for rot in rots:
x0[-1] = rot
min_result = minimize(
options={"initial_simplex": init_simplex},
if minimum is None:
minimum = min_result.fun
result = min_result
if min_result.fun < minimum:
minimum = min_result.fun
result = min_result
return result.x