Source code for rubin_scheduler.site_models.almanac

__all__ = ("Almanac",)

import datetime
import os

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from import get_data_dir

[docs] class Almanac: """Class to load and return pre-computed information about the LSST site.""" def __init__(self, mjd_start=None, kind="quadratic"): # Load up the sunrise/sunset times data_dir = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "site_models") temp = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, "sunsets.npz")) self.sunsets = temp["almanac"].copy() temp.close() if mjd_start is not None: loc = np.searchsorted(self.sunsets["sunset"], mjd_start) # Set the start MJD to be night 1. self.sunsets["night"] -= self.sunsets["night"][loc - 1] # Load the sun and moon positions temp = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, "sun_moon.npz")) self.sun_moon = temp["sun_moon_info"].copy() temp.close() self.interpolators = { "sun_alt": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], self.sun_moon["sun_alt"], kind=kind), "sun_az_x": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], np.cos(self.sun_moon["sun_az"]), kind=kind), "sun_az_y": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], np.sin(self.sun_moon["sun_az"]), kind=kind), "sun_RA_x": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], np.cos(self.sun_moon["sun_RA"]), kind=kind), "sun_RA_y": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], np.sin(self.sun_moon["sun_RA"]), kind=kind), "sun_dec": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], self.sun_moon["sun_dec"], kind=kind), "moon_alt": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], self.sun_moon["moon_alt"], kind=kind), "moon_az_x": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], np.cos(self.sun_moon["moon_az"]), kind=kind), "moon_az_y": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], np.sin(self.sun_moon["moon_az"]), kind=kind), "moon_RA_x": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], np.cos(self.sun_moon["moon_RA"]), kind=kind), "moon_RA_y": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], np.sin(self.sun_moon["moon_RA"]), kind=kind), "moon_dec": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], self.sun_moon["moon_dec"], kind=kind), "moon_phase": interp1d(self.sun_moon["mjd"], self.sun_moon["moon_phase"], kind=kind), } temp = np.load(os.path.join(data_dir, "planet_locations.npz")) self.planet_loc = temp["planet_loc"].copy() temp.close() self.planet_names = ["venus", "mars", "jupiter", "saturn"] self.planet_interpolators = {} for pn in self.planet_names: self.planet_interpolators[pn + "_RA_x"] = interp1d( self.planet_loc["mjd"], np.cos(self.planet_loc[pn + "_RA"]), kind=kind ) self.planet_interpolators[pn + "_RA_y"] = interp1d( self.planet_loc["mjd"], np.sin(self.planet_loc[pn + "_RA"]), kind=kind ) self.planet_interpolators[pn + "_dec"] = interp1d( self.planet_loc["mjd"], self.planet_loc[pn + "_dec"], kind=kind ) def get_planet_positions(self, mjd): result = {} for pn in self.planet_names: result[pn + "_dec"] = self.planet_interpolators[pn + "_dec"](mjd) temp_result = np.array( [ np.arctan2( self.planet_interpolators[pn + "_RA_y"](mjd), self.planet_interpolators[pn + "_RA_x"](mjd), ) ] ).ravel() negative_angles = np.where(temp_result < 0.0)[0] temp_result[negative_angles] = 2.0 * np.pi + temp_result[negative_angles] result[pn + "_RA"] = temp_result return result
[docs] def get_sunset_info(self, mjd=None, evening_date=None, longitude=None): """Returns a numpy array with mjds for various events (sunset, moonrise, sun at -12 degrees alt, etc.). Parameters ---------- mjd : `float` A UTC MJD that occurs during the desired night. Defaults to None. evening_date : `str` or `` The local date of the evening of the night whose index is desired, in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). Defaults to None. longitude : `float` or `astropy.coordinates.angles.core.Angle` If a float, then the value is interpreted as being in radians. Defaults to None. Returns ------- sunset_info : `numpy.void` A numpy object with dtype([ ('night', '<i8'), ('sunset', '<f8'), ('sun_n12_setting', '<f8'), ('sun_n18_setting', '<f8'), ('sun_n18_rising', '<f8'), ('sun_n12_rising', '<f8'), ('sunrise', '<f8'), ('moonrise', '<f8'), ('moonset', '<f8') ]) """ if mjd is not None and evening_date is not None: raise ValueError("At most one of mjd and evening_date can be set") # Default to now if mjd is None and evening_date is None: mjd = 40587 + / (24 * 60 * 60) if mjd is not None: indx = np.searchsorted(self.sunsets["sunset"], mjd, side="right") - 1 elif evening_date is not None: if longitude is None: raise ValueError("If evening_date is set, longitude is needed as well") indx = self.index_for_local_evening(evening_date, longitude) return self.sunsets[indx]
def mjd_indx(self, mjd): indx = np.searchsorted(self.sunsets["sunset"], mjd, side="right") - 1 return indx
[docs] def index_for_local_evening(self, evening_date, longitude): """The index of the night with sunset at a given local date. Parameters ---------- evening_date : `str` or `` The local date of the evening of the night whose index i desired, in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). longitude : `float` or `astropy.coordinates.angles.core.Angle` If a float, then the value is interpreted as being in radians. Returns ------- night_index : `int` The index of the requested night. """ try: longitude = longitude.radian except AttributeError: pass if isinstance(evening_date, str): evening_date = evening_datetime = datetime.datetime(evening_date.year, evening_date.month, evening_mjd = np.floor(evening_datetime.timestamp() / (24 * 60 * 60) + 40587) # Depending on the time of year, the UTC date rollover might not # always be on the same side of local sunset. Shift by the # longitude to make sure the rollover is always near midnight, # far from sunset. matching_nights = np.argwhere( np.floor(self.sunsets["sunset"] + longitude / (2 * np.pi)) == evening_mjd ) if len(matching_nights) < 1: raise ValueError(f"Requested night {evening_date} outside of almanac date range") night_index = matching_nights.item() return night_index
[docs] def get_sun_moon_positions(self, mjd): """ All angles in Radians. moonPhase between 0 and 100. """ simple_calls = ["sun_alt", "sun_dec", "moon_alt", "moon_dec", "moon_phase"] result = {} for key in simple_calls: result[key] = self.interpolators[key](mjd) longitude_calls = ["sun_az", "moon_az", "sun_RA", "moon_RA"] for key in longitude_calls: # Need to wrap in case sent a scalar temp_result = np.array( [ np.arctan2( self.interpolators[key + "_y"](mjd), self.interpolators[key + "_x"](mjd), ) ] ).ravel() negative_angles = np.where(temp_result < 0.0)[0] temp_result[negative_angles] = 2.0 * np.pi + temp_result[negative_angles] result[key] = temp_result return result