- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.BasePixelEvolution(period=365.25, rise=1.0, t_start=0.0)[source]¶
Helper class that can be used to describe the time evolution of a HEALpix in a footprint.
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.ConstantFootprint(nside=32, bands=['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'], filters=None)[source]¶
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.CurrentAreaMap(nside=32, dust_limit=0.199, smoothing_cutoff=0.45, smoothing_beam=10, lmc_ra=80.89386, lmc_dec=-69.756126, lmc_radius=6, smc_ra=13.186588, smc_dec=-72.828599, smc_radius=4, scp_dec_max=-60, gal_long1=335, gal_long2=25, gal_lat_width_max=23, center_width=12, end_width=4, gal_dec_max=12, low_dust_dec_min=-70, low_dust_dec_max=15, adjust_halves=12, dusty_dec_min=-90, dusty_dec_max=15, eclat_min=-10, eclat_max=10, eclip_dec_min=0, nes_glon_limit=45.0, virgo_ra=186.75, virgo_dec=12.717, virgo_radius=8.75, euclid_contour_file=None)[source]¶
Useful pointer so whatever the current standard footprint is.
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.EuclidOverlapFootprint(euclid_contour_file=None, lmc_radius=6, smc_radius=4, **kwargs)[source]¶
Generate survey footprint maps in each band. This uses a bulgy coverage in the galactic plane, plus small Euclid footprint extension to the low-dust WFD.
- Parameters:
nside (
) – Healpix nsidedust_limit (
) – E(B-V) limit for dust extinction. Default of 0.199.smoothing_cutoff (
) – We apply a smoothing band to the defined dust-free region to avoid sharp edges. Larger values = less area, but guaranteed less dust extinction. Reflects the value to cut at, after smoothing.smoothing_beam (
) – The size of the smoothing band, in degrees.lmc_ra (
) – RA and Dec locations of the LMC, in degrees.lmc_dec (
) – RA and Dec locations of the LMC, in degrees.lmc_radius (
) – The radius to use around the LMC, in degrees.smc_ra (
) – RA and Dec locations for the center of the SMC, in degrees.smc_dec (
) – RA and Dec locations for the center of the SMC, in degrees.smc_radius (
) – The radius to use around the SMC, degrees.scp_dec_max (
) – Maximum declination for the south celestial pole region, degrees.gal_long1 (
) – Longitude at which to start the GP region, in degrees.gal_long2 (
) – Longitude at which to stop the GP region, degrees. Order matters for gal_long1 / gal_long2!gal_lat_width_max (
) – Max width of the galactic plane, in degrees.center_width (
) – Width at the center of the galactic plane region, in degrees.end_width (
) – Width at the remainder of the galactic plane region, in degrees.gal_dec_max (
) – Maximum declination for the galactic plane region, degrees.dusty_dec_min (
) – The minimum dec for the dusty plane region, in degrees.dusty_dec_max (
) – The maximum dec for the dusty plane, degrees.eclat_min (
) – Ecliptic latitutde minimum for the NES, degrees.eclat_max (
) – Ecliptic latitude maximum for the NES, degrees.eclip_dec_min (
) – Declination minimum for the NES, degrees.nes_glon_limit (
) – Galactic longitude limit for the NES, degrees.virgo_ra (
) – RA and Dec values for the Virgo coverage center, in degrees.virgo_dec (
) – RA and Dec values for the Virgo coverage center, in degrees.virgo_radius (
) – Radius for the virgo coverage, in degrees.euclid_contour_file (
) – File containing a Euclid footprint contour file. Default of none uses the file in rubin_sim_data/scheduler.
- add_euclid_overlap(band_ratios, label='euclid_overlap')[source]¶
Define a small extension (few degrees) to the low-dust WFD to accomodate the Euclid footprint. Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
- Parameters:
band_ratios (
}) – Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.label (
, optional) – Label to apply to the resulting footprint
- return_maps(magellenic_clouds_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.32, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9}, low_dust_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.32, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9}, virgo_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.32, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9}, scp_ratios={'g': 0.15, 'i': 0.15, 'r': 0.08, 'u': 0.08, 'y': 0.06, 'z': 0.08}, nes_ratios={'g': 0.23, 'i': 0.33, 'r': 0.33, 'z': 0.23}, bulge_ratios={'g': 0.57, 'i': 1.05, 'r': 1.15, 'u': 0.19, 'y': 0.57, 'z': 0.78}, dusty_plane_ratios={'g': 0.13, 'i': 0.28, 'r': 0.28, 'u': 0.07, 'y': 0.18, 'z': 0.25}, euclid_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.32, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9})[source]¶
Return the survey sky maps and labels.
- Parameters:
magellanic_clouds_ratios (
}) – Magellanic clouds band ratios.scp_ratios (
}) – SCP band ratios.nes_ratios (
}) – NES band ratiosdusty_plane-ratios (
}) – dusty plane band ratioslow_dust_ratios (
}) – Low Dust WFD band ratios.bulge_ratios (
}) – Bulge region band ratios (note this is the ‘bulgy’ bulge).virgo_ratios (
}) – Virgo cluster coverage band ratios.euclid_ratios (
}) – Euclid footprint overlap ratios.
- Returns:
self.healmaps, self.pix_labels – HEALPix target survey maps for ugrizy, and string labels for each healpix to indicate the “region”.
- Return type:
, (N,),np.ndarray
, (N,)
Each healpix point can only belong to one region. Which region it is assigned to first will be used for its definition, thus order matters within this method. The region defines the band ratios.
The band ratios contain information about the ratio of visits in that region (compared to some reference point in the entire map) in each particular band. By convention, the low_dust_wfd ratio in r band is set to “1” and all other values are then in reference to that.
For example: if scp_ratios[‘u’] = 0.1 and the low_dust_wfd[‘r’] = 1, then when the low-dust WFD has 10 visits in r band, the SCP should have obtained 1 visits in u band (per pixel).
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.Footprint(mjd_start, sun_ra_start=0, nside=32, bands=['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'], filters=None, period=365.25, step_func=None)[source]¶
An object to compute the desired survey footprint at a given time
- Parameters:
mjd_start (
) – The MJD the survey starts on.sun_ra_start (
) – The RA of the sun at the start of the survey (radians).bands (
) – The band names to include in the footprint.filters (
) – Deprecated version of bands.period (
) – Used for setting the phase of step_func (days). Default 365.25.step_func (
) – Callable class that determines how the footprint evolves with time. Default of None will result inStepLine
being used.
- __call__(mjd, norm=True)[source]¶
- Parameters:
mjd (
) – Current MJD.norm (
) – If normalized, the footprint retains the same range of values over time.
- Returns:
current_footprints – A numpy structured array with the updated normalized number of observations that should be requested at each Healpix. Multiply by the number of HEALpix observations (all bands), to convert to the number of observations desired.
- Return type:
, (6, N)
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.Footprints(footprint_list)[source]¶
An object to combine multiple Footprint objects.
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.HpInComcamFov(nside=32, side_length=0.7, scale=100000.0)[source]¶
Return the healpixels within a ComCam pointing. Simple camera model with no chip gaps.
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.HpInLsstFov(nside=32, fov_radius=1.75, scale=100000.0)[source]¶
Return the healpixels in an underlying healpix grid that overlap an observation/pointing.
This uses a very simple circular LSST camera model with no chip/raft gaps.
- Parameters:
nside (
, optional) – Nside to match for the healpix array. Default None usesset_default_nside
.fov_radius (
, optional) – Radius of the field of view in degrees. Default 1.75 covers the inscribed circle.scale (
, optional) – How many sig figs to round when considering matches to healpixels. Useful for ensuring identical results cross-ploatform where float precision can vary.
Set up the class, then call to convert pointings to indices in the healpix array. Note that RA and dec should be in RADIANS.
` >>> ra = np.radians(30) >>> dec = np.radians(-20) >>> pointing2indx = HpInLsstFov() >>> indices = pointing2indx(ra, dec) >>> indices [8138, 8267] `
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.IntRounded(inval, scale=100000.0)[source]¶
Class to help force comparisons be made on scaled up integers, preventing machine precision issues cross-platforms
Note that casting a NaN to an int can have different behaviours cross-platforms, so will throw an error if attempted.
- Parameters:
inval (number-like thing) – Some number that we want to compare
scale (float (1e5)) – How much to scale inval before rounding and converting to an int.
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.ObservationArray(n=1)[source]¶
Class to work as an array of observations
- Parameters:
n (
) – Size of array to return. Default 1.labels. (The numpy fields have the following)
RA (
) – The Right Acension of the observation (center of the field) (Radians)dec (
) – Declination of the observation (Radians)mjd (
) – Modified Julian Date at the start of the observation (time shutter opens)exptime (
) – Total exposure time of the visit (seconds)band (
) – The band used. Should be one of u, g, r, i, z, y.filter (
) – The physical filter name.rotSkyPos (
) – The rotation angle of the camera relative to the sky E of N (Radians). Will be ignored if rotTelPos is finite. If rotSkyPos is set to NaN, rotSkyPos_desired is used.rotTelPos (
) – The rotation angle of the camera relative to the telescope (radians). Set to np.nan to force rotSkyPos to be used.rotSkyPos_desired (
) – If both rotSkyPos and rotTelPos are None/NaN, then rotSkyPos_desired (radians) is used. If rotSkyPos_desired results in a valid rotTelPos, rotSkyPos is set to rotSkyPos_desired. If rotSkyPos and rotTelPos are both NaN, and rotSkyPos_desired results in an out of range value for the camera rotator, then rotTelPos_backup is used.rotTelPos_backup (
) – Rotation angle of the camera relative to the telescope (radians). Only used as a last resort if rotSkyPos and rotTelPos are set to NaN and rotSkyPos_desired results in an out of range rotator value.nexp (
) – Number of exposures in the visit.flush_by_mjd (
) – If we hit this MJD, we should flush the queue and refill it.scheduler_note (
(optional)) – Usually good to set the note field so one knows which survey object generated the observation.target_name (
(optional)) – A note about what target is being observed. This maps to target_name in the ConsDB. Generally would be used to identify DD, ToO or special targets.science_program (
(optional)) – Science program being executed. This maps to science_program in the ConsDB, although can be overwritten in JSON BLOCK. Generally would be used to identify a particular program for DM.observation_reason (
(optional)) – General ‘reason’ for observation, for DM purposes. (for scheduler purposes, usescheduler_note
). This maps to observation_reason in the ConsDB, although could be overwritten in JSON BLOCK. Most likely this is just “science” or “FBS” when using the FBS.cloud_extinction (float) – Cloud extinction that was applied by the model observatory (mags).
On the camera rotator angle. Order of priority goes: rotTelPos > rotSkyPos > rotSkyPos_desired > rotTelPos_backup where if rotTelPos is NaN, it checks rotSkyPos. If rotSkyPos is set, but not at an accessible rotTelPos, the observation will fail. If rotSkyPos is NaN, then rotSkyPos_desired is used. If rotSkyPos_desired is at an inaccessbile rotTelPos, the observation does not fail, but falls back to the value in rotTelPos_backup.
Lots of additional fields that get filled in by the model observatory when the observation is completed. See documentation at: https://rubin-scheduler.lsst.io/output_schema.html
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.Phase3AreaMap(nside=32, dust_limit=0.199, smoothing_cutoff=0.45, smoothing_beam=10, lmc_ra=80.89386, lmc_dec=-69.756126, lmc_radius=6, smc_ra=13.186588, smc_dec=-72.828599, smc_radius=4, scp_dec_max=-60, gal_long1=335, gal_long2=25, gal_lat_width_max=23, center_width=12, end_width=4, gal_dec_max=12, low_dust_dec_min=-70, low_dust_dec_max=15, adjust_halves=12, dusty_dec_min=-90, dusty_dec_max=15, eclat_min=-10, eclat_max=10, eclip_dec_min=0, nes_glon_limit=45.0, virgo_ra=186.75, virgo_dec=12.717, virgo_radius=8.75, euclid_contour_file=None)[source]¶
- add_bulgy(band_ratios, label='bulgy')[source]¶
Define a bulge region, where the ‘bulge’ is a series of circles set by points defined to match as best as possible the map requested by the SMWLV working group on galactic plane coverage. Implemented in v3.0. Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
- Parameters:
band_ratios (
}) – Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.label (
, optional) – Label to apply to the resulting footprint
- return_maps(magellenic_clouds_ratios={'g': 0.65, 'i': 1.1, 'r': 1.1, 'u': 0.65, 'y': 0.35, 'z': 0.34}, scp_ratios={'g': 0.175, 'i': 0.135, 'r': 0.1, 'u': 0.1, 'y': 0.047, 'z': 0.046}, nes_ratios={'g': 0.255, 'i': 0.33, 'r': 0.33, 'z': 0.23}, dusty_plane_ratios={'g': 0.26, 'i': 0.26, 'r': 0.26, 'u': 0.093, 'y': 0.093, 'z': 0.26}, low_dust_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.35, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9}, bulge_ratios={'g': 0.93, 'i': 0.98, 'r': 0.98, 'u': 0.17, 'y': 0.21, 'z': 0.93}, virgo_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.35, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9}, euclid_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.35, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9})[source]¶
Return the survey sky maps and labels.
- Parameters:
magellanic_clouds_ratios (
}) – Magellanic clouds band ratios.scp_ratios (
}) – SCP band ratios.nes_ratios (
}) – NES band ratiosdusty_plane-ratios (
}) – dusty plane band ratioslow_dust_ratios (
}) – Low Dust WFD band ratios.bulge_ratios (
}) – Bulge region band ratios (note this is the ‘bulgy’ bulge).virgo_ratios (
}) – Virgo cluster coverage band ratios.euclid_ratios (
}) – Euclid footprint overlap ratios.
- Returns:
self.healmaps, self.pix_labels – HEALPix target survey maps for ugrizy, and string labels for each healpix to indicate the “region”.
- Return type:
, (N,),np.ndarray
, (N,)
Each healpix point can only belong to one region. Which region it is assigned to first will be used for its definition, thus order matters within this method. The region defines the band ratios.
The band ratios contain information about the ratio of visits in that region (compared to some reference point in the entire map) in each particular band. By convention, the low_dust_wfd ratio in r band is set to “1” and all other values are then in reference to that.
For example: if scp_ratios[‘u’] = 0.1 and the low_dust_wfd[‘r’] = 1, then when the low-dust WFD has 10 visits in r band, the SCP should have obtained 1 visits in u band (per pixel).
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.ScheduledObservationArray(n=1)[source]¶
Make an array to hold pre-scheduling observations
- mjd_tol
The tolerance on how early an observation can execute (days). Observation will be considered valid to attempt when mjd-mjd_tol < current MJD < flush_by_mjd (and other conditions below pass)
- dist_tol
The angular distance an observation can be away from the specified RA,Dec and still count as completing the observation (radians).
- alt_min
The minimum altitude to consider executing the observation (radians).
- alt_max
The maximuim altitude to try observing (radians).
- HA_max
Hour angle limit. Constraint is such that for hour angle running from 0 to 24 hours, the target RA,Dec must be greather than HA_max and less than HA_min. Set HA_max to 0 for no limit. (hours)
- HA_min
Hour angle limit. Constraint is such that for hour angle running from 0 to 24 hours, the target RA,Dec must be greather than HA_max and less than HA_min. Set HA_min to 24 for no limit. (hours)
- sun_alt_max
The sun must be below sun_alt_max to execute. (radians)
- moon_min_distance
The minimum distance to demand the moon should be away (radians)
- observed
If set to True, scheduler will probably consider this a completed observation and never attempt it.
- mjd_tol
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.SchemaConverter[source]¶
Record how to convert an observation array to the standard opsim schema
- obs2opsim(obs_array, filename=None, info=None, delete_past=False, if_exists='append')[source]¶
Convert an array of observations into a pandas dataframe with Opsim schema. :type obs_array: :param obs_array: Numpy array with OpSim observations. :type obs_array:
:type filename: default:None
:param filename: Name of the database file to write to. :type filename:str
, optional :type info: default:None
:param info: Numpy array with database info. :type info:np.array
, optional :type delete_past: default:False
:param delete_past: Delete past observations (default=False)? :type delete_past:bool
:type if_exists: default:'append'
:param if_exists: Flag to pass toto_sql
when writting to thedatabase to control strategy when the database already exists.
- Returns:
Either the converted dataframe or
, if filename is provided.- Return type:
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.SimTargetooServer(targeto_o_list)[source]¶
Wrapper to deliver a targetoO object at the right time
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.SkyAreaGenerator(nside=32, dust_limit=0.199, smoothing_cutoff=0.45, smoothing_beam=10, lmc_ra=80.89386, lmc_dec=-69.756126, lmc_radius=8, smc_ra=13.186588, smc_dec=-72.828599, smc_radius=5, scp_dec_max=-60, gal_long1=335, gal_long2=25, gal_lat_width_max=23, center_width=12, end_width=4, gal_dec_max=12, low_dust_dec_min=-70, low_dust_dec_max=15, adjust_halves=12, dusty_dec_min=-90, dusty_dec_max=15, eclat_min=-10, eclat_max=10, eclip_dec_min=0, nes_glon_limit=45.0, virgo_ra=186.75, virgo_dec=12.717, virgo_radius=8.75)[source]¶
Generate survey footprint maps in each band.
- Parameters:
nside (
) – Healpix nsidedust_limit (
) – E(B-V) limit for dust extinction. Default of 0.199.smoothing_cutoff (
) – We apply a smoothing band to the defined dust-free region to avoid sharp edges. Larger values = less area, but guaranteed less dust extinction. Reflects the value to cut at, after smoothing.smoothing_beam (
) – The size of the smoothing band, in degrees.lmc_ra (
) – RA and Dec locations of the LMC, in degrees.lmc_dec (
) – RA and Dec locations of the LMC, in degrees.lmc_radius (
) – The radius to use around the LMC, in degrees.smc_ra (
) – RA and Dec locations for the center of the SMC, in degrees.smc_dec (
) – RA and Dec locations for the center of the SMC, in degrees.smc_radius (
) – The radius to use around the SMC, degrees.scp_dec_max (
) – Maximum declination for the south celestial pole region, degrees.gal_long1 (
) – Longitude at which to start the GP region, in degrees.gal_long2 (
) – Longitude at which to stop the GP region, degrees. Order matters for gal_long1 / gal_long2!gal_lat_width_max (
) – Max width of the galactic plane, in degrees.center_width (
) – Width at the center of the galactic plane region, in degrees.end_width (
) – Width at the remainder of the galactic plane region, in degrees.gal_dec_max (
) – Maximum declination for the galactic plane region, degrees.dusty_dec_min (
) – The minimum dec for the dusty plane region, in degrees.dusty_dec_max (
) – The maximum dec for the dusty plane, degrees.eclat_min (
) – Ecliptic latitutde minimum for the NES, degrees.eclat_max (
) – Ecliptic latitude maximum for the NES, degrees.eclip_dec_min (
) – Declination minimum for the NES, degrees.nes_glon_limit (
) – Galactic longitude limit for the NES, degrees.virgo_ra (
) – RA and Dec values for the Virgo coverage center, in degrees.virgo_dec (
) – RA and Dec values for the Virgo coverage center, in degrees.virgo_radius (
) – Radius for the virgo coverage, in degrees.
- add_bulge(band_ratios, label='bulge')[source]¶
Define a bulge region, where the ‘bulge’ is a large “diamond” centered on the galactic center. Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
- Parameters:
band_ratios (
}) – Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.label (
, optional) – Label to apply to the resulting footprint
- add_dusty_plane(band_ratios, label='dusty_plane')[source]¶
Define high-dust region of the map. Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
- Parameters:
band_ratios (
}) – Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.label (
, optional) – Label to apply to the resulting footprint
- add_lowdust_wfd(band_ratios, label='lowdust')[source]¶
Define a low-dust WFD region. Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
- Parameters:
band_ratios (
}) – Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.label (
, optional) – Label to apply to the resulting footprint
- add_magellanic_clouds(band_ratios, label='LMC_SMC')[source]¶
Define circular regions around the Magellanic Clouds. Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
- Parameters:
band_ratios (
}) – Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.label (
, optional) – Label to apply to the resulting footprint
- add_nes(band_ratios, label='nes')[source]¶
Define a North Ecliptic Plane region. Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
- Parameters:
band_ratios (
}) – Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.label (
, optional) – Label to apply to the resulting footprint
- add_scp(band_ratios, label='scp')[source]¶
Define a south celestial pole cap region. Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
- Parameters:
band_ratios (
}) – Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.label (
, optional) – Label to apply to the resulting footprint
- add_virgo_cluster(band_ratios, label='virgo')[source]¶
Define a circular region around the Virgo Cluster. Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels
- Parameters:
band_ratios (
}) – Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.label (
, optional) – Label to apply to the resulting footprint
- estimate_visits(nvis_total, fov_area=9.6, **kwargs)[source]¶
Convience method for converting relative maps into number of visits
- Parameters:
nvis_total (
) – The total number of visits in the surveyfov_area (
) – The area of a single visit (sq degrees)**kwargs – Gets passed to self.return_maps if one wants to change the default ratios.
- Returns:
result (
, (N,)) – array with bandname dtypes that have HEALpix arrays with the number of expected visits of each HEALpix centersum_map (
, (N,)) – The number of visits summed over all the bandslabels (
, (N,)) – Array string labels for each HEALpix
- estimate_visits_per_label(nvis_total, **kwargs)[source]¶
Estimate how many visits would be used for each region
- Parameters:
nvis_total (
) – The total number of visits in the survey**kwargs – Gets passed to self.return_maps if one wants to change the default ratios.
- Returns:
result – Dictionary with keys that are label names and values that are the expected number of visits for that region if nvis_total is reached.
- Return type:
- read_dustmap(dustmap_file=None)[source]¶
Read the dustmap from rubin_scheduler, in the appropriate resolution.
- return_maps(magellenic_clouds_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.32, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9}, scp_ratios={'g': 0.1, 'i': 0.1, 'r': 0.1, 'u': 0.1, 'y': 0.1, 'z': 0.1}, nes_ratios={'g': 0.28, 'i': 0.4, 'r': 0.4, 'z': 0.28}, dusty_plane_ratios={'g': 0.28, 'i': 0.28, 'r': 0.28, 'u': 0.1, 'y': 0.1, 'z': 0.28}, low_dust_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.32, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9}, bulge_ratios={'g': 1.0, 'i': 1.05, 'r': 1.05, 'u': 0.18, 'y': 0.23, 'z': 1.0}, virgo_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.32, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9})[source]¶
Return the survey sky maps and labels.
- Parameters:
magellanic_clouds_ratios (
}) – Magellanic clouds band ratios.scp_ratios (
}) – SCP band ratios.nes_ratios (
}) – NES band ratiosdusty_plane-ratios (
}) – dusty plane band ratioslow_dust_ratios (
}) – Low Dust WFD band ratios.bulge_ratios (
}) – Bulge region band ratios.virgo_ratios (
}) – Virgo cluster coverage band ratios.
- Returns:
self.healmaps, self.pix_labels – HEALPix target survey maps for ugrizy, and string labels for each healpix to indicate the “region”.
- Return type:
, (N,),np.ndarray
, (N,)
Each healpix point can only belong to one region. Which region it is assigned to first will be used for its definition, thus order matters within this method. The region defines the band ratios.
The band ratios contain information about the ratio of visits in that region (compared to some reference point in the entire map) in each particular band. By convention, the low_dust_wfd ratio in r band is set to “1” and all other values are then in reference to that.
For example: if scp_ratios[‘u’] = 0.1 and the low_dust_wfd[‘r’] = 1, then when the low-dust WFD has 10 visits in r band, the SCP should have obtained 1 visits in u band (per pixel).
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.SkyAreaGeneratorGalplane(lmc_ra=89.0, lmc_dec=-70, **kwargs)[source]¶
Generate survey footprint maps in each band. Adds a ‘bulgy’ galactic plane coverage map.
- Parameters:
nside (
) – Healpix nsidedust_limit (
) – E(B-V) limit for dust extinction. Default of 0.199.smoothing_cutoff (
) – We apply a smoothing band to the defined dust-free region to avoid sharp edges. Larger values = less area, but guaranteed less dust extinction. Reflects the value to cut at, after smoothing.smoothing_beam (
) – The size of the smoothing band, in degrees.lmc_ra (
) – RA and Dec locations of the LMC, in degrees.lmc_dec (
) – RA and Dec locations of the LMC, in degrees.lmc_radius (
) – The radius to use around the LMC, in degrees.smc_ra (
) – RA and Dec locations for the center of the SMC, in degrees.smc_dec (
) – RA and Dec locations for the center of the SMC, in degrees.smc_radius (
) – The radius to use around the SMC, degrees.scp_dec_max (
) – Maximum declination for the south celestial pole region, degrees.gal_long1 (
) – Longitude at which to start the GP region, in degrees.gal_long2 (
) – Longitude at which to stop the GP region, degrees. Order matters for gal_long1 / gal_long2!gal_lat_width_max (
) – Max width of the galactic plane, in degrees.center_width (
) – Width at the center of the galactic plane region, in degrees.end_width (
) – Width at the remainder of the galactic plane region, in degrees.gal_dec_max (
) – Maximum declination for the galactic plane region, degrees.dusty_dec_min (
) – The minimum dec for the dusty plane region, in degrees.dusty_dec_max (
) – The maximum dec for the dusty plane, degrees.eclat_min (
) – Ecliptic latitutde minimum for the NES, degrees.eclat_max (
) – Ecliptic latitude maximum for the NES, degrees.eclip_dec_min (
) – Declination minimum for the NES, degrees.nes_glon_limit (
) – Galactic longitude limit for the NES, degrees.virgo_ra (
) – RA and Dec values for the Virgo coverage center, in degrees.virgo_dec (
) – RA and Dec values for the Virgo coverage center, in degrees.virgo_radius (
) – Radius for the virgo coverage, in degrees.
- add_bulgy(band_ratios, label='bulgy')[source]¶
Define a bulge region, where the ‘bulge’ is a series of circles set by points defined to match as best as possible the map requested by the SMWLV working group on galactic plane coverage. Implemented in v3.0. Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
- Parameters:
band_ratios (
}) – Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.label (
, optional) – Label to apply to the resulting footprint
- return_maps(magellenic_clouds_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.32, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9}, low_dust_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.32, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9}, virgo_ratios={'g': 0.4, 'i': 1.0, 'r': 1.0, 'u': 0.32, 'y': 0.9, 'z': 0.9}, scp_ratios={'g': 0.15, 'i': 0.15, 'r': 0.08, 'u': 0.08, 'y': 0.06, 'z': 0.08}, nes_ratios={'g': 0.23, 'i': 0.33, 'r': 0.33, 'z': 0.23}, bulge_ratios={'g': 0.57, 'i': 1.05, 'r': 1.15, 'u': 0.19, 'y': 0.57, 'z': 0.78}, dusty_plane_ratios={'g': 0.13, 'i': 0.28, 'r': 0.28, 'u': 0.07, 'y': 0.18, 'z': 0.25})[source]¶
Return the survey sky maps and labels.
- Parameters:
magellanic_clouds_ratios (
}) – Magellanic clouds band ratios.scp_ratios (
}) – SCP band ratios.nes_ratios (
}) – NES band ratiosdusty_plane-ratios (
}) – dusty plane band ratioslow_dust_ratios (
}) – Low Dust WFD band ratios.bulge_ratios (
}) – Bulge region band ratios (note this is the ‘bulgy’ bulge).virgo_ratios (
}) – Virgo cluster coverage band ratios.
- Returns:
self.healmaps, self.pix_labels – HEALPix target survey maps for ugrizy, and string labels for each healpix to indicate the “region”.
- Return type:
, (N,),np.ndarray
, (N,)
Each healpix point can only belong to one region. Which region it is assigned to first will be used for its definition, thus order matters within this method. The region defines the band ratios.
The band ratios contain information about the ratio of visits in that region (compared to some reference point in the entire map) in each particular band. By convention, the low_dust_wfd ratio in r band is set to “1” and all other values are then in reference to that.
For example: if scp_ratios[‘u’] = 0.1 and the low_dust_wfd[‘r’] = 1, then when the low-dust WFD has 10 visits in r band, the SCP should have obtained 1 visits in u band (per pixel).
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.StepLine(period=365.25, rise=1.0, t_start=0.0)[source]¶
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.StepSlopes(period=365.25, rise=1.0, t_start=0.0)[source]¶
- class rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.TargetoO(tooid, footprint, mjd_start, duration, ra_rad_center=None, dec_rad_center=None, too_type=None)[source]¶
Class to hold information about a target of opportunity object
- Parameters:
tooid (int) – Unique ID for the ToO.
footprints (np.array) – np.array healpix maps. 1 for areas to observe, 0 for no observe.
mjd_start (float) – The MJD the ToO starts
duration (float) – Duration of the ToO (days).
ra_rad_center (float) – RA of the estimated center of the event (radians).
dec_rad_center (float) – Dec of the estimated center of the event (radians).
too_type (str) – The type of ToO that is made
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.backfill_filter_from_band(observation_array)[source]¶
Simple utility to backfill the
values in an ObservationArray if not otherwise present.- Parameters:
observation_array (ObservationArray) – The observation array to ensure that ‘band’ is present in, if only physical filtername was present.
- Returns:
observation_array – The same observation_array, but with
added where it was missing.- Return type:
This is primarily a utility to provide backwards compatibility for scheduler configurations where ObservationArrays are input (such as for FieldSurvey), but only have
present, instead of alsoband
. For the current setup for comcam and lsstcam, the stripping of “_0123456789” is sufficient, in case the configuration used physical filtername – physical filtername <> band includes “r_03” <> “r”, for example.
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.band_count_ratios(target_maps)[source]¶
Compute the desired ratio of observations per band.
Given a goal map that includes multiple bands, sum the number of pixels in each map and return this per-band, normalized so the sum across all bands is 1. If the map is constant over all healpixels, this is the ratio of bands at the max/constant value.
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.calc_norm_factor(goal_dict, radius=1.75)[source]¶
Calculate how to normalize a Target_map_basis_function. This is basically: the area of the fov / area of a healpixel / the sum of all of the weighted-healpix values in the footprint.
- Parameters:
goal_dict (dict of healpy maps) – The target goal map(s) being used
radius (float (1.75)) – Radius of the FoV (degrees)
- Return type:
Value to use as Target_map_basis_function norm_factor kwarg
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.calc_norm_factor_array(goal_map, radius=1.75)[source]¶
Calculate how to normalize a Target_map_basis_function. This is basically: the area of the fov / area of a healpixel / the sum of all of the weighted-healpix values in the footprint.
- Parameters:
goal_map (recarray of healpy maps) – The target goal map(s) being used
radius (float) – Radius of the FoV (degrees)
- Return type:
Value to use as Target_map_basis_function norm_factor kwarg
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.comcam_tessellate(side_length=0.7, overlap=0.11)[source]¶
Tesselate the sphere with a square footprint
XXX–TODO: This really sucks at the poles, should add some different pole cap behavior.
- Parameters:
side_length (float (0.7)) – The length of a side of the square (degrees)
overlap (float (0.11)) – How much overlap to have in pointings
- Returns:
fields – With ‘RA’ and ‘dec’ keys that have the field positions in radians
- Return type:
numpy array
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.create_season_offset(nside, sun_ra_rad)[source]¶
Make an offset map so seasons roll properly
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.generate_all_sky(nside=32, elevation_limit=20, mask=-1.6375e+30)[source]¶
Set up a healpix map over the entire sky. Calculate RA & Dec, Galactic l & b, Ecliptic l & b, for all healpixels. Calculate max altitude, to define areas which LSST cannot reach.
This is intended to be a useful tool to use to set up target maps, beyond the standard maps provided in the various SkyArea generator maps. Masking based on RA, Dec, Galactic or Ecliptic lat and lon is easier.
- Parameters:
nside (
, optional) – Resolution for the healpix maps. Default None uses rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.set_default_nside to set default (often 32).elevation_limit (
, optional) – Elevation limit for map. Parts of the sky which do not reach this elevation limit will be set tomask.
mask (
, optional) – Mask value for ‘unreachable’ parts of the sky, defined as elevation < 20.
- Returns:
maps – A dictionary of
(the skymap healpix array, withmask
, eclip_lat`,eclip_lon
values. All coordinates are in radians.- Return type:
, (N,)}
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.generate_dist_matrix(towns)[source]¶
Generate the matrix for the distance between town i and j
- Parameters:
towns (np.array) – The x,y positions of the towns
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.generate_hulls(towns)[source]¶
Given an array of x,y points, sort them into concentric hulls
- Parameters:
towns (np.array (n,2)) – Array of town x,y positions
- Return type:
list of lists of the indices of the concentric hulls
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.get_current_footprint(nside)[source]¶
Convenience method to return the current footprint.
This is primarily a way to help rubin-sim users keep up to date on footprint changes (as we have been moving to new subclasses).
- Parameters:
nside (
) – The nside for the footprint map.- Returns:
footprint_arrays, label_array – HEALPix target survey maps for ugrizy, and array of string labels for each healpix to indicate the “region”.
- Return type:
, (N,),np.array
, (N,)
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.gnomonic_project_tosky(x, y, r_acen, deccen)[source]¶
Calculate RA/dec on sky of object with x/y and RA/Cen of field of view. Returns Ra/dec in radians.
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.gnomonic_project_toxy(ra1, dec1, r_acen, deccen)[source]¶
Calculate x/y projection of ra1/dec1 in system with center at r_acen, deccen. Input radians. Grabbed from sims_selfcal
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.hp_kd_tree(nside=32, leafsize=100, scale=100000.0)[source]¶
Generate a KD-tree of healpixel locations
- Parameters:
nside (int) – A valid healpix nside
leafsize (int (100)) – Leafsize of the kdtree
- Returns:
- Return type:
scipy kdtree
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.inrange(inval, minimum=-1.0, maximum=1.0)[source]¶
Make sure values are within min/max
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.int_binned_stat(ids, values, statistic=<function mean>)[source]¶
Like scipy.binned_statistic, but for unique int ids
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.make_rolling_footprints(fp_hp=None, mjd_start=60218.0, sun_ra_start=3.27717639, nslice=2, scale=0.8, nside=32, wfd_indx=None, order_roll=0, n_cycles=None, n_constant_start=2, n_constant_end=6, verbose=False, uniform=True)[source]¶
Generate rolling footprints
- Parameters:
fp_hp (dict-like) – A dict with band name keys and HEALpix map values. Default None will load CurrentAreaMap. Assumes WFD is where r-band is 1.
mjd_start (
) – The starting date of the survey.sun_ra_start (
) – The RA of the sun at the start of the surveynslice (
) – How much to slice the sky up. Can be 2, 3, 4, or 6.scale (
) – The strength of the rolling, value of 1 is full power rolling. Zero is no rolling.wfd_indx (array of ints) – The indices of the HEALpix map that are to be included in the rolling.
order_roll (
) – Change the order of when bands roll. Default 0.n_cycles (
) – Number of complete rolling cycles to attempt. If None, defaults to 3 full cycles for nslice=2, 2 cycles for nslice=3 or 4, and 1 cycle for nslice=6.n_constant_start (
) – The number of constant non-rolling seasons to start with. Anything less than 2 will start rolling too early near Y1. Defaults to 2.n_constant_end (
) – The number of constant seasons to end the survey with. Defaults to 6.
- Return type:
Footprints object
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.match_hp_resolution(in_map, nside_out, unseen2nan=True)[source]¶
Utility to convert healpix map resolution if needed and change hp.UNSEEN values to np.nan.
- Parameters:
in_map (np.array) – A valie healpix map
nside_out (int) – The desired resolution to convert in_map to
unseen2nan (bool (True)) – If True, convert any hp.UNSEEN values to np.nan
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.mean_azimuth(az, min_val=0.1)[source]¶
Compute the mean azimuth value accounting for wrap
- Parameters:
az (
) – The azimuths to average. Radiansmin_val (
) – A min cutoff to just use pi as the mean. Default 0.1. Radians
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.merge_hulls(indices_lists, dist_matrix)[source]¶
Combine the hulls
- Parameters:
indices_list (list of lists with ints)
dist_matrix (np.array)
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.order_observations(lon, lat, optimize=False)[source]¶
Use TSP solver to put observations in an order that minimizes angular distance traveled
- Parameters:
lon (
) – A longitude-like (RA, azimuth) angle (radians).lat (
) – A latitude-like (dec, altitude) angle (radians).scale (
) – A factor to scale and round projections to force same machine precision cross-platforms (1e6).optimize (
) – If the TSP should run extra optimization steps, default False
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.raster_sort(x0, order=['x', 'y'], xbin=1.0)[source]¶
XXXX–depriciated, use tsp instead.
Do a sort to scan a grid up and down. Simple starting guess to traveling salesman.
- Parameters:
x0 (array)
order (list) – Keys for the order x0 should be sorted in.
xbin (float (1.)) – The bin_size to round off the first coordinate into
- Return type:
array sorted so that it rasters up and down.
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.restore_scheduler(observation_id, scheduler, observatory, in_obs, band_sched=None, fast=True)[source]¶
Put the scheduler and observatory in the state they were in. Handy for checking reward fucnction
- Parameters:
observation_id (int) – The ID of the last observation that should be completed
scheduler (rubin_scheduler.scheduler.scheduler object) – Scheduler object.
observatory (rubin_scheduler.scheduler.observatory.Model_observatory) – The observaotry object
in_obs (np.array or str) – Array of observations (formated like rubin_scheduler.scheduler.ObservationArray). If a string, assumed to be a file and SchemaConverter is used to load it.
band_sched (rubin_scheduler.scheduler.scheduler object) – The band scheduler. Note that we don’t look up the official end of the previous night, so there is potential for the loaded bands to not match.
fast (bool (True)) – If True, loads observations and passes them as an array to the
method. If False, passes observations individually withadd_observation
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.rotx(theta, x, y, z)[source]¶
rotate the x,y,z points theta radians about x axis
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.route_length(town_indx, dist_matrix)[source]¶
Find the length of a route
- Parameters:
town_indx (array of int) – The indices of the towns.
dist_matrix (np.array) – The matrix where the (i,j) elements are the distance between the ith and jth town
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.run_info_table(observatory, extra_info=None)[source]¶
Make a little table for recording the information about a run
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.season_calc(night, offset=0, modulo=None, max_season=None, season_length=365.25, floor=True)[source]¶
Compute what season a night is in with possible offset and modulo using convention that night -365 to 0 is season -1.
- Parameters:
night (int or array) – The night we want to convert to a season
offset (float or array (0)) – Offset to be applied to night (days)
modulo (int (None)) – If the season should be modulated (i.e., so we can get all even years) (seasons, years w/default season_length)
max_season (int (None)) – For any season above this value (before modulo), set to -1
season_length (float (365.25)) – How long to consider one season (nights)
floor (bool (True)) – If true, take the floor of the season. Otherwise, returns season as a float
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.slice_quad_galactic_cut(target_map, nslice=2, wfd_indx=None, ra_range=None)[source]¶
Helper function for generating rolling footprints
- Parameters:
target_map (dict of HEALpix maps) – The final desired footprint as HEALpix maps. Keys are band names
nslice (
) – The number of slices to make, can be 2 or 3.wfd_indx (array of ints) – The indices of target_map that should be used for rolling. If None, assumes the rolling area should be where target_map[‘r’] == 1.
ra_range (tuple of floats, optional) – If not None, then the indices are restricted to the given RA range in radians.
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.slice_wfd_area_quad(target_map, nslice=2, wfd_indx=None)[source]¶
Divide a healpix map in an intelligent way
- Parameters:
target_map (dict of HEALpix arrays) – The input map to slice
nslice (int) – The number of slices to divide the sky into (gets doubled).
wfd_indx (array of int) – The indices of the healpix map to consider as part of the WFD area that will be split. If set to None, the pixels where target_map[‘r’] == 1 are considered as WFD.
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.slice_wfd_indx(target_map, nslice=2, wfd_indx=None)[source]¶
simple map split
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.smallest_signed_angle(a1, a2)[source]¶
via https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1878907/ the-smallest-difference-between-2-angles
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.thetaphi2xyz(theta, phi)[source]¶
Convert theta,phi to x,y,z position on the unit sphere
- Parameters:
theta (
) – Theta coordinate in radians (should be 0-2pi).phi (
) – Phi coordinate in radians (should run from 0-pi).
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.three_opt(route, dist_matrix, cross_platform=True)[source]¶
Iterates over all possible 3-optional transformations.
- Parameters:
route (
) – The indices of the routedist_matrix (
) – Distance matrix for the townscross_platform (
) – Use utils.intRounded to make sure results will be repeatable cross-platform. Default True
- Returns:
min_route (list) – The new route
min_length (float) – The length of the new route
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.tsp_convex(towns, optimize=False, niter=10)[source]¶
Find a route through towns
- Parameters:
towns (np.array (shape n,2)) – The points to find a path through
optimize (bool (False)) – Optional to run the 3-optional transformation to optimize route
niter (int (10)) – Max number of iterations to run on optimize loop.
- Return type:
indices that order towns.
- rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.warm_start(scheduler, observations, mjd_key='mjd')[source]¶
Replay a list of observations into the scheduler
- Parameters:
scheduler (scheduler object)
observations (np.array) – An array of observation (e.g., from sqlite2observations)