__all__ = (
import os
import warnings
import astropy.units as u
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
from rubin_scheduler import data as rs_data
from rubin_scheduler.utils import DEFAULT_NSIDE, Site, _angular_separation, _hpid2_ra_dec, angular_separation
from .utils import IntRounded
def generate_all_sky(nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, elevation_limit=20, mask=hp.UNSEEN):
"""Set up a healpix map over the entire sky.
Calculate RA & Dec, Galactic l & b, Ecliptic l & b, for all healpixels.
Calculate max altitude, to define areas which LSST cannot reach.
This is intended to be a useful tool to use to set up target maps,
beyond the standard maps provided in the various SkyArea generator maps.
Masking based on RA, Dec, Galactic or Ecliptic lat and lon is easier.
nside : `int`, optional
Resolution for the healpix maps.
Default None uses rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.set_default_nside
to set default (often 32).
elevation_limit : `float`, optional
Elevation limit for map.
Parts of the sky which do not reach this elevation limit
will be set to `mask.`
mask : `float`, optional
Mask value for 'unreachable' parts of the sky,
defined as elevation < 20.
maps : `dict` {`str`: `np.ndarray`, (N,)}
A dictionary of `map` (the skymap healpix array, with `mask` values),
`ra`, `dec`, eclip_lat`, `eclip_lon`, `gal_lat`, `gal_lon` values.
All coordinates are in radians.
# Calculate coordinates of everything.
skymap = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside), float)
ra, dec = _hpid2_ra_dec(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)))
coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.rad, dec=dec * u.rad, frame="icrs")
eclip_lat = coord.barycentrictrueecliptic.lat.deg
eclip_lon = coord.barycentrictrueecliptic.lon.deg
gal_lon = coord.galactic.l.deg
gal_lat = coord.galactic.b.deg
# Calculate max altitude (when on meridian).
lsst_site = Site("LSST")
elev_max = np.pi / 2.0 - np.abs(dec - lsst_site.latitude_rad)
skymap = np.where(IntRounded(elev_max) >= IntRounded(np.radians(elevation_limit)), skymap, mask)
return {
"map": skymap,
"ra": np.degrees(ra),
"dec": np.degrees(dec),
"eclip_lat": eclip_lat,
"eclip_lon": eclip_lon,
"gal_lat": gal_lat,
"gal_lon": gal_lon,
def band_count_ratios(target_maps):
"""Compute the desired ratio of observations per band.
Given a goal map that includes multiple bands, sum the number of
pixels in each map and return this per-band, normalized so the sum
across all bands is 1.
If the map is constant over all healpixels, this is the
ratio of bands at the max/constant value.
results = {}
all_norm = 0.0
for key in target_maps:
good = target_maps[key] > 0
results[key] = np.sum(target_maps[key][good])
all_norm += results[key]
for key in results:
results[key] /= all_norm
return results
class SkyAreaGenerator:
Generate survey footprint maps in each band.
nside : `int`
Healpix nside
dust_limit : `float`
E(B-V) limit for dust extinction. Default of 0.199.
smoothing_cutoff : `float`
We apply a smoothing band to the defined dust-free region to
avoid sharp edges. Larger values = less area, but guaranteed
less dust extinction. Reflects the value to cut at, after smoothing.
smoothing_beam : `float`
The size of the smoothing band, in degrees.
lmc_ra, lmc_dec : `float`, `float`
RA and Dec locations of the LMC, in degrees.
lmc_radius : `float`
The radius to use around the LMC, in degrees.
smc_ra, smc_dec : `float`, `float`
RA and Dec locations for the center of the SMC, in degrees.
smc_radius : `float`
The radius to use around the SMC, degrees.
scp_dec_max : `float`
Maximum declination for the south celestial pole region, degrees.
gal_long1 : `float`
Longitude at which to start the GP region, in degrees.
gal_long2 : `float`
Longitude at which to stop the GP region, degrees.
Order matters for gal_long1 / gal_long2!
gal_lat_width_max : `float`
Max width of the galactic plane, in degrees.
center_width : `float`
Width at the center of the galactic plane region, in degrees.
end_width: `float`
Width at the remainder of the galactic plane region, in degrees.
gal_dec_max : `float`
Maximum declination for the galactic plane region, degrees.
dusty_dec_min : `float`
The minimum dec for the dusty plane region, in degrees.
dusty_dec_max : `float`
The maximum dec for the dusty plane, degrees.
eclat_min : `float`
Ecliptic latitutde minimum for the NES, degrees.
eclat_max : `float`
Ecliptic latitude maximum for the NES, degrees.
eclip_dec_min : `float`
Declination minimum for the NES, degrees.
nes_glon_limit : `float`
Galactic longitude limit for the NES, degrees.
virgo_ra, virgo_dec : `float`, `float`
RA and Dec values for the Virgo coverage center, in degrees.
virgo_radius : `float`
Radius for the virgo coverage, in degrees.
def __init__(
self.nside = nside
self.hpid = np.arange(0, hp.nside2npix(nside))
self.lmc_ra = lmc_ra
self.lmc_dec = lmc_dec
self.lmc_radius = lmc_radius
self.smc_ra = smc_ra
self.smc_dec = smc_dec
self.smc_radius = smc_radius
self.virgo_ra = virgo_ra
self.virgo_dec = virgo_dec
self.virgo_radius = virgo_radius
self.scp_dec_max = scp_dec_max
self.gal_long1 = gal_long1
self.gal_long2 = gal_long2
self.gal_lat_width_max = gal_lat_width_max
self.center_width = center_width
self.end_width = end_width
self.gal_dec_max = gal_dec_max
self.low_dust_dec_min = low_dust_dec_min
self.low_dust_dec_max = low_dust_dec_max
self.adjust_halves = adjust_halves
self.dusty_dec_min = dusty_dec_min
self.dusty_dec_max = dusty_dec_max
self.eclat_min = eclat_min
self.eclat_max = eclat_max
self.eclip_dec_min = eclip_dec_min
self.nes_glon_limit = nes_glon_limit
# Ra/dec in degrees and other coordinates
self.ra, self.dec = hp.pix2ang(nside, self.hpid, lonlat=True)
self.coord = SkyCoord(ra=self.ra * u.deg, dec=self.dec * u.deg, frame="icrs")
self.eclip_lat = self.coord.barycentrictrueecliptic.lat.deg
self.eclip_lon = self.coord.barycentrictrueecliptic.lon.deg
self.gal_lon = self.coord.galactic.l.deg
self.gal_lat = self.coord.galactic.b.deg
# Set the low extinction area
self.low_dust = np.where((self.dustmap < dust_limit), 1, 0)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning)
self.low_dust = hp.smoothing(self.low_dust, fwhm=np.radians(smoothing_beam))
self.low_dust = np.where(self.low_dust > smoothing_cutoff, 1, 0)
def read_dustmap(self, dustmap_file=None):
"""Read the dustmap from rubin_scheduler, in the
appropriate resolution."""
# Dustmap from rubin_sim_data
if dustmap_file is None:
datadir = rs_data.get_data_dir()
if datadir is None:
raise Exception('Cannot find datadir, please set "RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR"')
datadir = os.path.join(datadir, "scheduler", "dust_maps")
filename = os.path.join(datadir, "dust_nside_%i.npz" % self.nside)
with np.load(filename) as data:
self.dustmap = data["ebvMap"]
def _set_circular_region(self, ra_center, dec_center, radius):
"""Define a circular region centered on ra_center, dec_center."""
# find the healpixels that cover a circle of radius
# "radius" around ra/dec center (deg).
result = np.zeros(len(self.ra))
distance = _angular_separation(
result[np.where(distance < np.radians(radius))] = 1
return result
def _set_bulge_diamond(self, center_width, end_width, gal_long1, gal_long2):
Define a Galactic Bulge diamond-ish region.
center_width : `float`
Width at the center of the galactic plane region.
end_width : `float`
Width at the remainder of the galactic plane region.
gal_long1 : `float`
Longitude at which to start the GP region.
gal_long2 : `float`
Longitude at which to stop the GP region.
Order matters for gal_long1 / gal_long2!
bulge : `np.ndarray`
HEALpix array with 1 for bulge pixels, 0 otherwise
# Reject anything beyond the central width.
bulge = np.where(np.abs(self.gal_lat) < center_width, 1, 0)
# Apply the galactic longitude cuts,
# so that plane goes between gal_long1 to gal_long2.
# This is NOT the shortest distance between the angles.
gp_length = (gal_long2 - gal_long1) % 360
# If the length is greater than 0 then we can add additional cuts.
if gp_length > 0:
# First, remove anything outside the gal_long1/gal_long2 region.
bulge = np.where(((self.gal_lon - gal_long1) % 360) < gp_length, bulge, 0)
# Add the tapers.
# These slope from the center (gp_center @ center_width)
# to the edges (gp_center + gp_length/2 @ end_width).
half_width = gp_length / 2.0
slope = (center_width - end_width) / half_width
# The 'center' can have a wrap-around 0 problem
gp_center = (gal_long1 + half_width) % 360
# Calculate the longitude-distance btwn any point and the 'center'
gp_dist = (self.gal_lon - gp_center) % 360
gp_dist = np.abs(np.where((gp_dist > 180), (180 - gp_dist) % 180, gp_dist))
lat_limit = np.abs(center_width - slope * gp_dist)
bulge = np.where((np.abs(self.gal_lat)) < lat_limit, bulge, 0)
return bulge
def _set_bulge_rectangle(self, lat_width, gal_long1, gal_long2):
Define a Galactic Bulge as a simple rectangle in galactic coordinates,
centered on the plane
lat_width : `float`
Latitude with for the galactic bulge
gal_long1 : float
Longitude at which to start the GP region.
gal_long2 : float
Longitude at which to stop the GP region.
Order matters for gal_long1 / gal_long2!
bulge : `np.ndarray`
HEALpix array with 1 for bulge pixels, 0 otherwise
bulge = np.where(np.abs(self.gal_lat) < lat_width, 1, 0)
# This is NOT the shortest distance between the angles.
gp_length = (gal_long2 - gal_long1) % 360
# If the length is greater than 0 then we can add additional cuts.
if gp_length > 0:
# First, remove anything outside the gal_long1/gal_long2 region.
bulge = np.where(((self.gal_lon - gal_long1) % 360) < gp_length, bulge, 0)
return bulge
def add_virgo_cluster(self, band_ratios, label="virgo"):
"""Define a circular region around the Virgo Cluster.
Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels
band_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.
label : `str`, optional
Label to apply to the resulting footprint
temp_map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside))
temp_map += self._set_circular_region(self.virgo_ra, self.virgo_dec, self.virgo_radius)
# Don't overide any pixels that have already been designated
indx = np.where((temp_map > 0) & (self.pix_labels == ""))
self.pix_labels[indx] = label
for bandname in band_ratios:
self.healmaps[bandname][indx] = band_ratios[bandname]
def add_magellanic_clouds(
"""Define circular regions around the Magellanic Clouds.
Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
band_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.
label : `str`, optional
Label to apply to the resulting footprint
temp_map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside))
# Define the LMC pixels
temp_map += self._set_circular_region(self.lmc_ra, self.lmc_dec, self.lmc_radius)
# Define the SMC pixels
temp_map += self._set_circular_region(self.smc_ra, self.smc_dec, self.smc_radius)
# Add a simple bridge between the two - to remove the gap
mc_dec_min = self.dec[np.where(temp_map > 0)].min()
mc_dec_max = self.dec[np.where(temp_map > 0)].max()
temp_map += np.where(
((self.ra > self.smc_ra) & (self.ra < self.lmc_ra))
& ((self.dec > mc_dec_min) & (self.dec < mc_dec_max)),
# Don't overide any pixels that have already been designated
indx = np.where((temp_map > 0) & (self.pix_labels == ""))
self.pix_labels[indx] = label
for bandname in band_ratios:
self.healmaps[bandname][indx] = band_ratios[bandname]
def add_scp(self, band_ratios, label="scp"):
"""Define a south celestial pole cap region.
Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
band_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.
label : `str`, optional
Label to apply to the resulting footprint
indx = np.where((self.dec < self.scp_dec_max) & (self.pix_labels == ""))
self.pix_labels[indx] = label
for bandname in band_ratios:
self.healmaps[bandname][indx] = band_ratios[bandname]
def add_bulge(self, band_ratios, label="bulge"):
"""Define a bulge region, where the 'bulge' is a large "diamond"
centered on the galactic center.
Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
band_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.
label : `str`, optional
Label to apply to the resulting footprint
b1 = self._set_bulge_diamond(
b2 = self._set_bulge_rectangle(self.gal_lat_width_max, self.gal_long1, self.gal_long2)
b2[np.where(self.gal_lat > 0)] = 0
bulge = b1 + b2
bulge[np.where(np.abs(self.gal_lat) > self.gal_lat_width_max)] = 0
indx = np.where((bulge > 0) & (self.pix_labels == ""))
self.pix_labels[indx] = label
for bandname in band_ratios:
self.healmaps[bandname][indx] = band_ratios[bandname]
def add_lowdust_wfd(self, band_ratios, label="lowdust"):
"""Define a low-dust WFD region.
Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
band_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.
label : `str`, optional
Label to apply to the resulting footprint
dustfree = np.where(
(self.dec > self.low_dust_dec_min) & (self.dec < self.low_dust_dec_max) & (self.low_dust == 1),
dustfree[np.where(self.low_dust == 0)] = 0
if self.adjust_halves > 0:
dustfree = np.where(
(self.gal_lat < 0) & (self.dec > self.low_dust_dec_max - self.adjust_halves),
indx = np.where((dustfree > 0) & (self.pix_labels == ""))
self.pix_labels[indx] = label
for bandname in band_ratios:
self.healmaps[bandname][indx] = band_ratios[bandname]
def add_dusty_plane(self, band_ratios, label="dusty_plane"):
"""Define high-dust region of the map.
Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
band_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.
label : `str`, optional
Label to apply to the resulting footprint
dusty = np.where(
((self.dec > self.dusty_dec_min) & (self.dec < self.dusty_dec_max) & (self.low_dust == 0)),
indx = np.where((dusty > 0) & (self.pix_labels == ""))
self.pix_labels[indx] = label
for bandname in band_ratios:
self.healmaps[bandname][indx] = band_ratios[bandname]
def add_nes(self, band_ratios, label="nes"):
"""Define a North Ecliptic Plane region.
Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
band_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.
label : `str`, optional
Label to apply to the resulting footprint
nes = np.where(
((self.eclip_lat > self.eclat_min) | (self.dec > self.eclip_dec_min))
& (self.eclip_lat < self.eclat_max),
nes[np.where(self.gal_lon < self.nes_glon_limit)] = 0
nes[np.where(self.gal_lon > (360 - self.nes_glon_limit))] = 0
indx = np.where((nes > 0) & (self.pix_labels == ""))
self.pix_labels[indx] = label
for bandname in band_ratios:
self.healmaps[bandname][indx] = band_ratios[bandname]
def return_maps(
"u": 0.32,
"g": 0.4,
"r": 1.0,
"i": 1.0,
"z": 0.9,
"y": 0.9,
scp_ratios={"u": 0.1, "g": 0.1, "r": 0.1, "i": 0.1, "z": 0.1, "y": 0.1},
nes_ratios={"g": 0.28, "r": 0.4, "i": 0.4, "z": 0.28},
"u": 0.1,
"g": 0.28,
"r": 0.28,
"i": 0.28,
"z": 0.28,
"y": 0.1,
low_dust_ratios={"u": 0.32, "g": 0.4, "r": 1.0, "i": 1.0, "z": 0.9, "y": 0.9},
bulge_ratios={"u": 0.18, "g": 1.0, "r": 1.05, "i": 1.05, "z": 1.0, "y": 0.23},
virgo_ratios={"u": 0.32, "g": 0.4, "r": 1.0, "i": 1.0, "z": 0.9, "y": 0.9},
Return the survey sky maps and labels.
magellanic_clouds_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Magellanic clouds band ratios.
scp_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
SCP band ratios.
nes_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
NES band ratios
dusty_plane-ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
dusty plane band ratios
low_dust_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Low Dust WFD band ratios.
bulge_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Bulge region band ratios.
virgo_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Virgo cluster coverage band ratios.
self.healmaps, self.pix_labels : `np.ndarray`, (N,), `np.ndarray`, (N,)
HEALPix target survey maps for ugrizy,
and string labels for each healpix to indicate the "region".
Each healpix point can only belong to one region. Which region it is
assigned to first will be used for its definition, thus order
matters within this method. The region defines the band ratios.
The band ratios contain information about the *ratio* of visits
in that region (compared to some reference point in the entire map)
in each particular band. By convention, the low_dust_wfd ratio
in r band is set to "1" and all other values are then in reference
to that.
For example: if scp_ratios['u'] = 0.1 and the low_dust_wfd['r'] = 1,
then when the low-dust WFD has 10 visits in r band, the SCP should
have obtained 1 visits in u band (per pixel).
# Array to hold the labels for each pixel
self.pix_labels = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype="U20")
self.healmaps = np.zeros(
dtype=list(zip(["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"], [float] * 7)),
# Note, order here matters.
# Once a HEALpix is set and labled, subsequent add_ methods
# will not override that pixel.
return self.healmaps, self.pix_labels
def estimate_visits(self, nvis_total, fov_area=9.6, **kwargs):
"""Convience method for converting relative maps into number of visits
nvis_total : `int`
The total number of visits in the survey
fov_area : `float`
The area of a single visit (sq degrees)
**kwargs :
Gets passed to self.return_maps if one wants to change the
default ratios.
result : `np.array`, (N,)
array with bandname dtypes that have HEALpix arrays with the
number of expected visits of each HEALpix center
sum_map : `np.array`, (N,)
The number of visits summed over all the bands
labels : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Array string labels for each HEALpix
# Note that there really ought to be a fudge factor here;
# typically the number of visits per pixel will be slightly
# more than requested in the map, due to dithering.
# The fudge factor will depend on the complexity of the region's
# boundaries, but can be on the order of 1.3.
healmaps, labels = self.return_maps(**kwargs)
sum_map = rfn.structured_to_unstructured(healmaps).sum(axis=1)
norm = np.sum(sum_map)
pix_area = hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True)
pix_per_visit = fov_area / pix_area
result = np.zeros_like(healmaps)
for key in result.dtype.names:
result[key] = healmaps[key] / norm * pix_per_visit * nvis_total
return result, sum_map / norm * pix_per_visit * nvis_total, labels
def estimate_visits_per_label(self, nvis_total, **kwargs):
"""Estimate how many visits would be used for each region
nvis_total : `int`
The total number of visits in the survey
**kwargs :
Gets passed to self.return_maps if one wants to change the
default ratios.
result : `dict`
Dictionary with keys that are label names and values that are the
expected number of visits for that region if nvis_total is reached.
healmaps, labels = self.return_maps(**kwargs)
sum_map = rfn.structured_to_unstructured(healmaps).sum(axis=1)
ulabels = np.unique(labels)
label_sums = {}
norm = 0
for label in ulabels:
in_region = np.where(labels == label)
label_sums[label] = sum_map[in_region].sum()
norm += label_sums[label]
result = {}
for key in ulabels:
result[key] = label_sums[key] / norm * nvis_total
return result
class SkyAreaGeneratorGalplane(SkyAreaGenerator):
Generate survey footprint maps in each band.
Adds a 'bulgy' galactic plane coverage map.
nside : `int`
Healpix nside
dust_limit : `float`
E(B-V) limit for dust extinction. Default of 0.199.
smoothing_cutoff : `float`
We apply a smoothing band to the defined dust-free region to
avoid sharp edges. Larger values = less area, but guaranteed
less dust extinction. Reflects the value to cut at, after smoothing.
smoothing_beam : `float`
The size of the smoothing band, in degrees.
lmc_ra, lmc_dec : `float`, `float`
RA and Dec locations of the LMC, in degrees.
lmc_radius : `float`
The radius to use around the LMC, in degrees.
smc_ra, smc_dec : `float`, `float`
RA and Dec locations for the center of the SMC, in degrees.
smc_radius : `float`
The radius to use around the SMC, degrees.
scp_dec_max : `float`
Maximum declination for the south celestial pole region, degrees.
gal_long1 : `float`
Longitude at which to start the GP region, in degrees.
gal_long2 : `float`
Longitude at which to stop the GP region, degrees.
Order matters for gal_long1 / gal_long2!
gal_lat_width_max : `float`
Max width of the galactic plane, in degrees.
center_width : `float`
Width at the center of the galactic plane region, in degrees.
end_width: `float`
Width at the remainder of the galactic plane region, in degrees.
gal_dec_max : `float`
Maximum declination for the galactic plane region, degrees.
dusty_dec_min : `float`
The minimum dec for the dusty plane region, in degrees.
dusty_dec_max : `float`
The maximum dec for the dusty plane, degrees.
eclat_min : `float`
Ecliptic latitutde minimum for the NES, degrees.
eclat_max : `float`
Ecliptic latitude maximum for the NES, degrees.
eclip_dec_min : `float`
Declination minimum for the NES, degrees.
nes_glon_limit : `float`
Galactic longitude limit for the NES, degrees.
virgo_ra, virgo_dec : `float`, `float`
RA and Dec values for the Virgo coverage center, in degrees.
virgo_radius : `float`
Radius for the virgo coverage, in degrees.
def __init__(self, lmc_ra=89.0, lmc_dec=-70, **kwargs):
super().__init__(lmc_ra=lmc_ra, lmc_dec=lmc_dec, **kwargs)
def add_bulgy(self, band_ratios, label="bulgy"):
"""Define a bulge region, where the 'bulge' is a series of
circles set by points defined to match as best as possible the
map requested by the SMWLV working group on galactic plane coverage.
Implemented in v3.0.
Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
band_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.
label : `str`, optional
Label to apply to the resulting footprint
# Some RA, dec, radius points that
# seem to cover the areas that are desired
points = [
[100.90, 9.55, 3],
[84.92, -5.71, 3],
[288.84, 9.18, 3.8],
[266.3, -29, 14.5],
[279, -13, 10],
[256, -45, 5],
[155, -56.5, 6.5],
[172, -62, 5],
[190, -65, 5],
[210, -64, 5],
[242, -58, 5],
[225, -60, 6.5],
for point in points:
dist = angular_separation(self.ra, self.dec, point[0], point[1])
# Only change pixels where the label isn't already set.
indx = np.where((dist < point[2]) & (self.pix_labels == ""))
self.pix_labels[indx] = label
for bandname in band_ratios:
self.healmaps[bandname][indx] = band_ratios[bandname]
def return_maps(
"u": 0.32,
"g": 0.4,
"r": 1.0,
"i": 1.0,
"z": 0.9,
"y": 0.9,
low_dust_ratios={"u": 0.32, "g": 0.4, "r": 1.0, "i": 1.0, "z": 0.9, "y": 0.9},
virgo_ratios={"u": 0.32, "g": 0.4, "r": 1.0, "i": 1.0, "z": 0.9, "y": 0.9},
scp_ratios={"u": 0.08, "g": 0.15, "r": 0.08, "i": 0.15, "z": 0.08, "y": 0.06},
nes_ratios={"g": 0.23, "r": 0.33, "i": 0.33, "z": 0.23},
bulge_ratios={"u": 0.19, "g": 0.57, "r": 1.15, "i": 1.05, "z": 0.78, "y": 0.57},
"u": 0.07,
"g": 0.13,
"r": 0.28,
"i": 0.28,
"z": 0.25,
"y": 0.18,
Return the survey sky maps and labels.
magellanic_clouds_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Magellanic clouds band ratios.
scp_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
SCP band ratios.
nes_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
NES band ratios
dusty_plane-ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
dusty plane band ratios
low_dust_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Low Dust WFD band ratios.
bulge_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Bulge region band ratios (note this is the 'bulgy' bulge).
virgo_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Virgo cluster coverage band ratios.
self.healmaps, self.pix_labels : `np.ndarray`, (N,), `np.ndarray`, (N,)
HEALPix target survey maps for ugrizy,
and string labels for each healpix to indicate the "region".
Each healpix point can only belong to one region. Which region it is
assigned to first will be used for its definition, thus order
matters within this method. The region defines the band ratios.
The band ratios contain information about the *ratio* of visits
in that region (compared to some reference point in the entire map)
in each particular band. By convention, the low_dust_wfd ratio
in r band is set to "1" and all other values are then in reference
to that.
For example: if scp_ratios['u'] = 0.1 and the low_dust_wfd['r'] = 1,
then when the low-dust WFD has 10 visits in r band, the SCP should
have obtained 1 visits in u band (per pixel).
self.pix_labels = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype="U20")
dt = list(zip(["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"], [float] * 7))
self.healmaps = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=dt)
return self.healmaps, self.pix_labels
class Phase3AreaMap(EuclidOverlapFootprint):
def __init__(
self.nside = nside
self.hpid = np.arange(0, hp.nside2npix(nside))
self.lmc_ra = lmc_ra
self.lmc_dec = lmc_dec
self.lmc_radius = lmc_radius
self.smc_ra = smc_ra
self.smc_dec = smc_dec
self.smc_radius = smc_radius
self.virgo_ra = virgo_ra
self.virgo_dec = virgo_dec
self.virgo_radius = virgo_radius
self.scp_dec_max = scp_dec_max
self.gal_long1 = gal_long1
self.gal_long2 = gal_long2
self.gal_lat_width_max = gal_lat_width_max
self.center_width = center_width
self.end_width = end_width
self.gal_dec_max = gal_dec_max
self.low_dust_dec_min = low_dust_dec_min
self.low_dust_dec_max = low_dust_dec_max
self.adjust_halves = adjust_halves
self.dusty_dec_min = dusty_dec_min
self.dusty_dec_max = dusty_dec_max
self.eclat_min = eclat_min
self.eclat_max = eclat_max
self.eclip_dec_min = eclip_dec_min
self.nes_glon_limit = nes_glon_limit
# Ra/dec in degrees and other coordinates
self.ra, self.dec = hp.pix2ang(nside, self.hpid, lonlat=True)
self.coord = SkyCoord(ra=self.ra * u.deg, dec=self.dec * u.deg, frame="icrs")
self.eclip_lat = self.coord.barycentrictrueecliptic.lat.deg
self.eclip_lon = self.coord.barycentrictrueecliptic.lon.deg
self.gal_lon = self.coord.galactic.l.deg
self.gal_lat = self.coord.galactic.b.deg
# Set the low extinction area
self.low_dust = np.where((self.dustmap < dust_limit), 1, 0)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UserWarning)
self.low_dust = hp.smoothing(self.low_dust, fwhm=np.radians(smoothing_beam))
self.low_dust = np.where(self.low_dust > smoothing_cutoff, 1, 0)
self.euclid_contour_file = euclid_contour_file
def add_bulgy(self, band_ratios, label="bulgy"):
"""Define a bulge region, where the 'bulge' is a series of
circles set by points defined to match as best as possible the
map requested by the SMWLV working group on galactic plane coverage.
Implemented in v3.0.
Updates self.healmaps and self.pix_labels.
band_ratios : `dict` {`str`: `float`}
Dictionary of weights per band for the footprint.
label : `str`, optional
Label to apply to the resulting footprint
# Some RA, dec, radius points that
# seem to cover the areas that are desired
points = [
[100.90, 9.55, 3],
[84.92, -5.71, 3],
[266.3, -29, 17],
[279, -13, 10],
[256, -45, 11],
[155, -56.5, 6.5],
[172, -62, 5],
[190, -65, 5],
[210, -64, 5],
[242, -58, 6.5],
[225, -60, 6.5],
for point in points:
dist = angular_separation(self.ra, self.dec, point[0], point[1])
# Only change pixels where the label isn't already set.
indx = np.where((dist < point[2]) & (self.pix_labels == ""))
self.pix_labels[indx] = label
for bandname in band_ratios:
self.healmaps[bandname][indx] = band_ratios[bandname]
def return_maps(
"u": 0.65,
"g": 0.65,
"r": 1.1,
"i": 1.1,
"z": 0.34,
"y": 0.35,
scp_ratios={"u": 0.1, "g": 0.175, "r": 0.1, "i": 0.135, "z": 0.046, "y": 0.047},
nes_ratios={"g": 0.255, "r": 0.33, "i": 0.33, "z": 0.23},
"u": 0.093,
"g": 0.26,
"r": 0.26,
"i": 0.26,
"z": 0.26,
"y": 0.093,
low_dust_ratios={"u": 0.35, "g": 0.4, "r": 1.0, "i": 1.0, "z": 0.9, "y": 0.9},
bulge_ratios={"u": 0.17, "g": 0.93, "r": 0.98, "i": 0.98, "z": 0.93, "y": 0.21},
virgo_ratios={"u": 0.35, "g": 0.4, "r": 1.0, "i": 1.0, "z": 0.9, "y": 0.9},
euclid_ratios={"u": 0.35, "g": 0.4, "r": 1.0, "i": 1.0, "z": 0.9, "y": 0.9},
# Array to hold the labels for each pixel
self.pix_labels = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype="U20")
self.healmaps = np.zeros(
dtype=list(zip(["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"], [float] * 7)),
# Note, order here matters.
# Once a HEALpix is set and labled, subsequent add_ methods
# will not override that pixel.
return self.healmaps, self.pix_labels
class CurrentAreaMap(Phase3AreaMap):
"""Useful pointer so whatever the current standard footprint is."""