Source code for rubin_scheduler.site_models.seeing_model

__all__ = ("SeeingModel",)

import warnings

import numpy as np

from rubin_scheduler.utils import SysEngVals

[docs] class SeeingModel: """LSST FWHM calculations for FWHM_effective and FWHM_geometric. Calculations of the delivered values are based on equations in Document-20160 ("Atmospheric and Delivered Image Quality in OpSim" by Bo Xin, George Angeli, Zeljko Ivezic) An example of the calculation of delivered image seeing from DIMM FWHM_500 is available in #calculating-m5-values-in-the-lsst-operations-simulator Parameters ---------- band_list : `list` [`str`], opt List of the band bandpasses for which to calculate delivered FWHM_effective and FWHM_geometric Default ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'] eff_wavelens : `list` [`float`] or None, opt Effective wavelengths for those bandpasses, in nanometers. If None, loades from rubin_scheduler.utils.SysEngVals telescope_seeing : `float`, opt The contribution to the delivered FWHM from the telescope, in arcseconds. Default 0.25" optical_design_seeing : `float`, opt The contribution to the seeing from the optical design, in arcseconds. Default 0.08 arcseconds camera_seeing : `float`, opt The contribution to the seeing from the camera, in arcseconds. Default 0.30 arcseconds raw_seeing_wavelength : `float`, opt The wavelength of the DIMM-delivered equivalent FWHM, in nanometers. Default 500nm. efd_seeing : `str`, opt The name of the DIMM FWHM measurements in the efd / conditions object. Default `FWHM_500` filter_list : `list` [`str`], opt Deprecated version of band_list """ def __init__( self, band_list=["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"], eff_wavelens=None, telescope_seeing=0.25, optical_design_seeing=0.08, camera_seeing=0.30, raw_seeing_wavelength=500, efd_seeing="FWHM_500", filter_list=None, ): if filter_list is not None: warnings.warn("filter_list deprecated in favor of band_list", FutureWarning) band_list = filter_list self.band_list = band_list # Setting self.filter_list for backward compatibility with ts_scheduler self.filter_list = band_list if eff_wavelens is None: sev = SysEngVals() eff_wavelens = [sev.eff_wavelengths[f] for f in band_list] self.eff_wavelens = np.array(eff_wavelens) self.telescope_seeing = telescope_seeing self.optical_design_seeing = optical_design_seeing self.raw_seeing_wavelength = raw_seeing_wavelength self.efd_seeing = efd_seeing self.camera_seeing = camera_seeing self._set_fwhm_zenith_system()
[docs] def configure(self): """Deprecated. Configure through the init method.""" warnings.warn("the configure method is deprecated")
[docs] def config_info(self): """Deprecated. Report configuration parameters and version information.""" warnings.warn("the config_info method is deprecated.")
def _set_fwhm_zenith_system(self): """Calculate the system contribution to FWHM at zenith. This is simply the individual telescope, optics, and camera contributions combined in quadrature. """ self.fwhm_system_zenith = np.sqrt( self.telescope_seeing**2 + self.optical_design_seeing**2 + self.camera_seeing**2 )
[docs] def __call__(self, fwhm_z, airmass): """Calculate the seeing values FWHM_eff and FWHM_geom at the given airmasses, for the specified effective wavelengths, given FWHM_zenith (typically FWHM_500). FWHM_geom represents the geometric size of the PSF; FWHM_eff represents the FWHM of a single gaussian which encloses the same number of pixels as N_eff (the number of pixels enclosed in the actual PSF -- this is the value to use when calculating SNR). FWHM_geom(") = 0.822 * FWHM_eff(") + 0.052" The FWHM_eff includes a contribution from the system and from the atmosphere. Both of these are expected to scale with airmass^0.6 and with (500(nm)/wavelength(nm))^0.3. FWHM_eff = 1.16 * sqrt(FWHM_sys**2 + 1.04*FWHM_atm**2) Parameters ---------- fwhm_z: `float`, or efdData `dict` FWHM at zenith (arcsec). airmass: `float`, `np.array`, or targetDict `dict` Airmass (unitless). Returns ------- FWHMeff, FWHMGeom : `dict` of {`numpy.ndarray`, `numpy.ndarray`} FWHMeff, FWHMgeom: both are the same shape numpy.ndarray. If airmass is a single value, FWHMeff & FWHMgeom are 1-d arrays, with the same order as eff_wavelen (i.e. eff_wavelen[0] = u, then FWHMeff[0] = u). If airmass is a numpy array, FWHMeff and FWHMgeom are 2-d arrays, in the order of <band><airmass> (i.e. eff_wavelen[0] = u, 1-d array over airmass range). """ if isinstance(fwhm_z, dict): fwhm_z = fwhm_z[self.efd_seeing] if isinstance(airmass, dict): airmass = airmass["airmass"] airmass_correction = np.power(airmass, 0.6) wavelen_correction = np.power(self.raw_seeing_wavelength / self.eff_wavelens, 0.3) if isinstance(airmass, np.ndarray): fwhm_system = self.fwhm_system_zenith * np.outer( np.ones(len(wavelen_correction)), airmass_correction ) fwhm_atmo = fwhm_z * np.outer(wavelen_correction, airmass_correction) else: fwhm_system = self.fwhm_system_zenith * airmass_correction fwhm_atmo = fwhm_z * wavelen_correction * airmass_correction # Calculate combined FWHMeff. fwhm_eff = 1.16 * np.sqrt(fwhm_system**2 + 1.04 * fwhm_atmo**2) # Translate to FWHMgeom. fwhm_geom = self.fwhm_eff_to_fwhm_geom(fwhm_eff) return {"fwhmEff": fwhm_eff, "fwhmGeom": fwhm_geom}
[docs] @staticmethod def fwhm_eff_to_fwhm_geom(fwhm_eff): """Calculate FWHM_geom from FWHM_eff. Parameters ---------- fwhm_eff : `float` or `np.ndarray` Returns ------- FWHM_geom : `float` or `np.ndarray` """ return 0.822 * fwhm_eff + 0.052
[docs] @staticmethod def fwhm_geom_to_fwhm_eff(fwhm_geom): """Calculate FWHM_eff from FWHM_geom. Parameters ---------- fwhm_geom : `float` or `np.ndarray` Returns ------- FWHM_eff : `float` or `np.ndarray` """ return (fwhm_geom - 0.052) / 0.822