Source code for rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.utils

__all__ = (

import datetime
import os
import socket
import sqlite3
import warnings

import healpy as hp
import matplotlib.path as mplPath
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import rubin_scheduler.version as rsVersion
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.utils.observation_array import ObservationArray
from rubin_scheduler.utils import (

[docs] def smallest_signed_angle(a1, a2): """ via the-smallest-difference-between-2-angles """ two_pi = 2.0 * np.pi x = a1 % two_pi y = a2 % two_pi a = (x - y) % two_pi b = (y - x) % two_pi result = b + 0 alb = np.where(a < b)[0] result[alb] = -1.0 * a[alb] return result
def thetaphi2xyz(theta, phi): x = np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) y = np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) z = np.cos(phi) return x, y, z def xyz2thetaphi(x, y, z): phi = np.arccos(z) theta = np.arctan2(y, x) return theta, phi
[docs] def wrap_ra_dec(ra, dec): # XXX--from MAF, should put in general utils """ Wrap RA into 0-2pi and Dec into +/0 pi/2. Parameters ---------- ra : numpy.ndarray RA in radians dec : numpy.ndarray Dec in radians Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray Wrapped RA/Dec values, in radians. """ # Wrap dec. low = np.where(dec < -np.pi / 2.0)[0] dec[low] = -1 * (np.pi + dec[low]) ra[low] = ra[low] - np.pi high = np.where(dec > np.pi / 2.0)[0] dec[high] = np.pi - dec[high] ra[high] = ra[high] - np.pi # Wrap RA. ra = ra % (2.0 * np.pi) return ra, dec
[docs] def mean_azimuth(az, min_val=0.1): """Compute the mean azimuth value accounting for wrap Parameters ---------- az : `array-like` The azimuths to average. Radians min_val : `float` A min cutoff to just use pi as the mean. Default 0.1. Radians """ x = np.cos(az) y = np.sin(az) meanx = np.mean(x) meany = np.mean(y) angle = np.arctan2(meany, meanx) radius = np.sqrt(meanx**2 + meany**2) mid_az = angle % (2.0 * np.pi) if IntRounded(radius) < IntRounded(min_val): mid_az = np.pi return mid_az
[docs] class IntRounded: """ Class to help force comparisons be made on scaled up integers, preventing machine precision issues cross-platforms Note that casting a NaN to an int can have different behaviours cross-platforms, so will throw an error if attempted. Parameters ---------- inval : number-like thing Some number that we want to compare scale : float (1e5) How much to scale inval before rounding and converting to an int. """ def __init__(self, inval, scale=1e5): if np.any(~np.isfinite(inval)): raise ValueError("IntRounded can only take finite values.") self.initial = inval self.value = np.round(inval * scale).astype(int) self.scale = scale def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value def __ne__(self, other): return self.value != other.value def __lt__(self, other): return self.value < other.value def __le__(self, other): return self.value <= other.value def __gt__(self, other): return self.value > other.value def __ge__(self, other): return self.value >= other.value def __repr__(self): return str(self.initial) def __add__(self, other): out_scale = np.min([self.scale, other.scale]) result = IntRounded(self.initial + other.initial, scale=out_scale) return result def __sub__(self, other): out_scale = np.min([self.scale, other.scale]) result = IntRounded(self.initial - other.initial, scale=out_scale) return result def __mul__(self, other): out_scale = np.min([self.scale, other.scale]) result = IntRounded(self.initial * other.initial, scale=out_scale) return result def __div__(self, other): out_scale = np.min([self.scale, other.scale]) result = IntRounded(self.initial / other.initial, scale=out_scale) return result
[docs] def restore_scheduler(observation_id, scheduler, observatory, in_obs, band_sched=None, fast=True): """Put the scheduler and observatory in the state they were in. Handy for checking reward fucnction Parameters ---------- observation_id : int The ID of the last observation that should be completed scheduler : rubin_scheduler.scheduler.scheduler object Scheduler object. observatory : rubin_scheduler.scheduler.observatory.Model_observatory The observaotry object in_obs : np.array or str Array of observations (formated like rubin_scheduler.scheduler.ObservationArray). If a string, assumed to be a file and SchemaConverter is used to load it. band_sched : rubin_scheduler.scheduler.scheduler object The band scheduler. Note that we don't look up the official end of the previous night, so there is potential for the loaded bands to not match. fast : bool (True) If True, loads observations and passes them as an array to the `add_observations_array` method. If False, passes observations individually with `add_observation` method. """ if isinstance(in_obs, str): sc = SchemaConverter() # load up the observations observations = sc.opsim2obs(in_obs) else: observations = in_obs good_obs = np.where(observations["ID"] <= observation_id)[0] observations = observations[good_obs] if fast: scheduler.add_observations_array(observations) obs = observations[-1] else: for obs in observations: scheduler.add_observation(obs) if band_sched is not None: # We've assumed the band scheduler doesn't have any bands # May need to call the add_observation method on it if that # changes. # Make sure we have mounted the right bands for the night # XXX--note, this might not be exact, but should work most # of the time. mjd_start_night = np.min(observations["mjd"][np.where(observations["night"] == obs["night"])]) observatory.mjd = mjd_start_night conditions = observatory.return_conditions() bands_needed = band_sched(conditions) else: bands_needed = ["u", "g", "r", "i", "y"] # update the observatory observatory.mjd = obs["mjd"] + observatory.observatory.visit_time(obs) / 3600.0 / 24.0 observatory.obs_id_counter = obs["ID"] + 1 observatory.observatory.parked = False observatory.observatory.current_ra_rad = obs["RA"] observatory.observatory.current_dec_rad = obs["dec"] observatory.observatory.current_rot_sky_pos_rad = obs["rotSkyPos"] observatory.observatory.cumulative_azimuth_rad = obs["cummTelAz"] observatory.observatory.current_band = obs["band"] observatory.observatory.mounted_bands = bands_needed # Note that we haven't updated last_az_rad, etc, but those # values should be ignored. return scheduler, observatory
[docs] def int_binned_stat(ids, values, statistic=np.mean): """ Like scipy.binned_statistic, but for unique int ids """ uids = np.unique(ids) order = np.argsort(ids) ordered_ids = ids[order] ordered_values = values[order] left = np.searchsorted(ordered_ids, uids, side="left") right = np.searchsorted(ordered_ids, uids, side="right") stat_results = [] for le, ri in zip(left, right): stat_results.append(statistic(ordered_values[le:ri])) return uids, np.array(stat_results)
[docs] def gnomonic_project_toxy(ra1, dec1, r_acen, deccen): """Calculate x/y projection of ra1/dec1 in system with center at r_acen, deccen. Input radians. Grabbed from sims_selfcal""" # also used in Global Telescope Network website cosc = np.sin(deccen) * np.sin(dec1) + np.cos(deccen) * np.cos(dec1) * np.cos(ra1 - r_acen) x = np.cos(dec1) * np.sin(ra1 - r_acen) / cosc y = (np.cos(deccen) * np.sin(dec1) - np.sin(deccen) * np.cos(dec1) * np.cos(ra1 - r_acen)) / cosc return x, y
[docs] def gnomonic_project_tosky(x, y, r_acen, deccen): """Calculate RA/dec on sky of object with x/y and RA/Cen of field of view. Returns Ra/dec in radians.""" denom = np.cos(deccen) - y * np.sin(deccen) RA = r_acen + np.arctan2(x, denom) dec = np.arctan2(np.sin(deccen) + y * np.cos(deccen), np.sqrt(x * x + denom * denom)) return RA, dec
[docs] def match_hp_resolution(in_map, nside_out, unseen2nan=True): """Utility to convert healpix map resolution if needed and change hp.UNSEEN values to np.nan. Parameters ---------- in_map : np.array A valie healpix map nside_out : int The desired resolution to convert in_map to unseen2nan : bool (True) If True, convert any hp.UNSEEN values to np.nan """ current_nside = hp.npix2nside(np.size(in_map)) if current_nside != nside_out: out_map = hp.ud_grade(in_map, nside_out=nside_out) else: out_map = in_map if unseen2nan: out_map[np.where(out_map == hp.UNSEEN)] = np.nan return out_map
[docs] def raster_sort(x0, order=["x", "y"], xbin=1.0): """XXXX--depriciated, use tsp instead. Do a sort to scan a grid up and down. Simple starting guess to traveling salesman. Parameters ---------- x0 : array order : list Keys for the order x0 should be sorted in. xbin : float (1.) The bin_size to round off the first coordinate into returns ------- array sorted so that it rasters up and down. """ coords = x0.copy() bins = np.arange( coords[order[0]].min() - xbin / 2.0, coords[order[0]].max() + 3.0 * xbin / 2.0, xbin, ) # digitize my bins coords[order[0]] = np.digitize(coords[order[0]], bins) order1 = np.argsort(coords, order=order) coords = coords[order1] places_to_invert = np.where(np.diff(coords[order[-1]]) < 0)[0] if np.size(places_to_invert) > 0: places_to_invert += 1 indx = np.arange(coords.size) index_sorted = np.zeros(indx.size, dtype=int) index_sorted[0 : places_to_invert[0]] = indx[0 : places_to_invert[0]] for i, inv_pt in enumerate(places_to_invert[:-1]): if i % 2 == 0: index_sorted[inv_pt : places_to_invert[i + 1]] = indx[inv_pt : places_to_invert[i + 1]][::-1] else: index_sorted[inv_pt : places_to_invert[i + 1]] = indx[inv_pt : places_to_invert[i + 1]] if np.size(places_to_invert) % 2 != 0: index_sorted[places_to_invert[-1] :] = indx[places_to_invert[-1] :][::-1] else: index_sorted[places_to_invert[-1] :] = indx[places_to_invert[-1] :] return order1[index_sorted] else: return order1
[docs] class SchemaConverter: """ Record how to convert an observation array to the standard opsim schema """ def __init__(self): # Conversion dictionary, keys are opsim schema, values # are observation dtype names self.convert_dict = { "observationId": "ID", "night": "night", "observationStartMJD": "mjd", "observationStartLST": "lmst", "numExposures": "nexp", "visitTime": "visittime", "visitExposureTime": "exptime", "proposalId": "survey_id", "fieldId": "field_id", "fieldRA": "RA", "fieldDec": "dec", "altitude": "alt", "azimuth": "az", "band": "band", "filter": "filter", "airmass": "airmass", "skyBrightness": "skybrightness", "cloud": "clouds", "seeingFwhm500": "FWHM_500", "seeingFwhmGeom": "FWHM_geometric", "seeingFwhmEff": "FWHMeff", "fiveSigmaDepth": "fivesigmadepth", "slewTime": "slewtime", "slewDistance": "slewdist", "paraAngle": "pa", "pseudoParaAngle": "pseudo_pa", "rotTelPos": "rotTelPos", "rotTelPos_backup": "rotTelPos_backup", "rotSkyPos": "rotSkyPos", "rotSkyPos_desired": "rotSkyPos_desired", "moonRA": "moonRA", "moonDec": "moonDec", "moonAlt": "moonAlt", "moonAz": "moonAz", "moonDistance": "moonDist", "moonPhase": "moonPhase", "sunAlt": "sunAlt", "sunAz": "sunAz", "solarElong": "solarElong", "note": "note", "scheduler_note": "scheduler_note", "target_name": "target_name", "science_program": "science_program", "observation_reason": "observation_reason", } # For backwards compatibility self.backwards = {"target": "target_name"} # Column(s) not bothering to remap: # 'observationStartTime': None, self.inv_map = {v: k for k, v in self.convert_dict.items()} # angles to convert self.angles_rad2deg = [ "fieldRA", "fieldDec", "altitude", "azimuth", "slewDistance", "paraAngle", "pseudoParaAngle", "rotTelPos", "rotSkyPos", "rotSkyPos_desired", "rotTelPos_backup", "moonRA", "moonDec", "moonAlt", "moonAz", "moonDistance", "sunAlt", "sunAz", "sunRA", "sunDec", "solarElong", "cummTelAz", ] # Put LMST into degrees too self.angles_hours2deg = ["observationStartLST"]
[docs] def obs2opsim(self, obs_array, filename=None, info=None, delete_past=False, if_exists="append"): """Convert an array of observations into a pandas dataframe with Opsim schema. Parameters ---------- obs_array : `np.array` Numpy array with OpSim observations. filename : `str`, optional Name of the database file to write to. info : `np.array`, optional Numpy array with database info. delete_past : `bool` Delete past observations (default=False)? if_exists : `str` Flag to pass to `to_sql` when writting to the database to control strategy when the database already exists. Returns ------- `pd.DataFrame` or `None` Either the converted dataframe or `None`, if filename is provided. """ if delete_past: try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass df = pd.DataFrame(obs_array) df = df.rename(index=str, columns=self.inv_map) for colname in self.angles_rad2deg: df[colname] = np.degrees(df[colname]) for colname in self.angles_hours2deg: df[colname] = df[colname] * 360.0 / 24.0 if filename is not None: con = sqlite3.connect(filename) df.to_sql("observations", con, index=False, if_exists=if_exists) if info is not None: df = pd.DataFrame(info) df.to_sql("info", con, if_exists=if_exists) else: return df
[docs] def opsimdf2obs(self, df) -> np.recarray: """convert an opsim schema dataframe into an observation array. Parameters ---------- df : `pd.DataFrame` Data frame containing opsim output observations. Returns ------- obs : `np.recarray` Numpy array with OpSim observations. """ # Do not modify the passed DataFrame, and avoid pandas getting # upset if a view is passed in. df = df.copy() # Make it backwards compatible if there are # columns that have changed names for key in self.backwards: if key in df.columns: df = df.rename(index=str, columns={key: self.backwards[key]}) for key in self.angles_rad2deg: try: df[key] = np.radians(df[key]) except (KeyError, TypeError): df[key] = np.nan for key in self.angles_hours2deg: try: df[key] = df[key] * 24.0 / 360.0 except (KeyError, TypeError): df[key] = np.nan df = df.rename(index=str, columns=self.convert_dict) blank = ObservationArray() final_result = np.empty(df.shape[0], dtype=blank.dtype) # XXX-ugh, there has to be a better way. for key in final_result.dtype.names: if key in df.columns: final_result[key] = df[key].values else: warnings.warn(f"Column {key} not found.") return final_result
[docs] def opsim2obs(self, filename): """convert an opsim schema dataframe into an observation array. Parameters ---------- filename : `str` Sqlite file containing opsim output observations. """ con = sqlite3.connect(filename) df = pd.read_sql("select * from observations;", con) return self.opsimdf2obs(df)
[docs] def hp_kd_tree(nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, leafsize=100, scale=1e5): """ Generate a KD-tree of healpixel locations Parameters ---------- nside : int A valid healpix nside leafsize : int (100) Leafsize of the kdtree Returns ------- tree : scipy kdtree """ hpid = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)) ra, dec = _hpid2_ra_dec(nside, hpid) return _build_tree(ra, dec, leafsize, scale=scale)
[docs] class HpInLsstFov: """Return the healpixels in an underlying healpix grid that overlap an observation/pointing. This uses a very simple circular LSST camera model with no chip/raft gaps. Parameters ---------- nside : `int`, optional Nside to match for the healpix array. Default None uses `set_default_nside`. fov_radius : `float`, optional Radius of the field of view in degrees. Default 1.75 covers the inscribed circle. scale : `float`, optional How many sig figs to round when considering matches to healpixels. Useful for ensuring identical results cross-ploatform where float precision can vary. Examples -------- Set up the class, then call to convert pointings to indices in the healpix array. Note that RA and dec should be in RADIANS. ``` >>> ra = np.radians(30) >>> dec = np.radians(-20) >>> pointing2indx = HpInLsstFov() >>> indices = pointing2indx(ra, dec) >>> indices [8138, 8267] ``` """ def __init__(self, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, fov_radius=1.75, scale=1e5): self.tree = hp_kd_tree(nside=nside, scale=scale) self.radius = np.round(xyz_angular_radius(fov_radius) * scale).astype(int) self.scale = scale
[docs] def __call__(self, ra, dec, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- ra : float, array RA in radians dec : float, array Dec in radians Returns ------- indx : numpy array The healpixels that are within the FoV """ x, y, z = _xyz_from_ra_dec(ra, dec) x = np.round(x * self.scale).astype(int) y = np.round(y * self.scale).astype(int) z = np.round(z * self.scale).astype(int) if np.size(x) == 1: indices = self.tree.query_ball_point((np.max(x), np.max(y), np.max(z)), self.radius) else: indices = self.tree.query_ball_point(np.vstack([x, y, z]).T, self.radius) return indices
[docs] class HpInComcamFov: """ Return the healpixels within a ComCam pointing. Simple camera model with no chip gaps. """ def __init__(self, nside=DEFAULT_NSIDE, side_length=0.7, scale=1e5): """ Parameters ---------- side_length : float (0.7) The length of one side of the square field of view (degrees). """ self.nside = nside self.scale = scale self.tree = hp_kd_tree(nside=nside, scale=scale) self.side_length = np.round(np.radians(side_length * scale)).astype(int) self.inner_radius = np.round(xyz_angular_radius(side_length / 2.0) * scale).astype(int) self.outter_radius = np.round(xyz_angular_radius(side_length / 2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0)) * scale).astype( int ) # The positions of the raft corners, unrotated self.corners_x = np.array( [ -self.side_length / 2.0, -self.side_length / 2.0, self.side_length / 2.0, self.side_length / 2.0, ] ) self.corners_y = np.array( [ self.side_length / 2.0, -self.side_length / 2.0, -self.side_length / 2.0, self.side_length / 2.0, ] )
[docs] def __call__(self, ra, dec, rotSkyPos=0.0): """ Parameters ---------- ra : float RA in radians dec : float Dec in radians rotSkyPos : float The rotation angle of the camera in radians Returns ------- indx : numpy array The healpixels that are within the FoV """ x, y, z = _xyz_from_ra_dec(ra, dec) x = np.round(x * self.scale).astype(int) y = np.round(y * self.scale).astype(int) z = np.round(z * self.scale).astype(int) # Healpixels within the inner circle indices = self.tree.query_ball_point((x, y, z), self.inner_radius) # Healpixels withing the outer circle indices_all = np.array(self.tree.query_ball_point((x, y, z), self.outter_radius)) # Only need to check pixel if it is outside inner circle indices_to_check = indices_all[np.in1d(indices_all, indices, invert=True)] if np.size(indices_to_check) == 0: ValueError("No HEALpix in pointing. Maybe need to increase nside.") cos_rot = np.cos(rotSkyPos) sin_rot = np.sin(rotSkyPos) x_rotated = self.corners_x * cos_rot - self.corners_y * sin_rot y_rotated = self.corners_x * sin_rot + self.corners_y * cos_rot # Draw the square that we want to check if points are in. bb_path = mplPath.Path( np.array( [ [x_rotated[0], y_rotated[0]], [x_rotated[1], y_rotated[1]], [x_rotated[2], y_rotated[2]], [x_rotated[3], y_rotated[3]], [x_rotated[0], y_rotated[0]], ] ).astype(int) ) ra_to_check, dec_to_check = _hpid2_ra_dec(self.nside, indices_to_check) # Project the indices to check to the tangent plane, see # if they fall inside the polygon x, y = gnomonic_project_toxy(ra_to_check, dec_to_check, ra, dec) x = (x * self.scale).astype(int) y = (y * self.scale).astype(int) for i, xcheck in enumerate(x): # I wonder if I can do this all at once rather than a loop? if bb_path.contains_point((x[i], y[i])): indices.append(indices_to_check[i]) return np.array(indices)
[docs] def run_info_table(observatory, extra_info=None): """ Make a little table for recording the information about a run """ observatory_info = observatory.get_info() if extra_info is not None: for key in extra_info: observatory_info.append([key, extra_info[key]]) observatory_info = np.array(observatory_info) n_feature_entries = 3 names = ["Parameter", "Value"] dtypes = ["|U200", "|U200"] result = np.zeros(observatory_info[:, 0].size + n_feature_entries, dtype=list(zip(names, dtypes))) # Fill in info about the run result[0]["Parameter"] = "Date, ymd" now = result[0]["Value"] = "%i, %i, %i" % (now.year, now.month, result[1]["Parameter"] = "hostname" result[1]["Value"] = socket.gethostname() result[2]["Parameter"] = "rubin_scheduler.__version__" result[2]["Value"] = rsVersion.__version__ result[3:]["Parameter"] = observatory_info[:, 0] result[3:]["Value"] = observatory_info[:, 1] return result
[docs] def inrange(inval, minimum=-1.0, maximum=1.0): """ Make sure values are within min/max """ inval = np.array(inval) below = np.where(inval < minimum) inval[below] = minimum above = np.where(inval > maximum) inval[above] = maximum return inval
[docs] def warm_start(scheduler, observations, mjd_key="mjd"): """Replay a list of observations into the scheduler Parameters ---------- scheduler : scheduler object observations : np.array An array of observation (e.g., from sqlite2observations) """ # Check that observations are in order observations.sort(order=mjd_key) for observation in observations: scheduler.add_observation(observation) return scheduler
[docs] def season_calc(night, offset=0, modulo=None, max_season=None, season_length=365.25, floor=True): """ Compute what season a night is in with possible offset and modulo using convention that night -365 to 0 is season -1. Parameters ---------- night : int or array The night we want to convert to a season offset : float or array (0) Offset to be applied to night (days) modulo : int (None) If the season should be modulated (i.e., so we can get all even years) (seasons, years w/default season_length) max_season : int (None) For any season above this value (before modulo), set to -1 season_length : float (365.25) How long to consider one season (nights) floor : bool (True) If true, take the floor of the season. Otherwise, returns season as a float """ if np.size(night) == 1: night = np.ravel(np.array([night])) result = night + offset result = result / season_length if floor: result = np.floor(result) if max_season is not None: over_indx = np.where(IntRounded(result) >= IntRounded(max_season)) if modulo is not None: neg = np.where(IntRounded(result) < IntRounded(0)) result = result % modulo result[neg] = -1 if max_season is not None: result[over_indx] = -1 if floor: result = result.astype(int) return result
[docs] def create_season_offset(nside, sun_ra_rad): """ Make an offset map so seasons roll properly """ hpindx = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)) ra, dec = _hpid2_ra_dec(nside, hpindx) offset = ra - sun_ra_rad + 2.0 * np.pi offset = offset % (np.pi * 2) offset = offset * 365.25 / (np.pi * 2) offset = -offset - 365.25 return offset
[docs] class TargetoO: """Class to hold information about a target of opportunity object Parameters ---------- tooid : int Unique ID for the ToO. footprints : np.array np.array healpix maps. 1 for areas to observe, 0 for no observe. mjd_start : float The MJD the ToO starts duration : float Duration of the ToO (days). ra_rad_center : float RA of the estimated center of the event (radians). dec_rad_center : float Dec of the estimated center of the event (radians). too_type : str The type of ToO that is made """ def __init__( self, tooid, footprint, mjd_start, duration, ra_rad_center=None, dec_rad_center=None, too_type=None, ): self.footprint = footprint self.duration = duration = tooid self.mjd_start = mjd_start self.ra_rad_center = ra_rad_center self.dec_rad_center = dec_rad_center self.too_type = too_type
[docs] class SimTargetooServer: """Wrapper to deliver a targetoO object at the right time""" def __init__(self, targeto_o_list): self.targeto_o_list = targeto_o_list self.mjd_starts = np.array([too.mjd_start for too in self.targeto_o_list]) durations = np.array([too.duration for too in self.targeto_o_list]) self.mjd_ends = self.mjd_starts + durations def __call__(self, mjd): in_range = np.where((mjd > self.mjd_starts) & (mjd < self.mjd_ends))[0] result = None if in_range.size > 0: result = [self.targeto_o_list[i] for i in in_range] return result