Source code for rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.tsp

__all__ = (

import itertools
from collections import deque

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial as spatial

from .utils import IntRounded, gnomonic_project_toxy, mean_azimuth

# Solve Traveling Salesperson using convex hulls.
# re-write of
# blob/master/
# This like a good explination too

[docs] def order_observations(lon, lat, optimize=False): """Use TSP solver to put observations in an order that minimizes angular distance traveled Parameters ---------- lon : `float` A longitude-like (RA, azimuth) angle (radians). lat : `float` A latitude-like (dec, altitude) angle (radians). scale : `float` A factor to scale and round projections to force same machine precision cross-platforms (1e6). optimize : `bool` If the TSP should run extra optimization steps, default False """ # Let's find a good spot to project the points to a plane mid_dec = (np.max(lat) - np.min(lat)) / 2.0 + np.min(lat) mid_ra = mean_azimuth(lon) # Project the coordinates to a plane. Could consider scaling # things to represent time between points rather than angular # distance. pointing_x, pointing_y = gnomonic_project_toxy(lon, lat, mid_ra, mid_dec) # Now I have a bunch of x,y pointings. Drop into TSP solver # to get an effiencent route towns = np.vstack((pointing_x, pointing_y)).T # Leaving optimize=False for speed. The optimization step doesn't # usually improve much. better_order = tsp_convex(towns, optimize=optimize) return better_order
[docs] def generate_dist_matrix(towns): """Generate the matrix for the distance between town i and j Parameters ---------- towns : np.array The x,y positions of the towns """ x = towns[:, 0] y = towns[:, 1] # Broadcast to i,j x_dist = x - x[:, np.newaxis] y_dist = y - y[:, np.newaxis] distances = np.sqrt(x_dist**2 + y_dist**2) return distances
[docs] def route_length(town_indx, dist_matrix): """Find the length of a route Parameters ---------- town_indx : array of int The indices of the towns. dist_matrix : np.array The matrix where the (i,j) elements are the distance between the ith and jth town """ # This closes the path and return to the start town_i = town_indx town_j = np.roll(town_indx, -1) distances = dist_matrix[town_i, town_j] return np.sum(distances)
[docs] def generate_hulls(towns): """Given an array of x,y points, sort them into concentric hulls Parameters ---------- towns : np.array (n,2) Array of town x,y positions Returns ------- list of lists of the indices of the concentric hulls """ # The indices we have to sort all_indices = np.arange(towns.shape[0]) # array to note if a town has been used in a hull indices_used = np.zeros(towns.shape[0], dtype=bool) results = [] # Continue until every point is inside a convex hull. while False in indices_used: # Try to find the convex hull of the remaining points. try: new_hull = spatial.ConvexHull(towns[all_indices[~indices_used]]) new_indices = all_indices[~indices_used][new_hull.vertices] results.append(new_indices.tolist()) indices_used[new_indices] = True # In a degenerate case (fewer than three points, points collinear) # Add all of the remaining points to the innermost convex hull. except spatial._qhull.QhullError: results.append(all_indices[~indices_used].tolist()) indices_used[~indices_used] = True return results return results
[docs] def merge_hulls(indices_lists, dist_matrix): """Combine the hulls Parameters ---------- indices_list : list of lists with ints dist_matrix : np.array """ # start with the outer hull one. Use deque to rotate fast. collapsed_indices = deque(indices_lists[0]) for ind_list in indices_lists[1:]: # insert each point indvidually for indx in ind_list: possible_results = [] possible_lengths = [] dindex = deque([indx]) # In theory, I think this could loop over fewer points. # Only need to check points that can "see" the inner points? for i in range(len(collapsed_indices)): collapsed_indices.rotate(1) possible_results.append(collapsed_indices + dindex) possible_lengths.append(route_length(possible_results[-1], dist_matrix)) best = np.min(np.where(possible_lengths == np.nanmin(possible_lengths))) collapsed_indices = possible_results[best] return list(collapsed_indices)
[docs] def three_opt(route, dist_matrix, cross_platform=True): """Iterates over all possible 3-optional transformations. Parameters ---------- route : `list` The indices of the route dist_matrix : `np.array` Distance matrix for the towns cross_platform : `bool` Use utils.intRounded to make sure results will be repeatable cross-platform. Default True Returns ------- min_route : list The new route min_length : float The length of the new route """ # The combinations of three places that we can split each route. combinations = list(itertools.combinations(range(len(route)), 3)) min_route = route min_length = route_length(min_route, dist_matrix) for cuts in combinations: # The three chunks that the route is broken into based # on the cuts. c1 = route[cuts[0] : cuts[1]] c2 = route[cuts[1] : cuts[2]] c3 = route[cuts[2] :] + route[: cuts[0]] # Reversed chunks 2 and 3. rc2 = c2[::-1] rc3 = c3[::-1] # The unique permutations of all of those chunks. route_perms = [ c1 + c2 + c3, c1 + c3 + c2, c1 + rc2 + c3, c1 + c3 + rc2, c1 + c2 + rc3, c1 + rc3 + c2, c1 + rc2 + rc3, c1 + rc3 + rc2, ] # Find the smallest of these permutations. for perm in route_perms: temp_length = route_length(perm, dist_matrix) if cross_platform: if IntRounded(temp_length) < IntRounded(min_length): min_length = temp_length min_route = perm else: if temp_length < min_length: min_length = temp_length min_route = perm return min_route, min_length
[docs] def tsp_convex(towns, optimize=False, niter=10): """Find a route through towns Parameters ---------- towns : np.array (shape n,2) The points to find a path through optimize : bool (False) Optional to run the 3-optional transformation to optimize route niter : int (10) Max number of iterations to run on optimize loop. Returns ------- indices that order towns. """ hull_verts = generate_hulls(towns) dist_matrix = generate_dist_matrix(towns) route = merge_hulls(hull_verts, dist_matrix) if optimize: distance = route_length(route, dist_matrix) iter_count = 0 optimized = False while not optimized: new_route, new_distance = three_opt(route, dist_matrix) if IntRounded(new_distance) < IntRounded(distance): route = new_route distance = new_distance iter_count += 1 else: optimized = True if iter_count == niter: return route return route