Source code for rubin_scheduler.site_models.unscheduled_downtime_data

__all__ = ("UnscheduledDowntimeData", "UnscheduledDowntimeMoreY1Data")

import random

import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta

from . import Almanac

[docs] class UnscheduledDowntimeData: """Handle (and create) the unscheduled downtime information. Parameters ---------- start_time : `astropy.time.Time` The time of the start of the simulation. The cloud database will be assumed to start on Jan 01 of the same year. seed : `int`, optional The random seed for creating the random nights of unscheduled downtime. Default 1516231120. start_of_night_offset : `float`, optional The fraction of a day to offset from MJD.0 to reach the defined start of a night ('noon' works). Default 0.16 (UTC midnight in Chile) - 0.5 (minus half a day) = -0.34 survey_length : `int`, optional The number of nights in the total survey. Default 3650*2. """ MINOR_EVENT = {"P": 0.0137, "length": 1, "level": "minor event"} INTERMEDIATE_EVENT = {"P": 0.00548, "length": 3, "level": "intermediate event"} MAJOR_EVENT = {"P": 0.00137, "length": 7, "level": "major event"} CATASTROPHIC_EVENT = {"P": 0.000274, "length": 14, "level": "catastrophic event"} def __init__( self, start_time, seed=1516231120, start_of_night_offset=-0.34, survey_length=3650 * 2, ): self.seed = seed self.survey_length = survey_length self.start_of_night_offset = start_of_night_offset year_start = start_time.datetime.year self.night0 = Time("%d-01-01" % year_start, format="isot", scale="tai") + TimeDelta( start_of_night_offset, format="jd" ) self.start_time = start_time # Scheduled downtime data is a np.ndarray of start # / end / activity for each scheduled downtime. self.downtime = None self.make_data()
[docs] def __call__(self): """Return the array of unscheduled downtimes. Parameters ---------- time : `astropy.time.Time` Time in the simulation for which to find the current downtime. Returns ------- downtime : `np.ndarray` The array of all unscheduled downtimes, with keys for 'start', 'end', 'activity', corresponding to `astropy.time.Time`, `astropy.time.Time`, and `str`. """ return self.downtime
def _downtime_status(self, time): """Look behind the scenes at the downtime status/next values""" next_start = self.downtime["start"].searchsorted(time, side="right") next_end = self.downtime["end"].searchsorted(time, side="right") if next_start > next_end: current = self.downtime[next_end] else: current = None future = self.downtime[next_start:] return current, future
[docs] def make_data(self): """Configure the set of unscheduled downtimes. This function creates the unscheduled downtimes based on a set of probabilities of the downtime type occurance. The random downtime is calculated using the following probabilities: minor event : remainder of night and next day = 5/365 days e.g. power supply failure intermediate : 3 nights = 2/365 days e.g. repair band mechanism, rotator, hexapod, or shutter major event : 7 nights = 1/2*365 days catastrophic event : 14 nights = 1/3650 days e.g. replace a raft """ random.seed(self.seed) starts = [] ends = [] acts = [] night = 0 while night < self.survey_length: prob = random.random() if prob < self.CATASTROPHIC_EVENT["P"]: start_night = self.night0 + TimeDelta(night, format="jd") starts.append(start_night) end_night = start_night + TimeDelta(self.CATASTROPHIC_EVENT["length"], format="jd") ends.append(end_night) acts.append(self.CATASTROPHIC_EVENT["level"]) night += self.CATASTROPHIC_EVENT["length"] + 1 continue else: prob = random.random() if prob < self.MAJOR_EVENT["P"]: start_night = self.night0 + TimeDelta(night, format="jd") starts.append(start_night) end_night = start_night + TimeDelta(self.MAJOR_EVENT["length"], format="jd") ends.append(end_night) acts.append(self.MAJOR_EVENT["level"]) night += self.MAJOR_EVENT["length"] + 1 continue else: prob = random.random() if prob < self.INTERMEDIATE_EVENT["P"]: start_night = self.night0 + TimeDelta(night, format="jd") starts.append(start_night) end_night = start_night + TimeDelta(self.INTERMEDIATE_EVENT["length"], format="jd") ends.append(end_night) acts.append(self.INTERMEDIATE_EVENT["level"]) night += self.INTERMEDIATE_EVENT["length"] + 1 continue else: prob = random.random() if prob < self.MINOR_EVENT["P"]: start_night = self.night0 + TimeDelta(night, format="jd") starts.append(start_night) end_night = start_night + TimeDelta(self.MINOR_EVENT["length"], format="jd") ends.append(end_night) acts.append(self.MINOR_EVENT["level"]) night += self.MINOR_EVENT["length"] + 1 night += 1 self.downtime = np.array( list(zip(starts, ends, acts)), dtype=[("start", "O"), ("end", "O"), ("activity", "O")], )
[docs] def total_downtime(self): """Return total downtime (in days). Returns ------- total : `int` Total number of downtime days. """ total = 0 for td in self.downtime["end"] - self.downtime["start"]: total += td.jd return total
[docs] class UnscheduledDowntimeMoreY1Data(UnscheduledDowntimeData): def calc_sunrise_sets(self): """ """ almanac = Almanac(mjd_start=self.start_time.mjd) year1_sunsets = np.where( (almanac.sunsets["night"] >= 0) & (almanac.sunsets["night"] < self.survey_length) ) self.sunsets = almanac.sunsets[year1_sunsets]["sun_n12_setting"] self.sunrises = almanac.sunsets[year1_sunsets]["sun_n12_rising"]
[docs] def make_data(self, end_of_start=380): """Configure the set of unscheduled downtimes. This function creates the unscheduled downtimes based on a set of probabilities of the downtime type occurance. The random downtime is calculated using the following probabilities: minor event : remainder of night and next day = 5/365 days e.g. power supply failure intermediate : 3 nights = 2/365 days e.g. repair band mechanism, rotator, hexapod, or shutter major event : 7 nights = 1/2*365 days catastrophic event : 14 nights = 1/3650 days e.g. replace a raft """ self.calc_sunrise_sets() self.rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=self.seed) starts = [] ends = [] acts = [] night_counted = np.zeros(len(self.sunsets)) for night, (sunset, sunrise) in enumerate(zip(self.sunsets, self.sunrises)): prob = self.rng.random() hours_in_night = (sunrise - sunset) * 24.0 if night_counted[night] == 1: continue if night < end_of_start: # Estimate a threshold probability of having some downtime # 50% at start, dropping until end_of_start, where it # should be .. 5%? nightly_threshold = 0.5 * (1 - night / (end_of_start + 45)) if prob <= nightly_threshold: # Generate an estimate of how long the downtime should be prob_time = self.rng.gumbel(loc=1, scale=6, size=1)[0] if prob_time >= hours_in_night: prob_time = hours_in_night if prob_time <= 1: prob_time = 1.0 # And generate a starting time during the night for # this event tmax = hours_in_night - prob_time if tmax <= 0: starts.append(Time(sunset, format="mjd", scale="utc")) ends.append(Time(sunrise, format="mjd", scale="utc")) acts.append("Year1 Eng") else: offset = self.rng.uniform(low=sunset, high=sunset + tmax / 24.0) starts.append(Time(offset, format="mjd", scale="utc")) ends.append(Time(offset + prob_time / 24.0, format="mjd", scale="utc")) acts.append("Year1 Eng") night_counted[night] = 1 continue self.downtime = np.array( list(zip(starts, ends, acts)), dtype=[("start", "O"), ("end", "O"), ("activity", "O")], ) regular_downtime = UnscheduledDowntimeData( start_time=self.start_time, seed=self.seed, start_of_night_offset=self.start_of_night_offset, survey_length=self.survey_length, ) reg_dt = regular_downtime() self.downtime = np.concatenate([self.downtime, reg_dt]) mjds = [row["start"].mjd for row in self.downtime] order = np.argsort(mjds) self.downtime = self.downtime[order]