__all__ = (
import numpy as np
class ObservationArray(np.ndarray):
"""Class to work as an array of observations
n : `int`
Size of array to return. Default 1.
The numpy fields have the following labels.
RA : `float`
The Right Acension of the observation (center of the field)
dec : `float`
Declination of the observation (Radians)
mjd : `float`
Modified Julian Date at the start of the observation
(time shutter opens)
exptime : `float`
Total exposure time of the visit (seconds)
band : `str`
The band used. Should be one of u, g, r, i, z, y.
filter : `str`
The physical filter name.
rotSkyPos : `float`
The rotation angle of the camera relative to the sky E of N
(Radians). Will be ignored if rotTelPos is finite.
If rotSkyPos is set to NaN, rotSkyPos_desired is used.
rotTelPos : `float`
The rotation angle of the camera relative to the telescope
(radians). Set to np.nan to force rotSkyPos to be used.
rotSkyPos_desired : `float`
If both rotSkyPos and rotTelPos are None/NaN, then
rotSkyPos_desired (radians) is used. If rotSkyPos_desired
results in a valid rotTelPos, rotSkyPos is set to
rotSkyPos_desired. If rotSkyPos and rotTelPos are both NaN,
and rotSkyPos_desired results in an out of range value for the
camera rotator, then rotTelPos_backup is used.
rotTelPos_backup : `float`
Rotation angle of the camera relative to the telescope (radians).
Only used as a last resort if rotSkyPos and rotTelPos are set
to NaN and rotSkyPos_desired results in an out of range rotator
nexp : `int`
Number of exposures in the visit.
flush_by_mjd : `float`
If we hit this MJD, we should flush the queue and refill it.
scheduler_note : `str` (optional)
Usually good to set the note field so one knows which survey
object generated the observation.
target_name : `str` (optional)
A note about what target is being observed.
This maps to target_name in the ConsDB.
Generally would be used to identify DD, ToO or special targets.
science_program : `str` (optional)
Science program being executed.
This maps to science_program in the ConsDB, although can
be overwritten in JSON BLOCK.
Generally would be used to identify a particular program for DM.
observation_reason : `str` (optional)
General 'reason' for observation, for DM purposes.
(for scheduler purposes, use `scheduler_note`).
This maps to observation_reason in the ConsDB, although could
be overwritten in JSON BLOCK.
Most likely this is just "science" or "FBS" when using the FBS.
On the camera rotator angle. Order of priority goes:
rotTelPos > rotSkyPos > rotSkyPos_desired > rotTelPos_backup
where if rotTelPos is NaN, it checks rotSkyPos. If rotSkyPos is set,
but not at an accessible rotTelPos, the observation will fail.
If rotSkyPos is NaN, then rotSkyPos_desired is used. If
rotSkyPos_desired is at an inaccessbile rotTelPos, the observation
does not fail, but falls back to the value in rotTelPos_backup.
Lots of additional fields that get filled in by the model observatory
when the observation is completed.
See documentation at:
def __new__(cls, n=1):
dtypes = [
("ID", int),
("RA", float),
("dec", float),
("mjd", float),
("flush_by_mjd", float),
("exptime", float),
("band", "U40"),
("filter", "U40"),
("rotSkyPos", float),
("rotSkyPos_desired", float),
("nexp", int),
("airmass", float),
("FWHM_500", float),
("FWHMeff", float),
("FWHM_geometric", float),
("skybrightness", float),
("night", int),
("slewtime", float),
("visittime", float),
("slewdist", float),
("fivesigmadepth", float),
("alt", float),
("az", float),
("pa", float),
("pseudo_pa", float),
("clouds", float),
("moonAlt", float),
("sunAlt", float),
("scheduler_note", "U40"),
("target_name", "U40"),
("target_id", int),
("lmst", float),
("rotTelPos", float),
("rotTelPos_backup", float),
("moonAz", float),
("sunAz", float),
("sunRA", float),
("sunDec", float),
("moonRA", float),
("moonDec", float),
("moonDist", float),
("solarElong", float),
("moonPhase", float),
("cummTelAz", float),
("observation_reason", "U40"),
("science_program", "U40"),
obj = np.zeros(n, dtype=dtypes).view(cls)
return obj
def tolist(self):
"""Convert to a list of 1-element arrays"""
obs_list = []
for obs in self:
new_obs = self.__class__(n=1)
new_obs[0] = obs
return obs_list
def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs):
# If we want "standard numpy behavior",
# convert any ObservationArray to ndarray views
if func not in HANDLED_FUNCTIONS:
new_args = []
for arg in args:
if issubclass(arg.__class__, ObservationArray):
return func(*new_args, **kwargs)
if not all(issubclass(t, ObservationArray) for t in types):
return NotImplemented
return HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[func](*args, **kwargs)
def implements(numpy_function):
def decorator(func):
HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[numpy_function] = func
return func
return decorator
def concatenate(arrays):
result = arrays[0].__class__(n=sum(len(a) for a in arrays))
return np.concatenate([np.asarray(a) for a in arrays], out=result)
class ScheduledObservationArray(ObservationArray):
"""Make an array to hold pre-scheduling observations
mjd_tol : `float`
The tolerance on how early an observation can execute (days).
Observation will be considered valid to attempt
when mjd-mjd_tol < current MJD < flush_by_mjd (and other
conditions below pass)
dist_tol : `float`
The angular distance an observation can be away from the
specified RA,Dec and still count as completing the observation
alt_min : `float`
The minimum altitude to consider executing the observation
alt_max : `float`
The maximuim altitude to try observing (radians).
HA_max : `float`
Hour angle limit. Constraint is such that for hour angle
running from 0 to 24 hours, the target RA,Dec must be greather
than HA_max and less than HA_min. Set HA_max to 0 for no
limit. (hours)
HA_min : `float`
Hour angle limit. Constraint is such that for hour angle
running from 0 to 24 hours, the target RA,Dec must be greather
than HA_max and less than HA_min. Set HA_min to 24 for
no limit. (hours)
sun_alt_max : `float`
The sun must be below sun_alt_max to execute. (radians)
moon_min_distance : `float`
The minimum distance to demand the moon should be away (radians)
observed : `bool`
If set to True, scheduler will probably consider this a
completed observation and never attempt it.
def __new__(cls, n=1):
# Standard things from the usual observations
dtypes1 = [
("ID", int),
("RA", float),
("dec", float),
("mjd", float),
("flush_by_mjd", float),
("exptime", float),
("band", "U1"),
("rotSkyPos", float),
("rotTelPos", float),
("rotTelPos_backup", float),
("rotSkyPos_desired", float),
("nexp", int),
("scheduler_note", "U40"),
("target_name", "U40"),
("science_program", "U40"),
("observation_reason", "U40"),
# New things not in standard ObservationArray
dtype2 = [
("mjd_tol", float),
("dist_tol", float),
("alt_min", float),
("alt_max", float),
("HA_max", float),
("HA_min", float),
("sun_alt_max", float),
("moon_min_distance", float),
("observed", bool),
obj = np.zeros(n, dtype=dtypes1 + dtype2).view(cls)
return obj
def to_observation_array(self):
"""Convert the scheduled observation to a
Regular ObservationArray
result = ObservationArray(n=self.size)
in_common = np.intersect1d(self.dtype.names, result.dtype.names)
for key in in_common:
result[key] = self[key]
return result